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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Just confirmed - booster jabs for everyone over 50, minimum 6 month gap between 2nd & 3rd doses, roll-out starting next week.
Huzzah ! Me please - and yunno, I'll be happy to produce a piece of card to prove it, hell I'd even wear a badge, and I won't call myself a Holocaust victim.

e2a: To everyone who replied above, I agree soundly with you but can't bring myself to 'like' your posts. I know you understand :D
To my mind, the real victims of this plaque are the innocent people who have been infected by these anti-mask & anti-vaxx covidiots, and have gone on to need hospital treatment, get long covid or even worse, die.
Indeed. Again I can't like your post. Piece in today's Guardian about anti-vaxxers who have regretted their position, makes me very sad.
Indeed. Again I can't like your post. Piece in today's Guardian about anti-vaxxers who have regretted their position, makes me very sad.

This one?

Think it's clear sterns position

"We have no time for idiots in this country anymore. We don’t want you. We want you to all either go the hospital, and stay home, die there with your Covid. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your Covid when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late. Go f*** yourself, we just don’t have time for you.”
Think it's clear sterns position

"We have no time for idiots in this country anymore. We don’t want you. We want you to all either go the hospital, and stay home, die there with your Covid. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your Covid when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late. Go f*** yourself, we just don’t have time for you.”
This is part of my job at the moment :rolleyes:

The official government/council orders are that me and my staff should 'empathise' with these people.

I am way past that now. Having dealt with assault, death threats and harassment for months my rule is to fuck them the fuck off quickly.

My guess is any complaints came from these cunts then it is my word against theirs. I feel fairly confident that my explanation of the events are better than the selfish, angry, lying nutcases who shout at my staff.
This one?

By the way, the descriptions of proportion of unvaccinated hospitalised cases in those sorts of articles tend to give a misleading impression by virtue of being out of date.

For example SAGE meeting minutes for a meeting held earlier this month includes:

For patients admitted after 16 June 2021 (by which time vaccination rates in adults were high) the majority of patients had received two doses. This is to be expected, as SAGE has noted previously.

Thats from https://assets.publishing.service.g...t_data/file/1017296/S1360_SAGE_95_minutes.pdf
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I’m going to a party on Saturday, it will be the first time I’ve seen this group of friends since pre-covid. I’m curious if any of them have become anti-vax / covid hoax people as I don’t use social media!
What are the conspiracy anti-vaxxers saying about the booster doses being talked about? A new battery for the tracking chip? Some upgrade? Vaguely interested what the more lunatic fringe say as they must have had to create a story around it.
What are the conspiracy anti-vaxxers saying about the booster doses being talked about? A new battery for the tracking chip? Some upgrade? Vaguely interested what the more lunatic fringe say as they must have had to create a story around it.
take your pick from its engineered to cause DNA changes decreasing the IQ of a person, it will make men go infertile somehow, or the person will die in five years of taking it due to population control by the Bilderberg group. Plus David bloody Icke has a few more ideas.
If you check the usual places the interesting thing is that they all scream that the vaxx is evil and they won't take it. But that's it.

But none of them really say why. So there is actually no central core of beliefs. So they are likely having private beliefs that contradict the previous poster's private beliefs, but they haven't got the insight or whatever to realise that they are all negating each other because they can't all be right. It's a lurid display of collective insanity and I don't say that lightly. Especially when there is so many of them collecting together.
take your pick from its engineered to cause DNA changes decreasing the IQ of a person, it will make men go infertile somehow, or the person will die in five years of taking it due to population control by the Bilderberg group. Plus David bloody Icke has a few more ideas.

Yeah that's the vaccine generally. But what are they saying we are having a third dose for? Just more of the same, or some other whacked out idea?
I encounter some of the planet's worst trolls and anti-vaxxers in my futile attempt to get intelligent company on Paltalk and something that popped up recently was some sort of supposed addictive mechanism forcing everyone to having to get Pfizer topups every 6 months for life...
I encounter some of the planet's worst trolls and anti-vaxxers in my futile attempt to get intelligent company on Paltalk and something that popped up recently was some sort of supposed addictive mechanism forcing everyone to having to get Pfizer topups every 6 months for life...

That's the kind of crazy shit I was after, brilliant! ADDICTED TO PFIZER! :thumbs:
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