Me too. Though it wasn't that hard, they seem to have made the process as awkward as they can. No link, just a message to go and search for the right page. Then a load of pointless text (stuff like, 'don't claim if the corona virus has not affected your business' and 'You can claim even if you are still working') before hitting the button that takes you to the place a link from the email should have. I am eligible apparently. Surely they just know that anyway from my tax records that I had to log into to check eligibility? They already have my phone, email, and bank details, they need all of them on file, why do they want them again?. So obviously after that you still have to register by filling in all your details again and your passport number for verification, even though they can only pay the money into your own account and they have already verified by email, text, your UTR and HMRC log in.
I 'think' I'll be getting the full amount, which is good, but not what I would have been earning during this period, and I doubt I will get anymore work this year.