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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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redsquirrel said:
What in the 7(?) minutes between the first and second tower being struck.

Yes in that time. The US has probably the most protected airspace in the world. It takes seconds to bring down an aircraft. How long was it before the one hit the pentagon?
Loki said:
If it is then post up some evidence that the USG knew the precise date, time and logistics of the attack.

and of course you would post up evidence that they didn't, wontcha? :p
Loki said:
If it is then post up some evidence that the USG knew the precise date, time and logistics of the attack.

Because you can post up evidence that they didn't know can't you? :rolleyes:

EDIT: Just saw DUF's post.. ooops :oops:
Citizen66 said:
Yes in that time. The US has probably the most protected airspace in the world. It takes seconds to bring down an aircraft. How long was it before the one hit the pentagon?
Well bringing down an plane over a populated area probably isn't the best thing to do. Especially when they were flying that low.
DoUsAFavour said:
I find it hard to distinguish who is the worst OBL or old matey

Well I know who's the worst tbh.

Who's been responsible for more death? Rumsfeld

Who's killed for money rather than belief? Rumsfeld
Citizen66 said:
Because you can post up evidence that they didn't know can't you? :rolleyes:
What? :confused:
That statement makes no sense. For a start you are the one proposing a theory so you have to provide the evidence.

Secondly just how do you show evidence that someone didn't know something?
redsquirrel said:
Well bringing down an plane over a populated area probably isn't the best thing to do. Especially when they were flying that low.

You are joking aren't you?

In normal circumstances that's exactly what they would do. The financial city is considered far more important than the grockles that live in the suburbs around it. That's why the Thames barrier is there ready to divert flood waters over Stratford if the square mile is under threat of flooding.
Citizen66 said:
You are joking aren't you?

In normal circumstances that's exactly what they would do. The financial city is considered far more important than the grockles that live in the suburbs around it. That's why the Thames barrier is there ready to divert flood waters over Stratford if the square mile is under threat of flooding.
The two towers are in the financial district aren't they?
redsquirrel said:
What? :confused:
That statement makes no sense. For a start you are the one proposing a theory so you have to provide the evidence.

Secondly just how do you show evidence that someone didn't know something?

If no evidence has been shown to prove either side of the debate then BOTH sides are theories mate. So we both propose theories.

How do you prove someone didn't know something.... Torture? Lie detector tests? What does Old Bill do in those circumstances?
redsquirrel said:
The two towers are in the financial district aren't they?

I'd assume that the true symbols of American capitalism (as the towers were) would be somehow deemed to be a protected financial area, yes. Wouldn't you?
Citizen66 said:
If no evidence has been shown to prove either side of the debate then BOTH sides are theories mate. So we both propose theories.

How do you prove someone didn't know something.... Torture? Lie detector tests? What does Old Bill do in those circumstances?
Er innocent till proven guilty.
Citizen66 said:
I'd assume that the true symbols of American capitalism (as the towers were) would be somehow deemed to be a protected financial area, yes. Wouldn't you?
Yes so they probaly would want to shoot a plane down even if they could have reached it in time.
redsquirrel said:
Er innocent till proven guilty.

ok by that logic then this dude is innocent then

redsquirrel said:
Yes so they probaly would want to shoot a plane down even if they could have reached it in time.

Precisely! And, of course, there was no way of doing that because they hadn't prepared for such an attack, right? Or maybe they didn't have the time...

Air traffic control alerts the Military as SOON as an aircraft switches off autopilot and leaves it's flightpath. That's plenty of time to scramble F16s and for the F16 pilots to attempt to get contact with the airline pilots and shoot the planes down if they don't comply.

They will have known something was wrong as soon as the plane's autopilot was disengaged and not just when the first plane hit WTC.
Rubbish, there's evidence that OBL was linked to the 9/11 attackers, tho to waht extent I admit does have to be asked, there's no evidence that I've seen that Rumsfeld and co actually knew there was going to be an attack on the twin towers using areoplanes in september.
Citizen66 said:
A source for this evidence please.

In the video, bin Laden says: "The Twin Towers were legitimate targets, they were supporting US economic power. These events were great by all measurement. What was destroyed were not only the towers, but the towers of morale in that country."

The hijackers were "blessed by Allah to destroy America's economic and military landmarks". He freely admits to being behind the attacks

DoUsAFavour said:
Ah. So you believe in the 'official version' then?

Can you prove he wasn't born on another planet?

(Playing a conspiracy theorist is fun because it's so easy...

....and tedious too!)
editor said:
Playing a conspiracy theorist is fun because it's so easy...

Hey, not as easy as an 'official version' advocator!

Christ, you guys don't even have to think!! :p Just pick up a paper or turn on the telly and all the answers are there for you. And of course, that obviously isn't tedious in the slightest.
Citizen66 said:
And we have 100% proof that it's him and his voice in the video don't we?

Well if an article on a mainstream newssite released in 2001 and undisputed since won't satisfy you then God knows what will.
Loki said:
Well if an article on a mainstream newssite released in 2001 and undisputed since won't satisfy you then God knows what will.

Three Swedish virgins writhing about pleasurably in baby oil on my balcony?

I will watch the footage but seeing as I don't understand Arabic and I don't know his voice then I'll just have to assume that there hasn't been any underhand editing going on, eh?
Citizen66 said:
Hey, not as easy as an 'official version' advocator!

Christ, you guys don't even have to think!! :p Just pick up a paper or turn on the telly and all the answers are there for you. And of course, that obviously isn't tedious in the slightest.
Yes. That's right! That's just what everyone who isn't as smart and insightful as you does!

Thank heavens for the internet investigators like Joe Vialls!
Blessed be the anonymous, source-free, unqualified homepage author!
Huzzah to the conspiracy fans for selflessly uncovering 'the truth' without any need for peer-reviewed, credible evidence or analysis!
Citizen66 said:
I'll just have to assume that there hasn't been any underhand editing going on, eh?

I think you can assume that seeing as it's an article on a mainstream newssite and I don't recall anyone of note suggesting the evidence was made up.
Isn't it funny how quickly the conspiracy theorists will resort to a 'you're with us or against us' approach, just like Bush?

And can people stop asking for us to prove a negative? How on earth could anyone prove that Rumsfeld didn't know 9/11 was going to happen?
editor said:
Yes. That's right! That's just what everyone who isn't as smart and insightful as you does!

Thank heavens for the internet investigators like Joe Vialls!
Blessed be the anonymous, source-free, unqualified homepage author!
Huzzah to the conspiracy fans for selflessly uncovering 'the truth' without any need for peer-reviewed, credible evidence or analysis!

Name once when I've used a site like Joe Vialls' to give credence to my arguments :confused:
Loki said:
I think you can assume that seeing as it's an article on a mainstream newssite and I don't recall anyone of note suggesting the evidence was made up.

The problem with 'credible' mainstream news sites, Loki, is that they aren't the orb of all wisdom and quite frequently (probably daily) publish misinformation that goes unchallenged. A good example of this is miscarriages of Justice. When Sion Jenkins was accused of killing Billy Jo Jenkins, the Daily Wail ran an article that hinted that he was having a sexual relationship with her, probably to try and sway opinion into thinking he was guilty. Now, a few years on, they've just ran an article suggesting that it would have been almost impossible for him to have commited the murder and the lone madman theory seems more credible.

They have contradicted themselves in light of new evidence and opinion regarding the case, making their the original articles they wrote seem ridiculous in hindsight. But hey, they're credible so WTF eh?
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