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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I get his general point about unreliable numbers, but are those projected (and bolded) figures for deaths realistic??? :confused: :eek:
I'm guessing the London School of Tropical Medicine have a better understanding of how this stuff works than anyone here, so if they say those are realistic figures, they're realistic figures. Big, but realistic.
Cid : I was only going on the figures posted above (in my post #6559, they'd been put up earlier in Buddy Bradley 's post).

ETA : And thanks for those population percentages, which (on a very quick read/headcount) do suggest the Wales and Scotland are a lot lower .... who knows why :confused:

One possibility is that they are earlier in their epidemics. But that also implies that lockdowns and the other previous measures happened at an earlier phase of their epidemics, which should end up making a difference to the total number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths there.

For example, on the day that England reached 99 recorded/reported hospital deaths, Wales had only had 2 at that point, Scotland 3, and Northern Ireland was a day away from reporting its first.

It can also be helpful to look at England broken down into broad regions, so you can see the epidemics varying a bit along those lines too. I will post some numbers later.
The Guardian was told last week that Johnson was more seriously ill than either he or his officials were prepared to admit, and that he was being seen by doctors who were concerned about his breathing.

I've been concerned about him breathing for a while now .
Cid : I was only going on the figures posted above (in my post #6559, they'd been put up earlier in Buddy Bradley 's post).

ETA : And thanks for those population percentages, which (on a very quick read/headcount) do suggest the Wales and Scotland are a lot lower .... who knows why :confused:
I think we are probably at the start of our curve as it were, and also we have far more access to open space- nowhere in Scotland is really on a par with London, not even Glasgow, not by a long shot. I’m not sure about Wales, 1 it’s not typically a point of entry from the continent right?
Confirmed cases in Orkney only popped up at the start of this week, then began rising. 5 now. Shetland had a couple arrive from Italy and there were ten confirmed cases before they decided to stop testing.
It seems strange that people in London are surprised that there’s lots of people outside. If you are only going out for essentials, that’s a lot of people. When they stopped people driving to exercise, that’s when I started meeting 15 people if I set off on foot from a council estate in Orkney. Would have been safer for us to drive out to the back o beyond.
Everyone following these rules to letter =high chance of seeing someone whilst out on foot.
And I do wonder if B.I.G is someone that’s taking up delivery slots that could
Do a 12 week isolator. Because from doing mutual aid stuff in a remote place for a couple a weeks, I can tell you that’s a conversation we could do with fucking having. *throws judgemental hat in ring”

And I do wonder if B.I.G is someone that’s taking up delivery slots that could
Do a 12 week isolator. Because from doing mutual aid stuff in a remote place for a couple a weeks, I can tell you that’s a conversation we could do with fucking having. *throws judgemental hat in ring”


I walk down to the local butcher / baker / greengrocer when I need to replenish the fridge.

Lots of people wishing BJ dead. Im not in the minority anymore.
London has areas with the densest population of anywhere in the UK, so not surprising there will be proportionally more people out within an area. Also will have contributed to the spread.

I’m wondering if there is less spread in Wales/Scotland and west of the country because the weather has been so shit until recently, so people might have stayed in more too. I know London and the east of the country is generally drier, could have made a small difference. Hasn’t been that nice a weekend here in Bristol, some sunshine but still quite cool and the wind harsh today. Saw a few people out on the downs when I did a bike ride earlier (50 mins only, forum nazis) but well spaced. Enjoying the empty roads.
It seems strange that people in London are surprised that there’s lots of people outside. If you are only going out for essentials, that’s a lot of people. When they stopped people driving to exercise, that’s when I started meeting 15 people if I set off on foot from a council estate in Orkney. Would have been safer for us to drive out to the back o beyond.
Everyone following these rules to letter =high chance of seeing someone whilst out on foot.

I have caused outrage to some in my local area and on a local FB group by drawing a fucking hopscotch outside my place for people to have a little fun with as they walk up or down the road to shops or park... I have encouraged others to do the same regardless and pointed out that as a key worker I still have to go to work and am at more risk by having to commute by train and bus/mix with colleagues etc...




I have discovered private messages from strangers with memes of 'STAY AT HOME< SAVE LIVES' despite the fact it's not a main road. People do not congregate, they simply hop, jump, hop and go on their way. I will keep doing this...it's making people smile, laugh, mostly used by adults. :D
I have caused outrage to some in my local area and on a local FB group by drawing a fucking hopscotch outside my place for people to have a little fun with as they walk up or down the road to shops or park... I have encouraged others to do the same regardless and pointed out that as a key worker I still have to go to work and am at more risk by having to commute by train and bus/mix with colleagues etc...


View attachment 205136


I have discovered private messages from strangers with memes of 'STAY AT HOME< SAVE LIVES' despite the fact it's not a main road. People do not congregate, they simply hop, jump, hop and go on their way. I will keep doing this...it's making people smile, laugh, mostly used by adults. :D

they're clearly concerned about people giving themselves coronavirus by breathing over themselves playing hopscotch :(
I have caused outrage to some in my local area and on a local FB group by drawing a fucking hopscotch outside my place for people to have a little fun with as they walk up or down the road to shops or park... I have encouraged others to do the same regardless and pointed out that as a key worker I still have to go to work and am at more risk by having to commute by train and bus/mix with colleagues etc...


View attachment 205136


I have discovered private messages from strangers with memes of 'STAY AT HOME< SAVE LIVES' despite the fact it's not a main road. People do not congregate, they simply hop, jump, hop and go on their way. I will keep doing this...it's making people smile, laugh, mostly used by adults. :D
Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 23.32.29.png
The numbers I mentioned I would share earlier. I've shared these before but this is the latest version. Sorry about the various holes in the data. Date that deaths were reported is not indicative of actual date of death. Other disclaimers may apply.

Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 23.35.18.png

Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 23.36.13.png

One of my sources for the data is this page going into deaths per hospital trust and region in England. It includes a graph that shows deaths per region over time, adjusted so it shows deaths per 100,000 of the population.

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Some fucker took a KOM off me on Strava today, and when I looked at it they‘d been on a ride lasting over two hours, exceeding the state’s allotted time allowance. Should I shop them to the rozzers?
I have caused outrage to some in my local area and on a local FB group by drawing a fucking hopscotch outside my place for people to have a little fun with as they walk up or down the road to shops or park... I have encouraged others to do the same regardless and pointed out that as a key worker I still have to go to work and am at more risk by having to commute by train and bus/mix with colleagues etc...


View attachment 205136


I have discovered private messages from strangers with memes of 'STAY AT HOME< SAVE LIVES' despite the fact it's not a main road. People do not congregate, they simply hop, jump, hop and go on their way. I will keep doing this...it's making people smile, laugh, mostly used by adults. :D
Haha! Awesome. I’m a keyworker too. I’m perhaps evilly glad that my only son will have kids joining him after Easter as our school becomes a “west mainland hub” - prior to our school being opened for only him!
Social isolation on my own I find easy, imposing it on a kid, heartbreaking, I feel that we are lucky I am a carer to be honest. I’ve managed to not flout lockdown rules outside of what I do. But I honestly feel for people who are confined to the house most days
The people I work(ed) for have a project to give free bikes to essential workers who need them. You get less exposure risk on a bike than on public transport. The scheme has proven very popular.

Mine are doing the same here.

Over the weekend, Cycling UK started offering 3 month free membership to nhs workers also.
I’d like to know how contact tracing would actually practically be done here, on a massive scale. I mean who would be doing it, would they try to get in touch with everyone that an infected person had sat near to in the last two weeks before they became ill?
It seems impossible to be honest, or at least incredibly expensive once you’ve recruited an army of tracers.
oh. there are thousands of people trained and skilled in doing exactly this but nobody asked them to do it.
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