Louis MacNeice
Autumn Journalist
Royal Mail currently has a recruitment freeze on until April I believe. Where I work we are currently running significantly under compliment (something in the 10% region) and apparently we aren't doing too bad! On a 28 hour contract I am mostly doing closer to 40 hours a week to make sure my walk and it's associated one are cleared; although I am regularly having to do two days work in one following my rest day.Whats with all the "Hermes are shit" memes out there? I suspect funded by a rival company.
This thread makes it clear all the companies are exploitative and flawed.
I actually came to say that theres so much Royal Mail post that hasnt been delivered that I am aware of, from well before xmas that it sounds like a massive fuck up has taken place the last month. I did hear they couldnt get the seasonal extra staff, not least from the likes of Amazon outbidding them. (+ covid absences)
Cheers - Louis MacNeice