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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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Jo/Joe said:
And can people stop asking for us to prove a negative? How on earth could anyone prove that Rumsfeld didn't know 9/11 was going to happen?

So if it's impossible to prove, why is that your stance? Just coz it makes more sense, like...
Citizen66 said:
The problem with 'credible' mainstream news sites, Loki, is that they aren't the orb of all wisdom and quite frequently (probably daily) publish misinformation that goes unchallenged.

It's gone unchallenged for nearly three years, and it's the kind of evidence that would be rapidly questioned if there was anything suspect about it, given who OBL is.

You asked:

Citizen66 said:
A source for this evidence please.

And you got it. But you're still not satisfied. Well not much I can do about that.
because there is no evidence to suggest I should. Rumsfeld is a cunt, therefore he knew exactly what was going to happen and did nothing to stop it?
Do be quiet Jo please.

Loki, from your credible source:

The footage, to which the Telegraph obtained access in the Middle East yesterday, was not made for public release via the al-Jazeera television network used by bin Laden for propaganda purposes in the past. It is believed to be intended as a rallying call to al-Qa'eda members.

So it seems that this has been 'accidently' stumbled upon and was not an official video given to al-Jazeera claiming responsibility. The article also goes on to say:

Bin Laden has publicly issued four previous videos since September 11, always denying carrying out the atrocities.

From the link you provided regarding this:

redsquirrel said:
Rubbish, there's evidence that OBL was linked to the 9/11 attackers, tho to waht extent I admit does have to be asked, there's no evidence that I've seen that Rumsfeld and co actually knew there was going to be an attack on the twin towers using areoplanes in september.

Now can I please have some real evidence that OBL was linked to the Hijackers please instead of some video which I'm yet to see that was apparently 'circulating'.

He made no less than four official videos denying involvement.
The footage, to which the Telegraph obtained access in the Middle East yesterday, was not made for public release via the al-Jazeera television network used by bin Laden for propaganda purposes in the past. It is believed to be intended as a rallying call to al-Qa'eda members.

A mainstream newssite is saying this. It remains undisputed.
Loki said:
A mainstream newssite is saying this. It remains undisputed.

So what about the four official videos where he denies involvement?
What would be the point in publicly denying something whilst secretly issuing videos admitting it? I don't think he's silly, mate.

Anyway, we were talking about evidence that he was linked to the hijackers and not some video of unknown source where he admits responsibility.
Citizen66 said:
What would be the point in publicly denying something whilst secretly issuing videos admitting it? I don't think he's silly, mate.

No, he's endlessly devious which would be how he's gotten away with what he has.
Loki said:
No, he's endlessly devious which would be how he's gotten away with what he has.

Yeah, and those evil red Indians will eat your kids if they get the chance so we'll suppress them and kill them as much as possible and grab their land in the process.

It's all happened before all of this Loki mate. To understand the US's political present and future, you need do no more than have a brief look at their past.
Citizen66 said:
To understand the US's political present and future, you need do no more than have a brief look at their past.
er, I lived there in the early eighties (Washington DC) and took an interest ever since.
rumsfeld is a seriously disturbed piece of work.

frankly i wouldn't put it past him to allow anything that the end result of which was him and his corporate mates to make a few extra dollars to happen.
Loki said:
er, I lived there in the early eighties (Washington DC) and took an interest ever since.

So you know all about the propaganda surrounding the red Indians and the subsequent land grabbing that ensued then? Good.

It's remarkably similar to today's aggressive occupation for oil (Iraq) and land grabs for oil pipelines (Afghanistan), wouldn't you agree?

Or is just an unfortunate coincidence?
Citizen66 said:
So you know all about the propaganda surrounding the red Indians and the subsequent land grabbing that ensued then? Good.

It's remarkably similar to today's aggressive occupation for oil (Iraq) and land grabs for oil pipelines (Afghanistan), wouldn't you agree?

Or is just an unfortunate coincidence?
I don't disagree with a lot of that, mate.

But I still adamantly believe the US was subjected to a carefully orchestrated, surprise attack by suicidal terrorists. And Bush / Rumsfeld et al then played it to their advantage to fulfill their desire to invade a few countries subsequently.
Loki said:
But I still adamantly believe the US was subjected to a carefully orchestrated, surprise attack by suicidal terrorists. And Bush / Rumsfeld et al then played it to their advantage to fulfill their desire to invade a few countries subsequently.

they've done more than that though, many laws have been introduced worldwide since 9/11 that take away a lot of peoples rights.

they've gained a lot on many fronts, and as has been pointed out, if the us wants to invade a country, they basicly go ahead and do it anyway whether they have an excuse or not.

however, introducing some of the laws that have been passed since 9/11 would require some sort of justification, homeland security in the wake of the wtc attacks being that.
Loki said:
I don't disagree with a lot of that, mate.

But I still adamantly believe the US was subjected to a carefully orchestrated, surprise attack by suicidal terrorists. And Bush / Rumsfeld et al then played it to their advantage to fulfill their desire to invade a few countries subsequently.

That's pretty much where I'm at on the subject too. But I wouldn't at all find it surprising if they let the attacks be greater than they needed to be just to instill enough fear into the hearts and minds of the American people to get their full unconditional backing on the 'war on terror', that seems to be working out quite well financially for them with no actual terrorist organisations being destroyed. Which then starts me thinking again that both Al-Quada and WMD were just smokescreens for a far more sinister operation...
Jo/Joe said:
Fuck off citizen or substantiate your ramblings.

Ooooooh, personal abuse! :D <reports post>

Which particular rambling would you like me to substantiate, quote please and then I will (sorry if you're feeling a little left out sunshine)
Jo/Joe said:
how about your previous one you patronising little prick

Can you ever manage to spew out anything more than a sentence?

I really don't see what there is to substantiate about my thought process regarding 9/11 oh unimaginative one. I described my own personal feelings and what led me to think that al-Quada was just a smokescreen. Hey, I'm allowed to think this way as much as you're allowed to express your schoolboy jargon in my direction, eh? :p
As opposed to your passive aggressive posts?

And since when did quantity mean anything? Pretty much all the conspiracy theorists here can whack out paragraphs without actually answering the questions asked of them, and yes the onus is on them to provide evidence for what are outlandish theories. I'd prefer substance, even if it were contained in a few words. Batting mindless ideas back and forth, with nothing real to support them, is fucking easy and a waste of time.
Jo/Joe said:
And since when did quantity mean anything? Pretty much all the conspiracy theorists here can whack out paragraphs without actually answering the questions asked of them, and yes the onus is on them to provide evidence for what are outlandish theories. I'd prefer substance, even if it were contained in a few words. Batting mindless ideas back and forth, with nothing real to support them, is fucking easy and a waste of time.

Not as difficult and constructive as relentlessly complaining, obviously :rolleyes:
Citizen66 said:
Name once when I've used a site like Joe Vialls' to give credence to my arguments :confused:

Of course, none of the Usual Suspects can do that Citizen, but they certainly wont let that stop them from trying to discredit you.

Incidentally, the fact the Usual Suspects are reduced to employing these cynical and logically fraudulent methods is a sure sign that they're losing the arguement hands down and are actually desperate people. That's why all of the recent 9/11 threads have been "dissapeared".

Here on Urban 75—that bastion of "alternative" media where 'free speech' and 'democracy' reign supreme—you can debate absolutely any subject you want to... EXCEPT 9/11. :eek: :eek:
bigfish said:
That's why all of the recent 9/11 threads have been "dissapeared".

Nah I think they were deleted because the rest of us were bored sick of them. They're still sitting in the dustbin if you care to look.
bigfish said:
That's why all of the recent 9/11 threads have been "dissapeared".
No they haven't.

The 9/11 threads containing the repititive bleats of the same obsessed people repeating the same thing over and over again are sitting in the bin and have been accessible to everyone for a very long time indeed. Heck, one's even surivived the necessary post culls and has been kept online since April 2003!

So 9/11 threads aren't disappearing. You're talking utter bollocks as usual.
bigfish said:
Here on Urban 75—that bastion of "alternative" media where 'free speech' and 'democracy' reign supreme—you can debate absolutely any subject you want to... EXCEPT 9/11.
Only a completely deluded fruitloop could ever conclude that 9/11 conspiracies haven't been massively and endlessly 'debated' on urban75.

How many posts do you think you've been allowed to make on your pet topic? 100? 500? 1,000?

I'd say that you've been given ample opportunity to state your case.

The only trouble is that you - and a few other obsessed individuals - seem to mistake endless repetition of the same tedious, evidence untroubled, credibility-unhindered theories with 'debate'.

PS urban75 is not a 'democracy' neither does it make any claims of 'free speech'. The FAQ/info pages make that quite clear.

So why are you making that nonsense up?
Jo/Joe said:
perhaps if you didn't patronise people they wouldn't need to complain citizen.

If people could debate the points I've raised regarding planes leaving flight paths and how the military deals with those type situations instead of asking me to substantiate my 'claims' whilst offering an irrelevant link to a video that goes nowhere close to proving that OBL had links to the hijackers, then perhaps I'd tone down the condesending tone Jo, mate.
Speaking of conspiracies... on the poll it says there's 18 people who want the bonkers threads about 9/11 to stop but just 15 names against it.

Hey, I'm not making any wild 'claims' but an explaination for this wouldn't go a miss! :D
Regarding the failure of US jets to follow strict protocol there are 3 options which none of us can prove:

1. It was deliberate so that the planes could be flown into their targets.
2. Whatever the commision reported.
3. A cover up of incompetence in the chain of command that should have seen those jets in action quicker.

We don't know do we?
There's 2 names against an option saying that 1 person has voted and 9 names against an option that says 8 people have voted. :D

Jo/Joe said:
We don't know do we?

Well no, we don't. But what we do know is that the outcome of their failure to protect their airspace and the subsequent 'war on terror', is that there's a brand new oil pipeline running through Afghanistan and an Occupation of a (formerly) sovereign country and their dirty little mits have got hold of on one of the largest oil reserves in the world.

A pretty convenient failure, would you agree?
Citizen66 said:
There's 2 names against an option saying that 1 person has voted and 9 names against an option that says 8 people have voted.
Clearly there's been a glitch. It happens occasionally (mine is showing the wrong option now that I've looked)

Or maybe the USG have taken control of these boards.

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