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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

cupid_stunt - fwiw, I think it's more difficult than ever not to go a bit fucking potty and that it's really easy to shoot that in the direction of what looks like obvious targets.
From my own pov that's not helped by the way this is all being so badly mismanaged by a bunch of incompetent, entitled arseholes, who are guided in everything they do by profit over lives,
It's difficult not to get so caught up in the frustration and powerlessness and worry of it all, that you find easier enemies, iykwim. I do get that.

Awful. :(
There has definitely been a huge risk, throughout this, as to how some police will behave - with less to do and less people around to witness it - and how much easier it is to minimise it later, on vague lockdown/covid grounds. How that could escalate in built up areas where it's already more stressful and difficult to be sat in, confined to your home with no outdoor space, as well as going out and doing shopping and exercising when SD is obvs more difficult.
It's frightening, that extra potential for abuse of power.

I did read this today, too -

Lockdown on the Sussex coast became an issue yesterday, mainly from outsiders, many from London, deciding to come down to the likes of Brighton & Worthing. :mad:

This was Worthing beach yesterday, nowhere near as busy as a normal sunny day, but certainly the worst since the start of lockdown, and at Easter...

View attachment 211647

So, today the police have set-up road checks, the one below is on the A27 into Brighton, apparently there's also one on the A24 into Worthing...

View attachment 211649

Anyone from 'the north' are being issued fines, and being turned around. :thumbs:

View attachment 211650

We are a low risk/case area, despite being a urban area, unlike to the north of the national park, so we don't want visitors from 'the north' coming here and spreading the plague, thanks very much. :)

You do know this whole outbreak started in Brighton and, had we nuked the place as I've been advocating for years anyway, it would all be gravy and roses right now.
Congratulations on making yourself out to be a complete cunt.

I wanted to go for my annual long spring weekend visit to see friends in Somerset over the Easter period, or even this weekend.

Did I? No, because I am not a selfish cunt.

Like you my plans for Easter and the Bank Holiday turned to shit and like you I've not been much more than a mile or so from home since March the 26th, although unlike you my mile's distance doesn't include either the South Coast or a National park. However, I do have the joys of the rather rather dull local park - six trees, no pond but lots of grass to not pick-nick on; I've crossed the North Circular on Pilgrimage to Barking Curfew Tower (0.9 miles from home); ans tomorrow afternoon I might pack up the Kendal Mint Cake and make an assault on the summit of Beckton Alp.

Unlike you I do no like living in a country where not only can the police stop you from travelling beyond an arbitrarily drawn line but they can also rob you for having the audacity to approach that line. Nor do I get any solace from knowing that in Belgium they steal even more and then beat the shit out of you.
Awful. :(
There has definitely been a huge risk, throughout this, as to how some police will behave - with less to do and less people around to witness it - and how much easier it is to minimise it later, on vague lockdown/covid grounds. How that could escalate in built up areas where it's already more stressful and difficult to be sat in, confined to your home with no outdoor space, as well as going out and doing shopping and exercising when SD is obvs more difficult.
It's frightening, that extra potential for abuse of power.

I did read this today, too -

Sod calling for a review, arrest the filths for assault and the attemted suicide bombing of a petrol station.
Some people in the lakes drove miles to get here and their excuse was 'we're here to feed the ducks'. The police told them to fuck off down south (politely).
Which, IMO is fine. But there also seems to be quite a bit of the filth making things up as they go along and penalising people for doing nothing unlawful. E.g. Fining people for crossing a demarcation line that wasn't there yesterday.
But...but...but...I am now a totally selfish cunt who wilfully drove 60 miles to our second home. From my city hometown to rural bucolic bliss.. It's fucking dreadful, isn't it? I have, to be fair, forgiven myself since the 'second home' is actually a horsebox and we were more at risk than the walkers, dog-owners, birdwatchers locals who share our woods. So yeah, I suppose we stepped into their 'space' whatever that might mean, driving from Cambridge to near Norwich...and they certainly stepped into mine...but what the fuck does this mean. We stayed in our truck until we were in our wood, went nowhere else, chatted to a local dog-trainer, our neighbouring farmer and his cowman...at a respectable distance of several metres. We are fortunate to have a little pocket wood and re-opened a particularly lovely circular route between the river and village, previously closed to locals by private landowners. And made the gate combination known, to the vast annoyance of other landowners with whom we share a right of way.
And I had not seen my daughter and grand-daughter for 3 months
Plus, there are worse cunts on the street where I live than some visiting random.
So you know...I have a (nominal) respect for the rule of law...by consent... have both vulnerable family members and a sense of civic responsibility and understand how risk assessment works...while seeing, at first hand, the utter fucking hypocrisy of non-distancing police. And after weeks of going nowhere further than half a mile from my home (social housing in case you thought I was some rentier wanker). And no, I do not want to see the country breaking apart into even more divisions than the ones which already have and I certainly don't feel comfortable with the virulent blaming of outsiders.
Iirc, that's exactly what Yu_Gi_Oh had to do on her return to China.

It's also what they briefyly pretended to do early on here, too - allocated hotels nearby airports, but with no insistence whatsoever that people do it (weren't people mostly not even made aware of the option?), so everyone just traipsed off home and the hotel rooms were left empty.

It's more stuff that's just said for effect, with no actual commitment to even begin to ensure it works, isn't it? No meaningful action, £££'s over lives - business as usual, more or less.
I'm expecting the magic app to turn out to be the same in the end (they've now handed out a whole new contract to see if we WOULD be best going with the alternative one after all, too, haven't they?) - that there won't be much at all put into actual contact tracing alongside it, despite all the scientific advisors constantly saying atm that it'll work very much alongside that.

Yes, I did. From the moment I landed in Beijing I was in something they call "closed loop isolation" and the airport had been sectioned-off so that all international arrivals were quarantined from domestic arrivals. They had a processing center at an Expo center near the airport that we were all taken to on coaches and then divided up according to our final destination.

Once I arrived in my home city, I was taken to an initial quarantine hotel with incredibly high-level infection control and given a coronavirus test. After a few days, once I'd passed that test, I was taken to a nicer hotel, and had to pass two more coronavirus tests before the time was up. I had to report my temperature twice a day, and yep, they left breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside my door.

Seven days after I got let out, I had to go an do another coronavirus test.

I believe that in many places now, you have to do the 14 days in a quarantine hotel, and then an additional 14 at home. The whole thing is serious. Back in Feb and early March, the UK govt was talking the talk with their requisitioned hotels near airports, and their contact testing reports, but it was all bullshit. They lied to us. They lied to us and I don't know if we'll ever be able to hold them to account.
You do know this whole outbreak started in Brighton and, had we nuked the place as I've been advocating for years anyway, it would all be gravy and roses right now.

This outbreak didn't start in Brighton, it's just that guy was the first 'super-spreader', there was full contact tracing, and that little outbreak was stopped in its tracks.
Which, IMO is fine. But there also seems to be quite a bit of the filth making things up as they go along and penalising people for doing nothing unlawful. E.g. Fining people for crossing a demarcation line that wasn't there yesterday.

Yup and the early payment discount is pretty clearly a bribe not to go to court, where a high proportion of these fines are likely to be thrown out.
What are they actually thinking with this new totally pointless empty slogan replacing the stay at home message, what is the idea behind that? I just don’t get it.
Boyfriend said yesterday he reckons that delaying quarantine for arrivals into the country until now was a plan to allow them to then point at the downward curve and say look it was foreigners that done it. I don’t know I’m not quite that cynical but couldn’t think of a better explanation for that either .
Not going down well in Scotland:

'Sturgeon said: “The Sunday papers is the first I’ve seen of the PM’s new slogan. It is of course for him to decide what’s most appropriate for England, but given the critical point we are at in tackling the virus, #StayHomeSaveLives remains my clear message to Scotland at this stage.”

Ian Blackford, the SNP leader in Westminster, said: “What kind of buffoon thinks of this kind of nonsense? It is an invisible threat. Staying alert is not the answer.”

What are they actually thinking with this new totally pointless empty slogan replacing the stay at home message, what is the idea behind that? I just don’t get it.
Boyfriend said yesterday he reckons that delaying quarantine for arrivals into the country until now was a plan to allow them to then point at the downward curve and say look it was foreigners that done it. I don’t know I’m not quite that cynical but couldn’t think of a better explanation for that either .

They really don't need an explanation for 'foreigners'. Plenty of anti-Chinese sentiment from day one of this.
Maybe 'stay alert' is a not so cryptic reference to 'keep shopping your neighbours'.

200,000 phone calls to the police and rising.
What answer is there for why the quarantining of arrivals is basically 2 months late though? Seems unlikely it’s pure incompetence, airlines and travel industry totally fucked weeks ago anyway etc. Just strange.

The airlines are a powerful lobby. Look how they've reacted to this, fucked weeks ago or not.
The airlines are a powerful lobby. Look how they've reacted to this, fucked weeks ago or not.
But 9/10 flights were already not flying this whole lockdown time, people just aren’t coming here anyway so not sure that’s the reason. Though that’s what all the news seems to be about, the Airline industry and not why it’s only happening now , 2 months late.
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