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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

These are the important points:

First, office workers are being asked to work from home.

Second, Johnson says, from Thursday pubs and restaurants will have to offer table service, except for takeaways. And they will close from 10pm.

Third, staff in retail and indoor hospitality will have to wear masks. And they will be needed in taxis.

Fourth, Covid-secure workplace rules will become a legal obligation.

Fifth, the rule of six will be amended so that only 15 people can attend weddings from Monday.

And, sixth, from 1 October the plan to ease the rules for sports evens will be suspended.

That's a half arsed list born of a compromise with elements of his party if ever I've seen one.
These are the important points:

First, office workers are being asked to work from home.

Second, Johnson says, from Thursday pubs and restaurants will have to offer table service, except for takeaways. And they will close from 10pm.

Third, staff in retail and indoor hospitality will have to wear masks. And they will be needed in taxis.

Fourth, Covid-secure workplace rules will become a legal obligation.

Fifth, the rule of six will be amended so that only 15 people can attend weddings from Monday.

And, sixth, from 1 October the plan to ease the rules for sports evens will be suspended.

Seventh all indoor team sports involving more than six are not permitted. Again for six months
The fucking idiot is rejoicing that universities are staying open. FFS.

What reasoning can there be for having all but essential (eg lab) classes by zoom for at least the first term. They just hate unis and those left wing lecturers?

Covid 'secure' workplaces should have been law and enforced from the start. they still won't be policed, I'm sure.
Shit for supermarket and shop staff. Masks on all day. :( Any actual evidence to back up making them do that?

The infection levels will continue to rise as each new evidence-light measure comes in, just like they have in Spain and France. With an ongoing narrative that it's because people aren't sticking to the rules. Then he'll claim some kind of credit when they start to fall again. :rolleyes:
Shit for supermarket and shop staff. Masks on all day. :( Any actual evidence to back up making them do that?

The infection levels will continue to rise as each new evidence-light measure comes in, just like they have in Spain and France. With an ongoing narrative that it's because people aren't sticking to the rules. Then he'll claim some kind of credit when they start to fall again. :rolleyes:

Masks work, they really do.

Its not going to be pleasant for the workers but when has anyone cared about them when bringing out policy?
I think there is actually concern from lecturers about what Zoom lectures might lead to in the future, in terms of just providing recorded lectures to students and... other things I can't remember :oops:

I expect so, though I would also expect letting covid have free rein would lead to more zoom in the long or even mid term, rather than less.
Given the long list of things littlebabyjesus doesnt think significantly contribute to viral transmission in this pandemic, I wonder how he thinks we ended up with the resurgence of the virus at all.
How long till Lockdown 2 now then? Two more weeks?

I wouldnt like to guess, especially as they may be keen to paint certain restrictions as an expansion of local restrictions into new areas rather than a 2nd national lockdown.

I dont even know what exactly we are counting as lockdown this time around, and it was a loose term the frist time that the government didnt want to use themselves.
Table service in pubs, masks worn in taxis.

I thought these were already the rules. Certainly how it's worked where I've been. Though Though I have heard an anecdote about some people wearing masks waiting for a cab, then taking them off inside. Absolute wankers. At least this may give some notional force behind telling passengers to wear them.

Gyms are still open then. (I should start going back. :oops:)
Lockdown 2
Won't happen.
Unsustainable and unworkable politically, economically , socially-pick your adverb, but even with the mentioned threat of using the army..no

The main one being we cannot treat 'schools' as some homogeneous entity. That report makes very clear that any 'safe' measure of transmission applies, from very small studies, to children apparently under 10 years old. And states that,

If young children are less infectious than adults, then there must be an age when they start to become as infectious as older individuals. The French and Korean studies suggest that this might occur during adolescence, which could have major implications when schools, colleges, and universities return fully, as they must do soon.

Another side issue from that article is,

It is likely that children from low-income backgrounds will probably be more adversely affected than children from high-income backgrounds.

Well, yes. But maybe this is true for education in general where pupils from low income backgrounds are expelled at the drop of a hat compared to children from privileged socio-economic backgrounds. Maybe it's about time we addressed that if we are constantly going to use economically deprived pupils as an excuse for keeping schools open.
Lockdown 2
Won't happen.
Unsustainable and unworkable politically, economically , socially-pick your adverb, but even with the mentioned threat of using the army..no

One of the lessons the first time around was that in the event of a bad pandemic, 'it cant happen here, this idea is unthinkable let alone workable' is unsafe territory that can be washed away in an instant.
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