TeeJay said:You continue to try and make free speech arguments to defend the use of vile and stupid personal abuse as a valid debating tactitic and label anyone who disagrees as a dictator. Making comparisons with fascists is the sign of someone who is really losing the argument
TeeJay, have a J and calm down for a moment - where did I compare anyone to fascists? I said that some of the suggestions and people on this thread were dictatorial i.e. people seeking to dictate the correct manner in which to post on uk politics - were people not doing this?
It seesm that instead of addressing the issues some people would (yet again) try and turn the whole debate into an attack on one person and throw abuse and false accusations at them, instead of actually debate or prodice a coherent argument.
You really have got a persecution complex going haven't you. You're calling for bans and binnings - even if I had no idea who you were, I'd oppose this - the fact that you're calling for it after a large argument with certain posters make me take your suggestions even less seriously.