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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Well Cornwall's got off incredibly lightly so far but ...

More employees saying similar. So, .... young people going out clubbing and partying at fault again :mad:

You really would think they'd be sending government inspectors round these places. Ah no, with this lot I suppose you wouldn't.
Think your link is wrong?

That is bad reading, especially when Cornwall as an old population and very few ventilators :(
Think your link is wrong?

That is bad reading, especially when Cornwall as an old population and very few ventilators :(

Yes I'd changed it in between times :D

And it's on the bus route that I'd normally use, and the bus route that carries kids coming out of Truro school packed together and (I'd imagine) with very few masks.
Well Cornwall's got off incredibly lightly so far but ...

More employees saying similar. So, .... young people going out clubbing and partying at fault again :mad:

You really would think they'd be sending government inspectors round these places. Ah no, with this lot I suppose you wouldn't.

There are very few government inspectors and it takes a couple of years to train them.

Any of the things that have been setup to protect us like food inspectors, health and safety officers, fire wardens have been underfunded and understaffed for decades if they were ever fully functioning at all and this pandemic is really highlighting that, I just hope its highlighting it to enough people to make them think and stop and consider how we can change it.

There are very few government inspectors and it takes a couple of years to train them.

Any of the things that have been setup to protect us like food inspectors, health and safety officers, fire wardens have been underfunded and understaffed for decades if they were ever fully functioning at all and this pandemic is really highlighting that, I just hope its highlighting it to enough people to make them think and stop and consider how we can change it.

Yep, totally. But I've not seen a single government source/scientific advisor suggest it.

apart from you, obvs :)

not that you're a government source ...

In July, Alice, a 20-something office worker from Surrey, was fed up with not having got away on holiday. For the good of her own mental wellbeing, she says, she broke the rules. Sitting in her garden, she confessed her crime to me.

She'd booked a trip to Majorca with a friend. Then, days before she had been due to fly out, the UK slapped quarantine rules on Spain.

"We were basically told by the holiday company that we wouldn't get our money back. I didn't want to lose another holiday and any money. So just decided to go anyway."

When Alice got to Majorca, she decided the self-isolation she'd face on return to the UK would be a nonsense. The hotel was largely empty and reassuringly clean.

His accommodation at Pollock is catered by one cafeteria and he has no facilities to cook for himself. Because he is self-isolating in his room, he relies on the university to deliver food. But sometimes nothing arrives until after lunchtime and on Tuesday he still had had nothing by 16:00.

As an international student, Reese pays £21,000 in tuition fees and £9,000 for accommodation per year to attend the University of Edinburgh. He believes students from abroad are paying the most and getting the least help.
The government said international travel was fine. It clearly wasn't a load of us said as much before the holiday season kicked off. I think its a bit much to blame people when the rules suddenly changed in a great panic.

I still think there was a possibility to manage the school and uni reopening without the massive upsurge we've seen but no, the government wanted to go on holiday. To my mind allowing (almost encouraging) international travel was the single biggest mistake of the summer.
Not until it's got completely out of hand.
They probably think 'we've all got it anyway'. This stuff is going to happen unfortunately.
This school/uni shit is the same as the first lockdown
The government knew this would happen and they let it happen

They will blame the students but what do they expect? Disgraced Prime Minister Cameron stuck his cock in a pigs head at Oxford University FFS
Yeah it's absolutely shit, but a lot of them probably think they have either got it or about to get it anyway:(

It's shit if you're not the partying type too which I wasnt ( at least initially) at uni.
Other than handing a few massive contracts to their offshore tax haven mates to fuck up they don't want to support or pay for anything. However you decide to tackle the pandemic it needs proper financial support from government and they are not willing or able to support the services (like test and trace) to keep things going or support people to stop doing stuff either (like quarantine and lose income). So we get this hodge podge of bullshit measures that are more about them dancing a line to avoid paying for anyone to reduce risk if they keep doing stuff or fork out for people to not do stuff. Cunts.
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