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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

another thing i dispise about these communities is how much they are hell bent on warfare against the media. their unsubtle thinking leads them to think that all mainstream media and all of its content is run by some evil cabal and that it all cannot be trusted (totally missing the point that some truly are run by evil cunts like Murdoch - but his is not hidden so doesn't count). so they just sneer and dismiss it all. the baby is well and truly thrown out with the bath water.

i was reminded of this when i was watching a documentary on the american mafia and they had throughout the programme an NY Post journalist who had spen 20 years studying and reporting on the mafia for and the police who are after them. he knew every story, every name. he had been on the court cases. had spent time with families of all involved. he knew current mafia trends, where they were strong or where they had declined. he knew mafia bosses to talk to, to go for coffee with.

now that's just the mafia beat. the "main stream media" has, or perhaps had, this sort of intelligence across all sorts of subject matter. can people not see the enormous value?

but Michael on Whatsapp doesn't care though, he is determined to make sure that distrust in media is absoloute and he won't rest until enough memes are out there that eventually no one will have a speck of trust in ANY of it. won't rest until the only source of news is grifters on youtube.

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killer cult. i have a feeling that if/when covid is distant news, they will move onto something else health wise. i think the genie is out of the bottle now and something in the alogrithym creates this scene. there will be marches, demos, etc all based on conspiratol thinking, with far right and some on the left involvement. as people have said, for a lot folk this is a religious movement rather than a politcal one. they "awaken" and it's happening all over the place.
That third bubble from the left is the title of that "rapper" that comes to Brixton and also seems to go around a lot harassing people.

My acquaintance who fell all the way down the rabbit hole used the word enlightened and illluminated which is when I realised it wasn't just him being annoyed at lockdowns and losing most of his income streams as a result.
He goes on every single march now, I don't think he ever went on a single march in the past though.
That third bubble from the left is the title of that "rapper" that comes to Brixton and also seems to go around a lot harassing people.

My acquaintance who fell all the way down the rabbit hole used the word enlightened and illluminated which is when I realised it wasn't just him being annoyed at lockdowns and losing most of his income streams as a result.
He goes on every single march now, I don't think he ever went on a single march in the past though.
yes, my mate teh same. lost. gone.
for a lot folk this is a religious movement rather than a politcal one. they "awaken" and it's happening all over the place.
Yep that's very true. You heard of Resistanc GB? They are all about this conspiraloon shit and seem to be in with so-called 'veterans'.

One of their videos is them at an anti-vaccine demo (I think) asking everyone if this is a 'spritual war'. They all said that it was and went into their feelings about it.

One of the people they interviewed was David Icke aswell.
I did not, until yesterday, believe that some people are genuinely comparing themselves with Holocaust victims. But I was wrong, a woman on a discussion group based on my home town, on Facebook, suggested that she and her family would be made to wear yellow stars because they're martyrs to freedom.

This has made me really quite dizzy. The only way I know how to argue is rationally but there is clearly no point, how to I argue such that she'd understand me ? I feel I should do something but I don't know what.
I did not, until yesterday, believe that some people are genuinely comparing themselves with Holocaust victims. But I was wrong, a woman on a discussion group based on my home town, on Facebook, suggested that she and her family would be made to wear yellow stars because they're martyrs to freedom.

This has made me really quite dizzy. The only way I know how to argue is rationally but there is clearly no point, how to I argue such that she'd understand me ? I feel I should do something but I don't know what.
I wouldn't bother.
I did not, until yesterday, believe that some people are genuinely comparing themselves with Holocaust victims. But I was wrong, a woman on a discussion group based on my home town, on Facebook, suggested that she and her family would be made to wear yellow stars because they're martyrs to freedom.

This has made me really quite dizzy. The only way I know how to argue is rationally but there is clearly no point, how to I argue such that she'd understand me ? I feel I should do something but I don't know what.
I might be tempted to point out how unpleasant their characterisation of their own suffering was compared to the fate of the Jews in Nazi Germany, and leave the conspiraloonery well alone. Then turn on your heel and make a brisk - and pointed - departure.
This has made me really quite dizzy. The only way I know how to argue is rationally but there is clearly no point, how to I argue such that she'd understand me ? I feel I should do something but I don't know what.

I might be tempted to point out how unpleasant their characterisation of their own suffering was compared to the fate of the Jews in Nazi Germany, and leave the conspiraloonery well alone. Then turn on your heel and make a brisk - and pointed - departure.

or say it with a well aimed brick
I did not, until yesterday, believe that some people are genuinely comparing themselves with Holocaust victims. But I was wrong, a woman on a discussion group based on my home town, on Facebook, suggested that she and her family would be made to wear yellow stars because they're martyrs to freedom.

This has made me really quite dizzy. The only way I know how to argue is rationally but there is clearly no point, how to I argue such that she'd understand me ? I feel I should do something but I don't know what.
Ask her what her body count is and leave it at that.
I did not, until yesterday, believe that some people are genuinely comparing themselves with Holocaust victims. But I was wrong, a woman on a discussion group based on my home town, on Facebook, suggested that she and her family would be made to wear yellow stars because they're martyrs to freedom.

This has made me really quite dizzy. The only way I know how to argue is rationally but there is clearly no point, how to I argue such that she'd understand me ? I feel I should do something but I don't know what.

I wouldn't bother.
can confirm this above post is the correct answer to the previous quoted one.

Luckily I wasn't visiting my mum this past weekend, there was a live one in the house being the sister in law of my mum's boyfriend, from my mum and sister's account it was tense, as the SIL kept shouting "you are all stupid" while her hubby kept apologising for her and my (81 yo) mum even lost it telling her to shut up and no mention it anymore once it wa obvious that reasoning with somone who doesn't listen does not work; I would have frogmarched the idiot out and gaffer taped up to the roadsurface.
NO rational discussion is possbile which is when my mum lost it.
The SIl has bought it all, chemtrails, 5G, vaccine magnetism, whatever you can come up with...

I'll keep social distancing and sharpening my knives in readiness for the evangelists.

Anti-vax protesters descend on Christleton High School in Chester - Cheshire Live

A group of about nine people went to Christleton High School on Monday (September 13) protesting about children in sixth form getting vaccinated, CheshireLive has been told. The group did not access the building and the students were kept secure, away from the protesters, some of whom were reportedly filming. There were also reports of the the group approaching students in the village in an attempt to 'harangue' them and 'engage them in debate'.
Can't share pic for some reason, but guy on LinkedIn sharing two tweets saying 'Ooh, a pandemic and not a single member of parliament has died, think about it' and a reply going 'And no one in the House of Lords either'

Gosh, a group of 950 wealthy largely white people who can work from home aren't among the dying. You know what, no one I know directly has died other probably because most of my mates work in jobs they can do from home and don't live in overcrowded accommodation.

Maybe try asking a taxi driver, medic, security or factory worker how many people they know who have died.
Some of my wider acquaintances / friends circle have died, directly and indirectly as a result of the pandemic, in various parts of the UK. Most of them had underlying medical conditions that made them extremely vulnerable to Covid-19 infection and other factors. At least one died from cancer he couldn't see anyone about before it had progressed too far. [the re-emergence of a bone cancer during the first Lockdown].

Seems weird but some colleagues of my SiL in the medical sector are covid sceptics as well as anti mask & anti-vaxx. Those attitudes in such people I can't understand. SiL avoids them as much as possible and is very particular with her precautions as she is vulnerable, having had a stroke recently.
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