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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

But 9/10 flights were already not flying this whole lockdown time, people just aren’t coming here anyway so not sure that’s the reason. Though that’s what all the news seems to be about, the Airline industry and not why it’s only happening now , 2 months late.

It's my understanding that small amounts of business people have still been flying in, particularly from USA and China. Business. Mustn't disrupt business.

To start looking for anti-foreigner blaming mechanisms amongst the many incompetent policies we've followed, while dealing with a virus that simply screams 'CHINA' anyway to any xenophobe or racist who is looking for an excuse seems, to me, to be looking down conspiracy rabbit holes that have no need to exist.
Either they've given up even trying to pretend that their whole strategy isn't an incoherent mess born of indecision and tugging in opposite directions, or else they've decided that the only way out is to confuse enough people into abandoning the lockdown.

Maybe it's both.

It looks to me like giving up, but with deniability. Passing the buck in some form or another has been at the very core of everything this government has done at every stage of this crisis.
Not really. I'm sure there are a few mad authoritarian zealots in the mix but most of them are just lazy, simple-minded arseholes.

And even authoritarians hate snitches. Everyone hates snitches.

There are around 1,200 active registered informants in the country at any one time. A survey of CID officers found that 43 per cent had no registered informants, 22 per cent had one and 17 per cent had five or more
As am I, and I do think it is stereotypical and, according to the press, more people are taking up gardening and given my own issues of trying to get veg seed this year this is no doubt true, but it is interesting that this one change has been leaked as it is of little help to those who are suffering most from lockdown i.e. urbanites with little or no garden space and certainly no spare cash for gardening... aren't most garden centers out of town...the cynic in me says it is to appease the shire Tories.

Your stereotype leaves out a huge number of people who don’t conform with your stereotype.

Poor people also have gardens, sometimes a little patch of balcony or a back yard, sometimes a decent plot of social housing garden, or lucky find private rental. People are growing food, using their patch of soil to deal with the misery of lockdown. I spoke with a woman of 27 yesterday who has dug over her rented back yard, built a raised bed and planted seeds for food . My 23 year old goddaughter and her boyfriend have planted seeds and cuttings (food and flowers) gifted to them from family. They’re both poor. I have a garden, thank fuck, and I’m poor. I have friends in Brixton with gardens who are poor. My neighbours are poor and they have gardens. Loads of poor people have gardens. Plenty of community gardens, communal gardens and allotments around Brixton that serve people living in flats. We have 2 little independent garden supply shops in the area, both are on their knees financially.

It’s stupid to say “Since those in rabbit hutch flats are suffering, those lucky enough to have gardens be stopped from tending theirs”.

People with gardens are not the enemy. Housing developers who build shit housing with no outdoor space and councils who sell off communal public land are the enemy.


Meanwhile, the government has sent an urgent alert to hospitals recalling 15.8m protective goggles due to safety concerns.

Although the "Tiger Eye" protectors, purchased in 2009 during the swine flue pandemic, were in CE marked boxes - meaning they should have met European Union safety requirements - the goggles have since been retested and do not provide proper splash protection.

But 9/10 flights were already not flying this whole lockdown time, people just aren’t coming here anyway so not sure that’s the reason. Though that’s what all the news seems to be about, the Airline industry and not why it’s only happening now , 2 months late.

Its one of the policies where it means something if you do it at the start, but then falls way down the priorities list once you have a raging epidemic in the country, because it isnt driving that epidemic. But, just like things like contact tracing, eventually the epidemic dwindles to the point that these things shoot back up the priorities list, because eventually these unplugged gaps will end up being a major driver of further infection, and the public will notice and become angry. So you have to tackle it properly at some stage.

Thats one part of it anyway. Another in this case is that Sturgeon made noises in public a little while back, when starting to talk about the next phase, about how the UK would need to act on this port quarantine side of things.
Your stereotype leaves out a huge number of people who don’t conform with your stereotype.

Poor people also have gardens, sometimes a little patch of balcony or a back yard, sometimes a decent plot of social housing garden, or lucky find private rental. People are growing food, using their patch of soil to deal with the misery of lockdown. I spoke with a woman of 27 yesterday who has dug over her rented back yard, built a raised bed and planted seeds for food . My 23 year old goddaughter and her boyfriend have planted seeds and cuttings (food and flowers) gifted to them from family. They’re both poor. I have a garden, thank fuck, and I’m poor. I have friends in Brixton with gardens who are poor. My neighbours are poor and they have gardens. Loads of poor people have gardens. Plenty of community gardens, communal gardens and allotments around Brixton that serve people living in flats. We have 2 little independent garden supply shops in the area, both are on their knees financially.

It’s stupid to say “Since those in rabbit hutch flats are suffering, those lucky enough to have gardens be stopped from tending theirs”.

People with gardens are not the enemy. Housing developers who build shit housing with no outdoor space and councils who sell off communal public land are the enemy.
Who thinks people with gardens are the enemy?

But the strange obsession with garden centres probably is about the wants of comfortably-off constituents of Tory MPs who find themselves at home with time on their hands.
Lockdown on the Sussex coast became an issue yesterday, mainly from outsiders, many from London, deciding to come down to the likes of Brighton & Worthing. :mad:

This was Worthing beach yesterday, nowhere near as busy as a normal sunny day, but certainly the worst since the start of lockdown, and at Easter...

View attachment 211647

So, today the police have set-up road checks, the one below is on the A27 into Brighton, apparently there's also one on the A24 into Worthing...

View attachment 211649

Anyone from 'the north' are being issued fines, and being turned around. :thumbs:

View attachment 211650

We are a low risk/case area, despite being a urban area, unlike to the north of the national park, so we don't want visitors from 'the north' coming here and spreading the plague, thanks very much. :)

Eslewhere in 'good old Sussex filth protecting the public' news, they've made driving like a cunt legal.


Eslewhere in 'good old Sussex filth protecting the public' news, they've made driving like a cunt legal.

The article refers to Essex police, not Sussex police, you twat. :D

According to the Times, Essex Police has written to at least one driver telling them that no further action will be taken “due to issues relating to the coronavirus”.
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