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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

If you check the usual places the interesting thing is that they all scream that the vaxx is evil and they won't take it. But that's it.

But none of them really say why. So there is actually no central core of beliefs. So they are likely having private beliefs that contradict the previous poster's private beliefs, but they haven't got the insight or whatever to realise that they are all negating each other because they can't all be right. It's a lurid display of collective insanity and I don't say that lightly. Especially when there is so many of them collecting togethe.
I’m seeing the US anti-vax crowd constantly calling it an ‘experimental vaccine’. That seems to be their line on it.
Schools have received a warning.

Headteachers have been put on notice for vaccine protests at the school gates after ministers confirmed children aged 12 to 15 will be offered a first jab from next week.

New guidance from the UK Health Security Agency says schools should call in the police to help manage any disorder from angry parents and campaigners.

Health officials at the agency say they are aware some schools have been receiving campaign letters and emails with "misinformation" about the vaccine programme and it knows of schools seeking advice ahead of expected protests.
Three million youngsters across the UK will be eligible for the new under-16s jab rollout, and the programme is expected to be delivered primarily within schools.

Teachers are told in the guidance to get in touch with the School Age Immunisation Service team at the "first opportunity" to understand "what security planning they have in place".

They should “not engage directly" with misinformation campaigns about the vaccine, but should "acknowledge receipt of concerns" and "refer to the latest scientific guidance on the issue" if needed.

Just more shit for schools' to deal with. :(

From the Telegraph live.
Schools have received a warning.

Just more shit for schools' to deal with. :(

From the Telegraph live.

I never thought I'd see the Wail or the Diana overtaken in the loon stakes, but the Torygraph is clearly read almost entirely by full-on anti-vax Qanon Trumpers. Their cricket coverage must be REALLY good if they're all still paying for it
Just found this hilarious piece:
antivaxxers massively fail to shut london traffic
"The group asked participants to push the traffic light buttons at the same time in an attempt to "bring London to a stand still."

I have no words, but I laughed.
I do wonder if this protest was set up by a troll who knew exactly how the traffic lights worked but just wanted a belly laugh at minions dutifully obeying their instruction. Could be a fun new game, maybe next week we could suggest they bring London to a standstill by flagging down tube trains to make them stop at every station.
I do wonder if this protest was set up by a troll who knew exactly how the traffic lights worked but just wanted a belly laugh at minions dutifully obeying their instruction. Could be a fun new game, maybe next week we could suggest they bring London to a standstill by flagging down tube trains to make them stop at every station.
this is your new science class project
full report expected
Were there always this many stupid, selfish people in the (Western) world?

Now I'm back to commuting into work I am finding it depressing and anger-making seeing how many fellow commuters aren't wearing masks, one twat coughing repeatedly in our Tube carriage yesterday. I didn't usually travel in a rage but it's becoming a constant now.
And as for these filth wearing yellow stars and comparing themselves to the anti-Nazi resistance... words fail me.
Until recently, Bristol's buses (First) were showing "wear mask" LED signs, but now the bus stops are a key health hazard for me on the way to and from the park and I always cross the street to avoid crowded ones and pointedly mask up and walk in the road if I can.
It was always a bit grim actually waiting for buses because of the smokers...

I'm always amazed if I see anyone wearing a mask in the pickle shop.
Were there always this many stupid, selfish people in the (Western) world?

Now I'm back to commuting into work I am finding it depressing and anger-making seeing how many fellow commuters aren't wearing masks, one twat coughing repeatedly in our Tube carriage yesterday. I didn't usually travel in a rage but it's becoming a constant now.
And as for these filth wearing yellow stars and comparing themselves to the anti-Nazi resistance... words fail me.
ah yes, look around any carriage these days and there's some "no no one is the boss of me" dead-eyed anti social, surrounded by the elderly etc . or the ripped narcissist who is "too healthy to get it". or the crusty wellness wanker whose chakras will fight it off. i am sure there's exemptions, people think it's over, etc. but some just don't give a fuck, have never given a fuck, trusting their own thoughts entirely. it's a handy marker actually for the future - it'll be soon clear who didn't really give a fuck and i can choose to avoid them, like i would choose to avoid people who do 70 in 30mph zones - the two are really pretty much teh same.
Were there always this many stupid, selfish people in the (Western) world?
Of course there were. Things didn't suddenly get this way, it's been growing for decades, if not centuries. I'm even tempted to say that this kind of "not the boss of me" individualism is about the most British thing ever, except I'm sure it's as bad elsewhere and we can't necessarily claim it as our own.
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the thing is there's too many of them now to get angry. i think people have just given up generally. and hopefully we are on our way out. i am sure many will mask up etc if things properly lock down again.
Yes at the start I got into a couple of altercations with non mask wearers, but stopped when I realised that I’d be doing it every time I went out anywhere ☹️
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