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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

if you meet any real person using that argument point them out to this: everyday medicine tested on human foetus lines
When Pasteur started to come out with his discoveries about bacteria, were there people like this going on about "pah, it's all bullshit, it's all about the humours. Pass me that brace and bit, and I'll try a bit of trepanning, and maybe I'll dig out a leech or two, special offer on leechings at the moment."?
See Ignaz Semmelweis who first suggested hand washing in child birth settings and the backlash that came from it
Was watching The President's Analyst (1967) - not a particularly great film but this scene is kind of funny as an early premonition of "inject the population with 5G microchips" conspiracy theory stuff.
The Kaiser Chiefs have wound up the anti-vax nuts without needing to try very hard.

He said: "Let me hear if you've had the Pfizer vaccine. Let me hear it for Moderna. AstraZeneca."
After each type of vaccinate was announced, the crowd responded with cheers.
Then, Ricky said "let's hear it for the anti-vaxxers," which the crowd booed at.
He has since faced backlash on Twitter with a torrent of messages aimed at the band for using their slot to promote the vaccines, with many of the angry responses containing misinformation about the vaccines.
The comments...

"Who funds the Kaiser Chiefs?" Erm... they do with their music sales?

Yeah, I'm all for knowing that there are complicated reasons, histories, and personal specific incidents that make people think the things they do, but it's hard not to read the comments on something like that and think that the overwhelming reason is that lots of them are just stunningly stupid and gullible.
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it's hard not to read the comments on something like that and think that the overwhelming reason is that lots of them are just stunningly stupid and gullible.
I’ve reluctantly come to regard a large section of the UK population as simply stupid - based on the “I would rather be the potential cause of an elderly or vulnerable person’s death than have to wear a piece of cloth over my face for 15 minutes”. Also “masks are ineffective, I read it somewhere, I think Eamonn Holmes said so” and “masks protect the wearer and I am in good health so don’t need to wear one”.

These are demonstrations of stupidity (and selfishness).

I hate to think this way, and I never did before, but these days, travelling on public transport induces an inward rage and loathing for such people. It’s not good.
"Who funds the Kaiser Chiefs?" Erm... they do with their music sales?

Yeah, I'm all for knowing that there are complicated reasons, histories, and personal specific incidents that make people think the things they do, but it's hard not to read the comments on something like that and think that the overwhelming reason is that lots of them are just stunning stupid and gullible.
I’ve reluctantly come to regard a large section of the UK population as simply stupid - based on the “I would rather be the potential cause of an elderly or vulnerable person’s death than have to wear a piece of cloth over my face for 15 minutes”. Also “masks are ineffective, I read it somewhere, I think Eamonn Holmes said so” and “masks protect the wearer and I am in good health so don’t need to wear one”.

These are demonstrations of stupidity (and selfishness).

I hate to think this way, and I never did before, but these days, travelling on public transport induces an inward rage and loathing for such people. It’s not good.
For me it's not the stupidity. I'm dumb as fuck in the main about a lot of things. It's the self belief, lack of doubt. I know enough to not do what huge industries of science are advising me to do. Fuck them, with their centuries of careful research. I know enough to discount it ALL.

Thats why there's always been a scramble to link narcissim and anti social traits to these kind of movements.
For me it's not the stupidity. I'm dumb as fuck in the main about a lot of things. It's the self belief, lack of doubt. I know enough to not do what huge industries of science are advising me to do. Fuck them, with their centuries of careful research. I know enough to discount it ALL.

Thats why there's always been a scramble to link narcissim and anti social traits to these kind of movements.
Well I may be wrong about the mass stupidity. A large part of it, I’m sure, is selfishness, the lack of any sense of belonging to a community. I guess that was always there - littering, fly-tipping, parking in front of someone’s driveway etc
There's different things going on here though isn't there. The majority of the people you see who maybe aren't wearing a mask when they should or not social distancing or whatever aren't hardcore anti-vaxxers who are marching round comparing themselves to Holocaust victims. Most of them have probably been vaccinated and will have done the right thing to various degrees over the last 18 months but find ways of justifying their behaviours to themselves, consistently or not. And TBH most people probably sit somewhere on that scale if you're not locking yourself away. The 'freedom' loon element is much smaller.
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