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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

What I meant to do about he kids over the road, by the way? They live in ridiculously overcrowded houses, 8 or 9 in a not that big terrace, so the fact that they spill out onto the streets every day, mucking around in each others' front yards, in and our of each others' houses. Should i be screaming at them for putting everyone else at risk? Or just get on with my own life and accept that they aren't in circumstances that allow them to isolate properly. And it is them that is likely to pay the bigger price.
619 deaths added to the figures today. Usual weekend dip so not necessarily indicating an actual drop in death rate.

Yes, I am watching the Scottish press conference, where Calderwood is being roasted. Sturgeon was frank about aspect of their death reporting system not yet working 7 days a week, and that their numbers today and tomorrow would be artificially low as a result. (they only added 2 deaths to their total today).

They should have removed Calderwood from her post straight away. Instead they are going on about the vital work she is doing and are trying to get through the shitstorm.
What I meant to do about he kids over the road, by the way? They live in ridiculously overcrowded houses, 8 or 9 in a not that big terrace, so the fact that they spill out onto the streets every day, mucking around in each others' front yards, in and our of each others' houses. Should i be screaming at them for putting everyone else at risk? Or just get on with my own life and accept that they aren't in circumstances that allow them to isolate properly. And it is them that is likely to pay the bigger price.

Them plus the people they infect. The should clearly be in their houses.
You can catch it at 2m outdoors.
This is (surprise) an ongoing and hot area of aerosol biophysics research. But most recent work (DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.4756) suggests potentially up to 8 metres. Note that this is (to some approximation) a probability cloud of sorts (drawn out and biased by the countervailing background air motion), the seed of which is, to a large degree, a function of the dominant respiratory aerosolisation mechanism (bronchiolar fluid film burst, laryngeal, oral), which itself in turn depends on the expiratory mode - breathing, talking, singing, exercising, sneezing, coughing, etc. (DOI:10.1080/02786826.2020.1749229, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2011.07.009). The turbulent multiphase nature of respiratory clouds further complicates this and has been shown (DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2014.88) to extend the range of pathogens as virion bearing droplets are kept in suspension for longer.
People shouldn't go in their gardens then. I'm regularly less than two metres away from my neighbours while in my garden.
That doesn't mean you can't go into your garden but, obviously, you should keep in mind that distancing still applies (unless you have a six-foot high wall between you, I suppose).
Seriously thats your response to someone saying that they go outside into their own back garden? If this sort of righteous spite is commonplace we are in for serious trouble . :(

Thats what I said but not in response to them going in their back garden.
Are they sneezing over the fence. You seem to want to do what you want. If someone you love dies. Let me know how it goes.
Sounds like you're enjoying the excuse to keep your fat arse on the sofa. Let me know how your loved ones feel when you die of heart disease.

We are staying in thanks but we have a garden and are being quite disciplined about things. There is a massive health cost to staying indoors, potentially alone, for long periods of time and this shouldn't be ignored. I think we'll all find out just how bad that need for fresh air and sunlight is if the temperature hits the high twenties with even stricter lockdown rules.

Personally I think registering for exercise and keeping it within a certain distance of your home without the right paperwork/phone app/whatever would be the way to go. In case of hot weather park access could be restricted to people without gardens through the same systems.
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Them plus the people they infect. The should clearly be in their houses.
Yeah cos more overcrowding never hurt anyone. And they very obviously are not going to just 'be in their houses,' so what do you think, or any other responsible citizen, should do? Grass them up? Shout at them? Throw rocks to drive them inside?
No I wouldn't because ebola isn't very infectious. And I'm not convinced that coronavirus is infectious enough to be passed from human to human outdoors at a distance of a few feet.

We don't know for sure but there is sufficient legitimate concern to warrant making the assumption that it could be that contagious.

Yeah cos more overcrowding never hurt anyone. And they very obviously are not going to just 'be in their houses,' so what do you think, or any other responsible citizen, should do? Grass them up? Shout at them? Throw rocks to drive them inside?

They should be in just their houses. Have you seen the news. Its lockdown.
What I meant to do about he kids over the road, by the way? They live in ridiculously overcrowded houses, 8 or 9 in a not that big terrace, so the fact that they spill out onto the streets every day, mucking around in each others' front yards, in and our of each others' houses. Should i be screaming at them for putting everyone else at risk? Or just get on with my own life and accept that they aren't in circumstances that allow them to isolate properly. And it is them that is likely to pay the bigger price.
You can't control what other people are doing. As I am always saying to my 6 & 9 year olds when they start grassing each other up "just make sure you are doing the right thing and don't worry about everyone else".
Yeah cos more overcrowding never hurt anyone. And they very obviously are not going to just 'be in their houses,' so what do you think, or any other responsible citizen, should do? Grass them up? Shout at them? Throw rocks to drive them inside?

If there was a facility to grass them up. That should be the course of action.

Whats your plan let everyone do what they want until the virus has finished infecting everyone.
You can't control what other people are doing. As I am always saying to my 6 & 9 year olds when they start grassing each other up "just make sure you are doing the right thing and don't worry about everyone else".
Absolutely and when they come over to ask if they can help with gardening I send them away and give them a brief reminded of government advice. All I can do. Some seem to think more should be done to get them off the street though.
No I wouldn't because ebola isn't very infectious. And I'm not convinced that coronavirus is infectious enough to be passed from human to human outdoors at a distance of a few feet.

Ebola is fantastically infectious.

It is also very contagious via body fluids. The only good thing with ebola is that it's not a respiratory disease, so it doesn't spread via sneezing, coughing etc.

A lot of countries are limiting who goes out shopping by the first letter of people’s surnames, even by gender. Of course that requires enforcement, whether by police or shop staff.
If there was a facility to grass them up. That should be the course of action.

Whats your plan let everyone do what they want until the virus has finished infecting everyone.
I think we can safely say you'd be part of Milgram's 37.

I think we should recognise that not everyone can follow the guidance as easily as others, and that we should be finding ways to support such people not screaming condemnation at them. And, if and when necessary, give those who can't self-isolate 'properly' a slightly wider berth than I would others. It's not rocket science. Or quite so dictatorial.
Ebola is fantastically infectious.

It is also very contagious via body fluids. The only good thing with ebola is that it's not a respiratory disease, so it doesn't spread via sneezing, coughing etc.

My error on vocabulary but fact remains that it's quite hard to get ebola without close physical contact. And airborne would mean transmittable by tidal breathing in enclosed spaces and unless it was fantastically contagious would still be quite hard to pick up outdoor.
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