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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I usually make most of my money in March through to July so this 'average month' thing really fucks me. Also in the first year that gets taken into account I made fuck all, while the relatively lucrative year up to this April doesn't count. All in all if you couldn't apply online and had to send off an envelope with a stamp on it then I'd probably come off better by just keeping the stamp.
Shiiit, I forgot to check which year they were going by, which one is it? I might have the same problem. This is generally my busiest time, and I even had the pick of about three jobs from March until September. They have now all vanished an my calendar is completely clear. Annoying because I was booked to do a job that I have been told has been cut short, but I know it hasn't and that they actually have more work. It's just that they can now get someone else to do it that I assume is somehow more convenient for them. I think they hate me and only asked me to do it because another similar job booked for the same time was stealing all the editors. . . . that ones not happening now, freeing everyone up. The annoying thing is that I was actually double booked (the other job made me a better offer) and was going to tell them to do one (no loyalty because they screwed me three times the year before). Bah.
If by some cruel mistake, I had somehow ended up PM, I'd have stepped aside and nominated Elbows back in February.

Lol cheers, I dont think it would have gone as I would have wanted if I'd had power then. I would have trodden on so many toes when heckling the orthodox approach. And my brain would have fallen out when I was informed about the NHS's 'reverse triage' plans.

I dont think I'd have been able to alter many of the fundamental early failings to our approach. Most likely the most obvious difference that I would have been able to pull off would have been to lockdown 1-2 weeks earlier than we actually did. That would likely have made a rather notable difference to the number of deaths, but I would still have been left devastated by all the other failings in our approach :(
Seal the borders properly. Apply a firm but fair lockdown with heavy fines and a proper appeals process.

Invest in a proper contact tracing system, with or without an app, I'd take advice on that. But the aim would be eradication of the virus New Zealand style.

Send the army in to seize all private country estates and turn them over to food production as soon as possible to ensure the people's food supply.

A food commission set up to plan long term food supplies and to put rationing in place if required.

UBI immediately.

Cancel all credit card debts, rents and first home mortgages. Landlords who fall in mortgage arrears due to the above will have their properties taken over by the state and remain in the possession of their tenants.

All companies that can't afford to pay their workers to be nationalised by force and turned into workers' cooperatives with wages covered by state until working again.

That should do it for now.
You need to add something to ensure people stay entertained and sane whilst locked down.

Public execution of one tory MP a day should cover that.
Shiiit, I forgot to check which year they were going by, which one is it? I might have the same problem. This is generally my busiest time, and I even had the pick of about three jobs from March until September. They have now all vanished an my calendar is completely clear. Annoying because I was booked to do a job that I have been told has been cut short, but I know it hasn't and that they actually have more work. It's just that they can now get someone else to do it that I assume is somehow more convenient for them. I think they hate me and only asked me to do it because another similar job booked for the same time was stealing all the editors. . . . that ones not happening now, freeing everyone up. The annoying thing is that I was actually double booked (the other job made me a better offer) and was going to tell them to do one (no loyalty because they screwed me three times the year before). Bah.
It's 18-19, 17-18 and 16-17
Shiiit, I forgot to check which year they were going by, which one is it? I might have the same problem. This is generally my busiest time, and I even had the pick of about three jobs from March until September. They have now all vanished an my calendar is completely clear. Annoying because I was booked to do a job that I have been told has been cut short, but I know it hasn't and that they actually have more work. It's just that they can now get someone else to do it that I assume is somehow more convenient for them. I think they hate me and only asked me to do it because another similar job booked for the same time was stealing all the editors. . . . that ones not happening now, freeing everyone up. The annoying thing is that I was actually double booked (the other job made me a better offer) and was going to tell them to do one (no loyalty because they screwed me three times the year before). Bah.

It's the tax years 16-17, 17-18 and 18-19. You get 80% of what you made in an average month over those three years, per your profits as declared on your tax returns. In 16-17 I made almost fuck all, not least because I was waiting six fucking months for a DBS check to come through :mad:
I thought they only did one year (the last return?) and if you were not eligible on that one (over 50k) they looked at the last three years, added them up and divided, so that you had another chance to qualify.
No, they average those three years profits and then pay you 80% of 3 months' worth.
I thought they only did one year (the last return?) and if you were not eligible on that one (over 50k) they looked at the last three years, added them up and divided, so that you had another chance to qualify.

As usual it's as clear as mud. I think it's those three years by default and if say you weren't self employed in 16-17 they'll ignore that and do an average over the other two years instead. I hope you're right though as 18-19 was my best year of the three.
If you compare like with like, it is a different picture. The UK counts all deaths, Spain and Italy are counting hospital deaths only, which is a vast under-count. Lombardy has experienced 180% excess deaths, which is a better measure.

There's a chart posted earlier by 2hats on excess mortality throughout Europe, here -

I wish they'd stop wasting time talking about what will be opening , with vague hints about furlough ending. It's scaremongering imo.

Until they come up with a viable and workable solution re trains, tubes and buses to get people to work/park/beer garden it's all irrelevant . Public transport needs sorting first.

I think the focus has to be on buses, not least because everywhere has buses but also because you don't need to navigate a cramped, badly ventilated environment to get on them. Mind you another heat wave like last year's and the tube could be rendered utterly sterile.
I wish they'd stop wasting time talking about what will be opening , with vague hints about furlough ending. It's scaremongering imo.

Until they come up with a viable and workable solution re trains, tubes and buses to get people to work/park/beer garden it's all irrelevant . Public transport needs sorting first.

I was wondering, re ska invita's post about London, in particular, which pointed out that tubes (and everything else, tbf) would inevitably get filled to capacity very quickly at their first start points - whether it's possible to operate shorter shuttle services across all those services - so with lines/routes split up into smaller distances? :hmm:
Sure there'd be a lot wrong with it (and I don't know if that would present huge safety issues for tubes and trains anyway :hmm: ) and you'd still have a much reduced capacity, it'd make no difference to that - but maybe it'd encourage more people to walk from spots a little closer to work, along with freeing up the service for others further along?

I guess another problem with that though is that lots of people would still be needing to cover much greater distances, so then you'd end up with more people gathering on platforms/stops for ongoing journeys - although I suppose you'd end up with more people gathering trying to get on to anything with enough free space anyway, so maybe that's no more of an issue than it will be anyway. * brain explosion *
As usual it's as clear as mud. I think it's those three years by default and if say you weren't self employed in 16-17 they'll ignore that and do an average over the other two years instead. I hope you're right though as 18-19 was my best year of the three.
Yeah me too.
In theory, they could also encourage more people bringing bikes on tubes (would probably be easier to observe SD if you could, too!) so that more people could cycle in from more central points, or from routes further out that felt safer.

I dunno, the transport issue is just fucked really, isn't it?
afaik every country that is easing lockdown is doing so in a way that involves the provision for reimposition of measures locally or nationally if there are signs of R0 going above 1. If that is happening in certain parts of Germany, that's not a sign of failure or mistake. It's simply the process, and recognition that we're past a point where 'one size fits all' regarding lockdown.

Indeed. We would do well to watch those who are ahead of us, what happens there should guide what happens here. I did not state that this was a failure or a mistake on the part of Germany, they, like every one else are trying to make their way out of this. Set backs are inevitable.

I would keep lock down in the UK for another four weeks, but I doubt if the economy could survive that.

There is going to be massive unemployment after this, an awful lot of shops, for example, will never reopen.
@ sheothebudworths It really is and it doesn't seem to be spoken about much. And the people making the decisions are least likely to use it, so I don't trust their decision making.
In theory, they could also encourage more people bringing bikes on tubes (would probably be easier to observe SD if you could, too!) so that more people could cycle in from more central points, or from routes further out that felt safer.

I dunno, the transport issue is just fucked really, isn't it?

It isn't viable.
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