Somebody who understands in far more detail than I, could someone tell me why this wouldn't work?
Extend each school half term by another week. So roughly every 12 or 13 weeks or so, when schools would be shut and a large number of people would have been making childcare arrangements anyway; with plenty of advance preparation time, and at a known time to allow for scheduling purposes (for things like non-urgent medical procedures). Shut down, hard. Everyone bunker down for 2 weeks; minimal essential shopping trips only, 1 hour daily exercise again. 2 weeks at a time, months apart.
I've seen a lot of talk around politicians not wanting to use the word "lockdown" again, instead calling it a "circuit-breaker". In that case, do something more than fucking pubs shutting an hour early that actually breaks the circuit - starve the virus of hosts, then the time in between "circuit-breakers" could be managed from a low starting point for transmission with basic restrictions only.