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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Establishment shithead indulging in behaviour that suggests 'rules dont apply to me'.

The rules are obviously for the plebs not for her, reminds me of Kinnock jr who visited his dad to wish him happy birthday!!

I have only been out to go food shopping, and to collect more work so I can continue to work from home.
So just fuck off all the psychological benefits of outdoor excercise because you don't approve of it.

There will be suicides as a result of this lockdown, there will be permanent harm to the mental health of large numbers of people. Just saying 'stay inside or people die' doesn't cut it. It's lazy bullshit, and it's lazy bullshit that comes directly from a government in a state of desperation at their own failure to manage this situation properly, and of the political rather than the public health implications of that failure.

Tens of thousands of people in the UK will die of Covid-19. What's lazy is just brushing that aside with some vague waffle about suicide. You're essentially suggesting that the cure is worse than the disease, without offering any empirical evidence for such a claim. I mean, what's to say that losing loved ones won't be a bigger driver for suicide than isolation? And you're the one hiding behind government advice to justify hobby cycling.
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Apparently they've had police stationed at junction 27 turning back anyone with a car full of people and luggage. I don't approve of people going on holiday to Devon during a pandemic, but I'd have to admit that's at least 60% because I grew up in Devon and so I hate everyone who goes there on holiday anyway.
Hang on, you were posting on here before about leaving where you live to meet up with your partner and then both heading off to another destination, despite knowing doing so was against all advice. IIRC, you only didn't do so because circumstances intervened. So sorry, but think it's a bit rich for you to be coming out with this stuff now.
I'm a bit worried about how it will affect my mum if they ban walking etc, I mean we will deal with it but the lockdown rules already causing quite a bit of tension tbh.

Well assuming they still allow going out for food, I've been combining a walk with that. Not daily. I actually felt a bit guilty for taking a prolonged walk into town and back the other day. (NO way I wanted to risk the bus.) It was a necessary journey TBF bank / food. I did quite enjoyed being out for that long though. Otherwise I'm just sat in the flat with the windows open.
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Even Singapore has moved to a state of lockdown (although there is always devil in detail as to how far a particular lockdown goes) and they cannot be accused of botching the initial response.

But our government has been accused of exactly that and I maintain that it's that, and not people sunbathing in parks, that they're responding to with threats of increased restrictions. Every news story about people on Brighton seafront talking to each other is a story not about inadequately protected, overworked nurses dying. That is is the driving factor here.

The latest adverts say stay home to protect the NHS, and show nurses in belt-and-braces PPE staring ominously into the camera. The message couldn't be clearer, 'we're not failing to protect the NHS, you are'.
Tbf Athos you're not considering that other people live in different circumstances to your own. I've lived in a tenement flat where there literally is not enough clear floor space to do press ups, and where if you jog on the spot your downstairs neighbour will lose patience with you very quickly. Where I've struggled to keep children acceptably quiet for the neighbours even when they're not trapped inside all day.

Do them on your bed, then. Christ, I'm sure people can come up with solutions if they want to. And, to be honest, the packs of pricks riding their bikes round here probably pay more for them than most families do for their cars! There's no way it's essential; they want to keep up their hobby, and fuck everyone else.
But our government has been accused of exactly that and I maintain that it's that, and not people sunbathing in parks, that they're responding to with threats of increased restrictions. Every news story about people on Brighton seafront talking to each other is a story not about inadequately protected, overworked nurses dying. That is is the driving factor here.

The latest adverts say stay home to protect the NHS, and show nurses in belt-and-braces PPE staring ominously into the camera. The message couldn't be clearer, 'we're not failing to protect the NHS, you are'.

It's both. The government fucked it up. But people are helping the spread.
Hang on, you were posting on here before about leaving where you live to meet up with your partner and then both heading off to another destination, despite knowing doing so was against all advice. IIRC, you only didn't do so because circumstances intervened. So sorry, but think it's a bit rich for you to be coming out with this stuff now.

Yes I remember that. Cornwall, when they were begging people not to come due to low hospital capacity in that region.
Hang on, you were posting on here before about leaving where you live to meet up with your partner and then both heading off to another destination, despite knowing doing so was against all advice. IIRC, you only didn't do so because circumstances intervened. So sorry, but think it's a bit rich for you to be coming out with this stuff now.

The circumstances were a change in the guidelines, which we could easily have ignored as they were not yet being enforced, but chose not to.
All banning exercise will achieve is a load of confrontations between jobsworth old bill and people going shopping for food or to work and is likely to escalate the chances of the quarantine breaking down completely. Shutting down call centres, unnecessary online stores and construction sites would be likely to have a much bigger impact on reducing transmission than creating a near police state where the mostly likely person to give you coronavirus is the copper who stops you to demand to see your papers.

Surely just saying only one person out at a time would be a much better solution, with caveats for people with kids/carers obviously. That would stop all the family days out, picnics, mates meeting up in parks etc without creating a potential social timebomb that could prove explosive and ultimately counter-productive if it goes on for a long time. Policing for once has to genuinely be about consent, because they can't hold this without the support and agreement of the population and telling people they can't go for a walk or take the dog out when many people are still being expected to go to work, often in unsafe conditions, doesn't seem very sustainable to me. And much as I love a good riot now is probably not the time.
Do them on your bed, then. Christ, I'm sure people can come up with solutions if they want to. And, to be honest, the packs of pricks riding their bikes round here probably pay more for them than most families do for their cars! There's no way it's essential; they want to keep up their hobby, and fuck everyone else.
Your idea of 'easy' is different to mine then. Maybe you just want to be angry at someone and faceless lycra cyclists seem like the answer.
Your idea of 'easy' is different to mine then. Maybe you just want to be angry at someone and faceless lycra cyclists seem like the answer.

Nah, I'm never short of people to be angry at! But, seriously, it may not be as easy, but making that sacrifice is better than the alternative.
No-one is going to argue that groups of people meeting up for whatever reason is justified. But this idea that somehow just riding a bike is going to dramatically increase risk is utter bollocks. The most risky part of that proposition is the bit where you’re leaving the flat and touching communal surfaces.

The construction sector is still running. SMEs are still running. Restrictions on shopping times are half-arsed. These are where the big risks are. Indoors, in restricted spaces. Absolutely break up outside groups, absolutely close areas where there’s abuse of rules. But we have more than one public health crisis, and this may be something we need to manage over the course of this year, and half of next. Has to be balanced.
I was silently raging other day waiting outside a small local shop I wanted to go in, to get tea and milk, (this was my walk.) The counter's by the door so I waited as I could hear a customer in there. He kept faffing about, going back to the shelves, bantering with the owner. I was just thinking, hurry the fuck up you dozy cunt.

Some peple are just gormless fuckwits and probably aren't reading / watching the news as much as us.
I've just seen Michael Gove on tv telling me to exercise restraint. Just as I was thinking of breaking the rules and going for a booty call with my gf.

They should get him to front birth control campaigns. That little mouth. Telling me to restrain myself. I'll never get horny again I don't think.
Management at work (night shift at Morrisons) aren't taking social distancing seriously, expecting five or six people to cram into a small space to put out stock.
I’m hearing lots of that kind of story. My sister in law is a school dinner lady. She’s feeding children of key workers who are at school as well as kids who get free school meals. But she says the expectations of management in the kitchen are unacceptable. And then people sit around the same table for their break. She has two kids and my brother, all with asthma, at home who are being put at risk.

It’s this mismatch between expectation and reality that has got me down this morning.

I’m angry on behalf of people like yourself who are being put in impossible situations.
Nah, I'm never short of people to be angry at! But, seriously, it may not be as easy, but making that sacrifice is better than the alternative.
How exactly are cyclists spreading the virus? Sorry I don't get that. What is the mechanism?

I went for quite a long walk yesterday and managed very easily to avoid any contact with anybody at all. I walked up to Regent's Park in London, one of the parks that is still open, and did a big walk right around it. I stayed well away from everyone, which was easy to do, and I did a bit of a social distancing audit while I was there.

I was surprised tbh, that on a sunny Saturday afternoon and without a single copper in sight, I saw virtually 100 per cent compliance - single people, couples or family groups out relaxing and playing and staying well away from everyone else. In my whole walk around the park, which took about an hour, I saw one group that looked like two separate families together, who may have been breaking the rules (only may - maybe they live together, I don't know). Out of the total people I saw to find just one suspect group was pretty remarkable, I'd say. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a good 9.8.

It's a non-issue, utterly irrelevant compared to the scandal that is the lack of testing and proper PPE in hospitals.

And many of those people out will have been like me - live relatively nearby but in a very urban environment, in flats with no outdoor space and very little opportunity to exercise - I'm one of those for whom running on the spot would be an antisocial thing to do. The opportunity to get into some greenery for a while is of not inconsiderable benefit, and I'm sorry but I reject the idea that those people I saw out yesterday were spreading the virus.
Can we stop arguing with each other about this? It’s understandable that we have a good old vent, but it’s not productive to be shouting each other down. I’d join back up to Nextdoor if I wanted to read a load of people cussing each other out about cycling or parking.
Yes I remember that. Cornwall, when they were begging people not to come due to low hospital capacity in that region.

And hands up who here hasn't considered doing something they shouldn't do, at any point in this whole shitshow?

Right now we've put that to bed, maybe we can dispense with the cross-thread beef. Because the next person who brings it up I'm just fucking leaving these boards for the forseeable.
It's a non-issue, utterly irrelevant compared to the scandal that is the lack of testing and proper PPE in hospitals.

Yeah but you make all sorts of claims that you think support your view that a wishy washy lockdown would be almost as effective.

You take very good points, such as the large role that spread of the virus in hospitals has, and twist them to imply that therefore all the other measures are small beans in comparison, that all the other stuff is mostly irrelevant.

This is stupid and dangerous thinking, and I am so glad that you are not involved with policy decisions on this front.
Yeah but you make all sorts of claims that you think support your view that a wishy washy lockdown would be almost as effective.

You take very good points, such as the large role that spread of the virus in hospitals has, and twist them to imply that therefore all the other measures are small beans in comparison, that all the other stuff is mostly irrelevant.

This is stupid and dangerous thinking, and I am so glad that you are not involved with policy decision on this front.
This is just a needless swipe. As I said, I was looking very carefully and saw virtually no mixing of groups of people who didn't live together. This virus is a real threat. But it is not a magic virus. Parks are being closed for basically no reason.
Can we stop arguing with each other about this? It’s understandable that we have a good old vent, but it’s not productive to be shouting each other down. I’d join back up to Nextdoor if I wanted to read a load of people cussing each other out about cycling or parking.


But it wont just be us getting tetchy will it?

Imagine as the lockdown continues and gets tighter. The weather warms up. People, especially younger people, crammed inside spaces not big enough to contain the numbers forced to inhabit them, being chided daily by those for whom the lockdown has no real spatial issue. Facing an uncertain future at best. Simmering. Simmering, Simmering...
Can we stop arguing with each other about this? It’s understandable that we have a good old vent, but it’s not productive to be shouting each other down. I’d join back up to Nextdoor if I wanted to read a load of people cussing each other out about cycling or parking.

Yep. Sad to see a bunch of broadly left wing people pointing fingers at a few dickheads sunbathing rather than the absolute shit show the gov't have made of this. The people dying now contracted the virus weeks ago; when pubs, non-essential shops and fucking Cheltenham festival was open.
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