the B said:Oh no Ern! I have more than one interest in my life! What a crime!
meanoldman said:
Fascinating stuff, tend to agreeTeeJay In Resonse To mothersapron said:Do you really think that households with incomes of less than 21k are "rich cunts"? Thats some wierd kind of "working class solidarity" isn't it? It looks like those poor old firemen are probably too rich to send their kids to this school then, but of course they are still "poor oppressed working class" and I (who you know fuck all about) is a rich cunt? You are either a bare faced liar or a dribbling idiot. Or maybe you are just pissed-up and out for a fight?
Yeah markets are interesting... East St on saturdays greatbutchersapron said:You love markets though don't you?
the B said:I think markets have their advantages and disadvantages...sometimes I think they are efficient ways to distribute and produce items.
A belief in the effectiveness of markets is not necessarily supporting capitalism.
silentNate said:Yeah markets are interesting... East St on saturdays great
the B said:I think markets have their advantages and disadvantages...sometimes I think they are efficient ways to distribute and produce items.
A belief in the effectiveness of markets is not necessarily supporting capitalism.
Ernie, find me a post where I say I support capitalism or admit you made a mistake please.
Define 'believe in private education' so I can understand what you're asking and I'll try and answer it.
butchersapron said:Yes it is....
flimsier said:<sighs exasperatedly> I'm going to start a thread in the sports forum.
Like to show me a market economy that's non-capitalist. Just because you're unable to get your head around the market/command dualism doesn't mean anyone else is unable to.the B said:No it isn't?
Care to explain point for point why it is?
Not all market economies found in places which are capitalist states.
To scared to type their name? What are you fucking twelve or someting? Is your mum reading this?the B said:Can it be about a sport involving the kicking around of *****'s head?
Edit: I'll settle for one about kicking around the head of other people on this thread too...
How jolly patronising ol' chap! Gosh, teenagers todaybutchersapron said:Too scared to type their name? Are you fucking twelve or something? Is your mum reading this?
silentNate said:How jolly patronising ol' chap! Gosh, teenagers today
the B said:Butchers, just because I have a mum at all, who then might care about me enough to read my posts doesn't mean you have to get jealous.
It's not a market economy either you prat.the B said:Yeah, I just set up a market economy with my brother and it wasn't capitalist.
I traded one item with him for another using a common medium of exchange. That's a market, how is it necessarily capitalist?
the B said:Yeah, I just set up a market economy with my brother and it wasn't capitalist.
I traded one item with him for another using a common medium of exchange. That's a market, how is it necessarily capitalist?
You have a mum - well done. An extrordinary feat - and one that only you of all the U75 posters could perform.the B said:Butchers, just because I have a mum at all, who then might care about me enough to read my posts doesn't mean you have to get jealous.
butchersapron said:You have a mum - well done. An extrordinary feat - and one that only you of all the U75 posters could perform.
flimsier said:B: Are you trying to be thick?
What a great counterexample?
Genius... when's your next book
Sorry, you're a nice bloke but I think you're being a nob tonight.