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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

My error on vocabulary but fact remains that it's quite hard to get ebola without close physical contact. And airborne would mean transmittable by tidal breathing in enclosed spaces and unless it was fantastically contagious would still be quite hard to pick up outdoor.

You can catch ebola in the same way that you can catch C-19, by touching any surface that has become contaminated and then touching your own face. It's present in all body fluids, including spit, tears, sweat, piss, shit, blood, vomit etc. And when someone has ebola they are exuding fluids of all kinds, everywhere. If you help someone sit up to drink water, or change their sheets, or adjust their pillows, or assist them while they vomit or take a shit, you're going to be exposed directly to the virus unless you're wearing appropriate protection. Even the ebola dead are contagious.

And if you look at that Nature link I posted, you'll see that it is considered possible that C-19 is transmitted simply by breathing, yawning, talking over some distance.

It's easy to stay safe by taking certain measures. It's easy to get infected if you don't take certain measures.

It's not especially useful to be comparing ebola with C-19
Lets see your righteous indignation when someone like maomao infects you and kills your boyfriend.
I've now lost count of the number of times you have effectively wished death on someone on this thread or someone close to them, and it appears to be a habit of yours across multiple threads.

I don't wish covid19 on you, but I do hope a virus takes out your computer and stops you posting here, you utter arsehole.
I've now lost count of the number of times you have effectively wished death on someone on this thread or someone close to them, and it appears to be a habit of yours across multiple threads.

I don't wish covid19 on you, but I do hope a virus takes out your computer and stops you posting here, you utter arsehole.

Would you wish death on me if I went out my way to spread viruses in your direction?
I think we can safely say you'd be part of Milgram's 37.

I think we should recognise that not everyone can follow the guidance as easily as others, and that we should be finding ways to support such people not screaming condemnation at them. And, if and when necessary, give those who can't self-isolate 'properly' a slightly wider berth than I would others. It's not rocket science. Or quite so dictatorial.

Everyone can stay in.
I read somewhere that in France some hotels are now being used as refuges for domestic violence victims as the lockdown is causing a huge increase in violence in the home.
Anyone heard any similar initiatives being talked about in this country ?


God I hope so.

I feel really haunted by this aspect of it all.

My niece apparently went to her mum feeling sad about this too, saying how glad she is that her aunt (me) got out of that dreadful hellish situation before this happened, and feeling really weepy about the people who are stuck.
I read somewhere that in France some hotels are now being used as refuges for domestic violence victims as the lockdown is causing a huge increase in violence in the home.
Anyone heard any similar initiatives being talked about in this country ?

the central concern here, at the moment, is ensuring existing refuge's are safe, rather than looking at expanding provision - yet. France is very backward when it comes to refuge provision, or indeed wider support for people fleeing DV, so there need for extra spaces is greater than ours. But the lockdown undoubtedly will see a significant increase in DV, especially where people are in ludicrously overcrowded homes, and the search for extra places is due in the next week or two.
I can't manage any of those, for various health reasons. Along with lots of elderly people who will be in the same situation. Going out for a short walk is my only option.

Could you walk on the spot? Or do without exercise for, say, a couple of weeks?
Individually, but how can that be managed on a population level? The rules have got to be simple and general. And still people find them confusing. Can you imagine the chaos if they tried to say, yeah you can go out/do this/do that if you feel like it's better for your mental health?

Any scope you reckon for organised walks through local support groups?

I ask because there’s a group local to me thinking along this lines?
All banning exercise will achieve is a load of confrontations between jobsworth old bill and people going shopping for food or to work and is likely to escalate the chances of the quarantine breaking down completely. Shutting down call centres, unnecessary online stores and construction sites would be likely to have a much bigger impact on reducing transmission than creating a near police state where the mostly likely person to give you coronavirus is the copper who stops you to demand to see your papers.

Surely just saying only one person out at a time would be a much better solution, with caveats for people with kids/carers obviously. That would stop all the family days out, picnics, mates meeting up in parks etc without creating a potential social timebomb that could prove explosive and ultimately counter-productive if it goes on for a long time. Policing for once has to genuinely be about consent, because they can't hold this without the support and agreement of the population and telling people they can't go for a walk or take the dog out when many people are still being expected to go to work, often in unsafe conditions, doesn't seem very sustainable to me. And much as I love a good riot now is probably not the time.
Seems to me, the social distancing message would go a lot better if it was an actual campaign by government not just stark messages and the odd threat. Get different social and community organisations on board for actually talking to people (online, from the end of the garden etc.), make it into something that gets embedded in a meaningful way. Seems like a random thing to suggest but Starmer should take it as task 1, getting labour back into its own communities to spread this message and check that people are okay,, but also as a marker for winning the peace. of course he won't.
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Those two pricks having a barbecue on Brighton beach yesterday, and refusing to move on even after the cops extinguished it by pouring water over it, weren't issued with the £60 on the spot fines each, but instead have been charged & will be summoned to appear in court instead. :D
Seems to me, the social distancing message would go a lot better if it was an actual campaign by government not just stark messages and the odd thread. Get different social and community organisations on board for actually talking to people (online, from the end of the garden etc.), make it into something that gets embedded in a meaningful way. Seems like a random thing to suggest but Starmer should take it as task 1, getting labour back into its own communities to spread this message and check that people are okay,, but also as a marker for winning the peace. of course he won't.

Well there was the campaign using footballers, that instantly had additional unexpected impact when Grealish crashed his vehicle.
Those two pricks having a barbecue on Brighton beach yesterday, and refusing to move on even after the cops extinguished it by pouring water over it, weren't issued with the £60 on the spot fines each, but instead have been charged & will be summoned to appear in court instead. :D
Charged with what offence do you know ? (civil or criminal?)
No one on this thread has gone or is going out of their way to spread viruses in your or anyone else's direction, you silly prick.

Why are you so keen to wish death on so many people who you haven't even met?

People not staying in are risking others lives. Should they be exempt from the same risk?
You're allowed to shop for essentials, not lattes!

You're supposed to exercise locally, not risk spreading the virus to other communities.

And I bet they were out for more than an hour, too.

Selfish pricks.

He has a point. Why is the shop selling lattes if they are not essential?
Does this include Tesco?

I tried twice this week. I found out Tesco slots come on at midnight. We have a cheap subscription, meaning we can get slots on Tue, Wed, Thu. So I logged on at 11.55 to get a message telling me I was in a queue. At 12.12am I got through - to all slots gone for Wed.

So I tried the next night. Logged on at 11.20pm. I was in. But of course the slots weren't up. At 11.50pm the message came up again about being in a queue. At 12.25am I was through - to no slots available again.

Coincidentally the next morning I got an email saying my subscription was on hold, they are giving money back for March, but I can still get slots for free within my subscription time frame (Tue, Wed, Thu).

Yeah. Course I can. :hmm:

These slots are for 3 weeks from now.

Replying to a bit of an old post now but are you vulnerable and if so have you tried Sainsbury's? I signed on to the government's on-line register a couple of weeks ago and suddenly last week I quickly got a Sainsbury's slot.

And a phone call today to tell me I'm on their list for priority deliveries. While as you say Tesco slots are three weeks ahead if then, Morrisons just not available which is a shame because I was hoping to use them because of their good treatment of staff recently. I was planning to set alarm for just before midnight for Tesco otherwise.
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