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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Thanks for the thought two sheds but no, not vulnerable I think. 56, two cancer operations in the last 6 years, including one 9 months ago, but more than that I have PVD (two blocked arteries in my leg meaning I can't walk more than 200m and puts me first in line for a heart attack - but not vulnerable). I'm fairly confident if I get the virus I'll be in some trouble because of the PVD.

We don't even have Sainsburys. Nearest one is 30 miles away and they won't deliver here.

Tesco are wankers. I'm fairly sure they got massively greedy, took on more than they could (literally) deliver, and fuck the customer like me who has been having home delivery for 2 years now.

Sorry to hear that. No, unless you're on protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors or immunosuppression therapy doesn't look like you are :( (Do you live in England? - GOV.UK)

And yes @ Tesco wankers I've (reluctantly) had home deliveries from them but they don't seem to take that into account. It has to settle down soon though, they must be getting vans and drivers. Like I say I'm hoping Morrisons will deliver soon. Coop only seem to do major cities.
What annoys me [about this discussion] is that I'm 100% in favour of social distancing, exercising (pun not intended) some restraint and making adjustments to your life for the social good. It just seems like it would be better if we got to that point with a sense of community and collectivity, with a bit of 'education' even and less misanthropy. I'd also rather all that energy went into getting some safety equipment and safe working conditions for supermarket workers, for example. Shops (and hospitals) are where people are catching Covid 19, not footpaths.

I've been walking up and down the road outside my house with the dog once a day.

Occasionally get walkers, cyclists, horseriders so I step back with dog a good 3-4 yards and we exchange pleasantries. Is different here though because there are so few people round.
I'm also getting weird looks for wearing a scarf round my face and gloves ffs

How affective are gloves? When would you put them on? In the house before leaving or just before coming into the shop? Not aimed at you, but I'm not sure on how effective they are if not used in a specific way.
Sorry to hear that. No, unless you're on protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors or immunosuppression therapy doesn't look like you are :( (Do you live in England? - GOV.UK)

First two are cancer drugs I'm not on. Immunosuppression therapy includes autoimmune diseases. But not PVD. Which is an autoimmune disease.

No-one gives a fuck about PVD. It's crippled my life. But its barely heard of or spoken about and not enough to get me on any list. Oh well, never mind.
Makes some sense. I'm not really sure how much more effective they are to stopping spread unless used properly as they would be in a workplace. EG different task, change in environment etc.

I am chronic face toucher though so I'd probably still touch my face. :facepalm:

Yea i keep them on for a walk and wash them every time, i don't reuse the same pair.
First two are cancer drugs I'm not on. Immunosuppression therapy includes autoimmune diseases. But not PVD. Which is an autoimmune disease.

No-one gives a fuck about PVD. It's crippled my life. But its barely heard of or spoken about and not enough to get me on any list. Oh well, never mind.

I'd be tempted to phone your doctor and say you'd appreciate it if they'd class you as vulnerable (tell them you want "other continuing antibody treatments" for cancer as per the website).
I saw someone driving with gloves and a mask on today which I thought was odd. Surely you put them on when you get where you’re going and take off when you leave.

I also saw a fucking arsehole spitting in the car park at Sainsburys. I mean that’s gross at any time but fucking hell.
They’ve asked only one person to go in to supermarkets to get shopping. So I saw two couples leaving together with a trolley each and getting in the car together. Those selfish fuckers have now got double the amount of coconut rings they deserve. 😡
I love people watching but people were really annoying today.
First two are cancer drugs I'm not on. Immunosuppression therapy includes autoimmune diseases. But not PVD. Which is an autoimmune disease.

Peripheral vascular disease? I didn't think that was an autoimmune condition at all? Or do you mean something else?
Yea i keep them on for a walk and wash them every time, i don't reuse the same pair.

Yeah sorry I didn't mean it to come across as a questioning of you personally. I've been wondering how people have been using them generally. It's been ages since I've needed to use PPE at work.

I'm glad people can still go for a walk to be honest. I know some here are angry about it, but it's one of the most effective thing that I can encourage people to do to help maintain routine. I do have some fear if lockdown bites harder.
I wonder if these people out and about are just people that don't follow current affairs. I do know people that never watch the news, usually in their 20s, never buy a serious paper etc, they might not even know about the lockdown in any detail?
I wonder if these people out and about are just people that don't follow current affairs. I do know people that never watch the news, usually in their 20s, never buy a serious paper etc, they might not even know about the lockdown in any detail?
Everyone knows. You don’t need to watch the news. It’s all over social media, there’s adverts on tv and everyone is talking about it.
I wonder if these people out and about are just people that don't follow current affairs. I do know people that never watch the news, usually in their 20s, never buy a serious paper etc, they might not even know about the lockdown in any detail?

Yeah, I think there is some of that, or at least there was in the early days. Not sure people can claim that now though.
I wonder if these people out and about are just people that don't follow current affairs. I do know people that never watch the news, usually in their 20s, never buy a serious paper etc, they might not even know about the lockdown in any detail?

A lot of it might just be reflex behaviour - for example there seem to have been loads more people trying to shop at the weekend, even though most of the country were off all week.
I was in Downe, Kent today and it was probably busier than Picadilly circus i.e just a normal no. of walkers/cyclists in 1 & 2s etc I think the issue is with urban areas where loads of people are all in one place and social distancing falls down. It'd be mad to blank ban people excercising across the country.
Peripheral vascular disease? I didn't think that was an autoimmune condition at all? Or do you mean something else?

Sorry I meant my PVD was onset by vasculitis which is an autoimmune disease.

TBH, I'm fairly sick of everything this minute, including my PVD (from which I've had a bad day trying to exercise). So yeah, technically I'm talking shit. Ignore me.
Interesting double bill from Birrell - care crisis in the UK (independent) and bloody China bastards in the Mail

I’m hearing lots of that kind of story. My sister in law is a school dinner lady. She’s feeding children of key workers who are at school as well as kids who get free school meals. But she says the expectations of management in the kitchen are unacceptable. And then people sit around the same table for their break. She has two kids and my brother, all with asthma, at home who are being put at risk.

It’s this mismatch between expectation and reality that has got me down this morning.

I’m angry on behalf of people like yourself who are being put in impossible situations.

Don't get me wrong, we certainly aren't in the same bracket as those currently caring, at great risk to themselves, the sick in hospitals and makeshift facilities up and down the country, but I am getting angry that management, despite the irritating propaganda we get from company emails each day on what a great job they're doing to keep customers and employees safe, just think it's business as usual.
Yeah, I think there is some of that, or at least there was in the early days. Not sure people can claim that now though.
Yeah, I know it seems unbelievable but there are loads of people who just aren’t on the ball. They may be loners, or lonely, or mentally ill, or Aspergers, or functionally illiterate, or too young, or demented, or junkies, or simply uninterested. It takes time to get through to a lot of people. It’s also true that so much of the complexity goes straight over some people’s heads. What does 2 metres distance mean to someone brought up with imperial measurements? How long to self-isolate? 12 weeks? 14 days? 7 days? (Why, incidentally do viruses think in weeks?). It’s all too complicated to be absorbed by some in a very short space of time.
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