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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Delusion. Specifically a delusion that they are "in the know" with regard to arcane knowledge, & that we - as a corollary - must all be "sheeple". The actual intellect of these people is inverse to their sound & fury on the subject of [insert conspira-nuttery of choice here].

I often wonder if many of them believe their own bullshit or whether they're knowingly out to create mischief?
'Eric Clapton went from setting the standard for rock guitar to making ‘full-tilt’ racist rants to becoming an outspoken vaccine skeptic. Did he change? Or was he always like this?' - Rolling Stone
Without knowing that much about her apart from Rhiannon I would've put money on Stevie Nicks being a loon but I'm happy to note that she's on the ball.

stevie nicks not a loon.jpg

I know the "leader" of Insulate Britain. They're not about insulating Britain, they're about making the point that just mitigating pollution and heat loss won't stop the world going tits up.
I don't know that much about them, but it seems a bit of an odd choice of name in that case.
TBH after listening this morning to the figures I have no doubt that the world wont get anywhere near the targets they are promising for emission reductions and when you consider the latest promises would only bring about a reduction that is only about 20% of what scientists say is actually required to avoid disastrous temperature rises anyway, then whatever way you look at it society is fucked, which is probably a good thing as long as the planet can recover after we are gone.
What pisses me off is all the other species we are taking out on this path to self destruction.
There was a maskless twat in a hat sitting opposite me on the tube yesterday when he suddenly started chuckling towards me and touching his face intimating that I was daft for wearing one.
So I responded with two fingers. His demeanour changed until eventually, realising he was perhaps being a dick and everyone else was wearing one decided to put one on himself.
There was a maskless twat in a hat sitting opposite me on the tube yesterday when he suddenly started chuckling towards me and touching his face intimating that I was daft for wearing one.
So I responded with two fingers. His demeanour changed until eventually, realising he was perhaps being a dick and everyone else was wearing one decided to put one on himself.
Good work :thumbs:
It may be my imagination but I seem to have noticed on my way to work on the tube, if there's a lot of people all wearing masks in one section of the carriage, unmasked people won't sit in that part (unless there's no other seats available, and even then they sometimes stand). It suggests some consideration or degree of embarrassment on their part? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it, Anyone else noticed anything similar?
In years to come, we should not let these dimwitted nobheads forget how stupid and offensive they were - and how many unnecessary illnesses and deaths they indirectly caused.

In two years time when all of us vaccinated sheeple haven’t carked it (this is genuinely one of their pigshit claims) we should be laughing at them long and loud.

When it turns out that the vaccinated majority haven’t become impotent, sterile or magnetic (more of their brainfree ‘research’) we should trumpet it from the rooftops and bombard their nonsensical websites with the inconvenient truth that they were very, stupidly, dangerously wrong.

I’d like to see the ringleaders, anyone organising their dumb-as-fuck ‘freedom’ events, become social pariahs. Mock and vilify them for ever.

Oooh I'm angry today :D
Put them in the stocks.

Then put masks on them.
Good work :thumbs:
It may be my imagination but I seem to have noticed on my way to work on the tube, if there's a lot of people all wearing masks in one section of the carriage, unmasked people won't sit in that part (unless there's no other seats available, and even then they sometimes stand). It suggests some consideration or degree of embarrassment on their part? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it, Anyone else noticed anything similar?
my favourite are the ones sat there dead -eyed and defiant, surrounded by the elderly. class acts. my favourites.

"A 15-year-old girl and her mum say they were intimidated by anti-vax protesters outside a Covid vaccination centre.

Grace Baker-Earle, who uses a wheelchair after contracting Covid, was confronted after receiving the jab at Cardiff's Bayside mass vaccination centre.

Her mum Angela said protesters accused her of using Grace "as a lab rat"."
I'm booked in thee for no.3 in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to meet the morons
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