First intersubjective, then internalised
Well they were all queuing 2m apart and split up afterwards. And yes, I know everyone in this village. There’s about 100 of us. Why is it so hard for you to believe I intimately know the immediate environment I’ve lived in for 10 years? I know passing cyclists when I see them.And you know for a fact they don't live in the same house? And that the village shop was not their village shop?
This spot is a Mecca for road cyclists. We get hundreds of thousands through each year. It’s on every top ten list and every website. That’s fine (kind of) but now is not the time to go off for 50 mile cycles around the countryside. 90% seem to understand that, because the cycle traffic has almost disappeared. But there is a hard core of don’t-give-a-shit cunts who are carrying on their hobby as if nothing is happening. And the point is that they aren’t harming nobody by keeping distant in passing, they are stopping off to buy lattes as they go through villages.
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