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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

It was reported a few days ago that we had sent 50,000 tests to US labs, now the news that 100,000 have been sent to German labs, and that they deliver results quicker than UK labs. :facepalm:

It's lucky we still have mutual recognition with German labs until the end of this year then.
Have been reading the pandemic-related article comments on the Daily Mail website for a few weeks now and can see a contrarian position held by a minority of commenters gaining ground. Some common themes:

- The numbers are being fiddled to make things look worse than they really are.

- Lockdown is a disaster that should never have happened. Look at Sweden - it's not so bad there and they havent wrecked their economy.

- It's all about scaremongering to control people and take away our freedoms.

- You don't need to wear a facemask ever. They're ugly and uncomfortable and why should I?

- Old and vulnerable people are the ones who need to keep indoors, not everyone else.

All other things being equal it might have gone worse in England under a Labour government with a stronger tribalistic political rejection of social distancing etc.
- Lockdown is a disaster that should never have happened. Look at Sweden - it's not so bad there and they havent wrecked their economy.

This comparison with Sweden bugs me, it's like comparing chalk and cheese.

I just happened to have been reading this, and it sums it up so well.

Sweden stands out in many ways. It has one of the lowest population densities in the world, a low level of multigenerational mixing, it borders only other countries with low population densities and it includes no international hub such as coronavirus hotspots Brussels, New York and London. It follows that when comparing absolute numbers Sweden can only be meaningfully compared to its Nordic neighbours.

The outcome is then bleak. With now 3698 dead, the death toll is well over 3 times higher than the combined death toll of Denmark (548), Norway (233) and Finland (300). When comparing deaths per million, Sweden last week surpassed even Europe’s most densely populated country, the Netherlands.

Daily Telegraph
who the fuck is this guy?

More informative if that 28 April interview is seen in its entirety, rather than selectively cut and out of context...

"All epidemics of this nature will eventually come to an end when you reach a certain level of immunity in the population and there's two ways that can happen. One is by natural infection, and that's by far the worst way of doing it, and one is by vaccination, and that's by far the better way of doing it."
Have been reading the pandemic-related article comments on the Daily Mail website for a few weeks now and can see a contrarian position held by a minority of commenters gaining ground. Some common themes:

- The numbers are being fiddled to make things look worse than they really are.

- Lockdown is a disaster that should never have happened. Look at Sweden - it's not so bad there and they havent wrecked their economy.

- It's all about scaremongering to control people and take away our freedoms.

- You don't need to wear a facemask ever. They're ugly and uncomfortable and why should I?

- Old and vulnerable people are the ones who need to keep indoors, not everyone else.

All other things being equal it might have gone worse in England under a Labour government with a stronger tribalistic political rejection of social distancing etc.
WTF is a tribalistic political rejection of social distancing and why should a Labour government be prone to it?
ONS figures out now, for registered deaths up to 8th May, however the 8th was a Bank Holiday, so there's only 4 days of registration that week, i.e. the total figures will be out by about 20%.

Excess deaths that week are around 3,000 more than average, although without the Bank Holiday, the figure would probably be around 3,750.

But, at least the graphs show positive news -


Have been reading the pandemic-related article comments on the Daily Mail website for a few weeks now and can see a contrarian position held by a minority of commenters gaining ground. Some common themes:

- The numbers are being fiddled to make things look worse than they really are.

- Lockdown is a disaster that should never have happened. Look at Sweden - it's not so bad there and they havent wrecked their economy.

- It's all about scaremongering to control people and take away our freedoms.

- You don't need to wear a facemask ever. They're ugly and uncomfortable and why should I?

- Old and vulnerable people are the ones who need to keep indoors, not everyone else.

All other things being equal it might have gone worse in England under a Labour government with a stronger tribalistic political rejection of social distancing etc.
An unmasked lady outside Asda last week was telling anyone who'd listen that she knew two people who had died of a heart attack and a stroke and the doctors had been made to put Covid 19 on the death certificate even though they'd tested negative. :rolleyes:

And I think large sections of the media would have been openly hostile to a Corbyn ordered lockdown especially if it had happened earlier.
An unmasked lady outside Asda last week was telling anyone who'd listen that she knew two people who had died of a heart attack and a stroke and the doctors had been made to put Covid 19 on the death certificate even though they'd tested negative. :rolleyes:

And I think large sections of the media would have been openly hostile to a Corbyn ordered lockdown especially if it had happened earlier.

Some of those sections might have tried to make lockdown and even social distancing unworkable. Same telephoto lens tactics to make places look more packed with daytrippers, but with headlines like 'The People's Verdict on Corbyn' etc. Not necessarily from the outset, because of the initial shock factor of the pandemic.
An unmasked lady outside Asda last week was telling anyone who'd listen that she knew two people who had died of a heart attack and a stroke and the doctors had been made to put Covid 19 on the death certificate even though they'd tested negative.

I’m seeing this story in various forms increasing.


And here’s an article that responds to this story.

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An unmasked lady outside Asda last week was telling anyone who'd listen that she knew two people who had died of a heart attack and a stroke and the doctors had been made to put Covid 19 on the death certificate even though they'd tested negative. :rolleyes:

I would guess that she was talking bollocks, my funeral director mate tells a very different story, they have dealt with loads of clients that have said the deceased was showing symptoms, but doctors were refusing to note it on the death certificate without a test confirming it.

The ONS data, at the peak week, showed around 12,000 excess deaths, but only around 8,000 with C-19 on the death certificate, which indicates a large under reporting of C-19 deaths.
This stuff about lying about cause of death should probably go into Conspiracy Corner, since it’s a growing conspiracy.

Another piece that responds to it:
I would guess that she was talking bollocks, my funeral director mate tells a very different story, they have dealt with loads of clients that have said the deceased was showing symptoms, but doctors were refusing to note it on the death certificate without a test confirming it.

A GP friend of mine has whistleblown that some doctors were not putting CV on the death certificate as it was more complicated administratively, the piece was on Channel 4 news a couple of weeks back.
A GP friend of mine has whistleblown that some doctors were not putting CV on the death certificate as it was more complicated administratively, the piece was on Channel 4 news a couple of weeks back.

From the New Scientist:

How big is the disparity with official counts?

It varies. One study estimates that the coronavirus had caused the deaths of 52,000 people in Italy by 18 April (medRxiv, doi.org/ds6s) – more than double the reported figure. Similarly, a Financial Times analysis suggests the virus had led to 45,000 deaths in the UK by 21 April, more than twice the official figure then of 17,000.

Read more: How many people have really died from covid-19 so far?
I suppose the only real way to look at true figures would be to actually have access to specific cause of death. Or to try and estimate by looking at excess deaths around the peak, and using some kind of statistical trickery.
Some weird what-if-ing on this thread - A Corbyn government didn't happen precisely because of the levels of distrust in him, so it's pointless speculating what issues that government might have had re: lockdown compliance etc. For a Corbyn government to have happened, there would have needed to be different levels of trust in him in the country. It's nonsense to speculate how it could have been, because... it couldn't be.
Met a bloke in the valley who said he was head of his own engineering firm where nearly all of the employees had been furloughed. He was saying everyone has to die sometime and he thinks the virus is being overstated and he knew lots of people who'd had it and recovered, including the occupants of one care home who'd all had it and all had been ok. This is in Cornwall where we've had relatively few cases.

I struggled to be polite to him.
This is quite magnificent

Is this the most amazing NHS tribute in London? Behold the Herne Hill diorama!

Is this the most amazing NHS tribute in London? Behold the Herne Hill diorama!

Is this the most amazing NHS tribute in London? Behold the Herne Hill 360 degree diorama!
extra dry posted a video somewhere that said that out of 12 autopsies, all of them died of lung complications, all of them had viral RNA in the lungs, but only 9 had any found in the throat. Viral RNA was also found in the kidneys and heart of some but not all. So it seems to be quite possible that a test could come back negative even if someone has cto cud replicating in the lungs.

Found the video.

RT-PCR gives false negatives anyway but this would add to it.
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