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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion


But it wont just be us getting tetchy will it?

Imagine as the lockdown continues and gets tighter. The weather warms up. People, especially younger people, crammed inside spaces not big enough to contain the numbers forced to inhabit them, being chided daily by those for whom the lockdown has no real spatial issue. Facing an uncertain future at best. Simmering. Simmering, Simmering...

But it wont just be us getting tetchy will it?

Imagine as the lockdown continues and gets tighter. The weather warms up. People, especially younger people, crammed inside spaces not big enough to contain the numbers forced to inhabit them, being chided daily by those for whom the lockdown has no real spatial issue. Facing an uncertain future at best. Simmering. Simmering, Simmering...

Could definitely see that happening but that's not tallying with the stuff I'm seeing on a daily basis and people in London and other cities who are (so far) taking this much more seriously - and having the lockdown enforced much more seriously too
i have been out in the communal garden precisely three times in over two week, i have no idea what the rest of my city on near environ looks like

if i have to do it, why can't others limit their outings?
There's just so much to despise, isn't there - beyond people going out.
The acknowledgment yesterday and today that SSP payments are too low to live on (Hancock agreeing, Gove swiftly moving on from the question today, the cunt), UC having been adjusted upwards, by £20 a week, even to meet that shitty rate...like it was ok before?
I'm frustrated at people not taking measures which are comparitvely easier, for a time, when our health system is so overwhelmed because it's been so deliberately run down, when there are staff there working themselves into the ground, without any remotely safe precautions in place for themselves, where that inevitably reflects on their capabilities to save lives - when money and magic IS so easily found, when acknowledgments ARE made in light of this. Homelessness, DV, it's all shot out into the light. What went before and what comes later are important. In the meantime, there are things we can do, though and it's not having fucking picnics or driving off to 'secluded' places and we shouldn't need policing in that.

Not one pence extra for disabled and sick people, despite having extra costs, dispensable?
This is just a needless swipe. As I said, I was looking very carefully and saw virtually no mixing of groups of people who didn't live together. This virus is a real threat. But it is not a magic virus. Parks are being closed for basically no reason.

No, my repeated swipes at your stance in recent days have been quite necessary for me, I could not keep quiet about your dangerous bullshit any longer.

And stop using the word magic like that - you only started doing it after I criticised your magical liberal bullshit stance, get over it.

There will probably be a time for subtle nuances of policy later on, and you can probably find a place in that scene that I wont call dangerous. Because the timing will be more appropriately in tune with the stage our epidemic is at by then. But I think you allowed your instincts and beliefs to cloud your judgement on this stuff at just the wrong time, at just the time that we needed a very hard application of the brakes, a time that has no place for so many exceptions that the whole thing ends up resembling a colander rather than a shield.
This is just a needless swipe. As I said, I was looking very carefully and saw virtually no mixing of groups of people who didn't live together. This virus is a real threat. But it is not a magic virus. Parks are being closed for basically no reason.

Closing parks piecemeal and at random while telling people they can still excercise outdoors using the much reduced space now available in which to do so is a classic example of how incoherent all these measures are. And yet most people are still trying to adhere to them.

No, people haven't adjusted overnight nor have they done so 100% effectively, but name me one major change in human behaviour that happened overnight and with 100% of the population playing along? What we've actually seen is the fastest, largest-scale and most comprehensive change in human behaviour possibly ever. Only someone who had never met a human would be surprised or angry about the fact we haven't yet hit 100%. It's only been two fucking weeks. Two miserable and terrifying weeks for a lot of people. And still, still society is functioning despite this vast upheaval. Focus on that for fuck's sake, for your own sanity if not for the fact I'm sick of hearing about what cunts people are.

e2a: Not at you littlebabyjesus, just for the benefit of the room at large.

e3a: Also, threatening to prevent outdoor excercise if people excercise outdoors is batshit insane. Obviously if everyone thinks that this could be the last day they see sunlight for two months, everyone will go outside. I'm convinced this is a feature, not a bug and that the decision to tighten restrictions has already been made. I'm also convinced that if that happens the relevant data will not show a significant improvement in the situation as a result, when this is all picked apart months or years down the line.
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But it wont just be us getting tetchy will it?

Imagine as the lockdown continues and gets tighter. The weather warms up. People, especially younger people, crammed inside spaces not big enough to contain the numbers forced to inhabit them, being chided daily by those for whom the lockdown has no real spatial issue. Facing an uncertain future at best. Simmering. Simmering, Simmering...
Frightening to think about it.
It is so easy to whip up hate at the moment... I think this will be a conscious decision, to prepare the grounds for the general public being 'to blame' when numbers continue to rise. In todays frankly unbelieveable press briefing, this deflection was used (by Gove) in textbook style. After his medical colleague went off piste, mentioning the words 'avoiding the question', not once but twice, Gove swiftly swooped in with some irrelevant guff (answering nothing). When the journalist continued to press about uncomfortable details (testing, iirc) (again ignored), another hack appears on screen to insist the govt flag up conspiraloonery regarding setting fire to 5gmasts...because obviously, it is essential that the public are made cognisant that there are loons on social media.
So yep, I think it is almost inevitable that the public will be scapegoated, the police will be as heavy-handed as they can get away with and there will be public naming and shaming.
We need to allocate blame where it is most due - to the greedy, lazy incompetents (and their enablers) who have consistently failed to put people before profit...on every single level, for 4 decades of exploitation...not some dogwalker on the common.

Joe anderson Liverpool Mayor, has had death threats, as have others, engineers screamed at, but i get your point
Yep. Sad to see a bunch of broadly left wing people pointing fingers at a few dickheads sunbathing rather than the absolute shit show the gov't have made of this. The people dying now contracted the virus weeks ago; when pubs, non-essential shops and fucking Cheltenham festival was open.
That's the whole point. Get everyone angry at cyclists rather than the scum that have been screwing the NHS for the last decade and longer. So that when they ban us from going out for exercise it'll be our fault for being naughty not theirs for bringing in an ill-defined lockdown too late.

Allowances should be made for people who don't have access to any outside space in their home. There are families of four crammed into one and two bedroom flats throughout London. No-one in my house except me has left the building in 16 days but if we didn't have a garden we'd be in the park keeping our distance daily.
These arguments are not taking place where governments have imposed a real lockdown from day one.
This isn't true - everywhere people are complaining about how strict their particular regime is, complaining about their neighbours flouting it, and flouting it.

Which isn't to say that some of this stuff is UK specific, and to do with poor communication from the government - but those big posters we were all laughing at from China telling people not to visit their in-laws, the massive figures for arrests in italy are all evidence of this problem existing elsewhere. It's people, not just us.
This isn't true - everywhere people are complaining about how strict their particular regime is, complaining about their neighbours flouting it, and flouting it.

Yes it is true.

I have heard absolutely zero complaints here - and if there are any - they are not making a ripple amongst my friends, colleagues or on my social media. There have been breaches and arrests - but the difference between here and the UK is the debate amongst the majority that is going on. You are having one. We aren't.
This isn't true - everywhere people are complaining about how strict their particular regime is, complaining about their neighbours flouting it, and flouting it.

Which isn't to say that some of this stuff is UK specific, and to do with poor communication from the government - but those big posters we were all laughing at from China telling people not to visit their in-laws, the massive figures for arrests in italy are all evidence of this problem existing elsewhere. It's people, not just us.

Anecodtally London seems to be worse than everywhere else.

Probably completely unrelated to the fact London is the most densely populated part of the country and the basic maths of avoiding everyone is highly unfavourable.
Worth nothing that here they are going to loosen the lockdown as things improve. Because that's obviously the right way to do it. Do your tough lockdown first and then ease it up and let people go for walks bit-by-bit once you've passed the peak.

It makes total sense to do it this way. I've been so surprised by the debate on here. This is the place where I'd have most faith in people's attitudes.
I just chafe against the hypocrisy of focusing on parks (living in an inner city terrace I'll be in much closer proximity to my neighbours if we're stuck using only our backyards for the foreseeable) when much more obvious vectors of infection such as factory and supermarket work remain unpoliced. Let's criminalise making people work without social distancing and PPE. But stopping people having a walk doesn't affect profits.
i have been out in the communal garden precisely three times in over two week, i have no idea what the rest of my city on near environ looks like

if i have to do it, why can't others limit their outings?

Has it occurred to you that many others don’t have a communal garden to go to.
That the square foot area people live in might be smaller. walls thinner. windows smaller.
That the number of people that area is shared with makes a huge difference.

Sorry this probably comes off as overly harsh but consider that my neighbours in a tower block only last year got rehoused from a one bedroom flat, family of 4. After 7 years. No communal gardens.
Has it occurred to you that many others don’t have a communal garden to go to.
That the square foot area people live in might be smaller. walls thinner. windows smaller.
That the number of people that area is shared with makes a huge difference.

Obviously the number of people dying is inversely correlated to how small your home is. If you live in a room 2m square. Stay in it.
I have a really bad feeling about how this lockdown might play out over the coming weeks. Over 2,000 arrests in Spain so far apparently for breaking the rules. They close Brockwell park in Lambeth today, where only a tiny percentage of people have a back garden so where is everyone supposed to go for their daily exercise apart from the narrow pavements? If this goes on for a long time, which I think it will, there's going to massive issues.

There have been significant incidents of social unrest in the South Of italy according to the Observer,
Worth nothing that here they are going to loosen the lockdown as things improve. Because that's obviously the right way to do it. Do your tough lockdown first and then ease it up and let people go for walks bit-by-bit once you've passed the peak.

It makes total sense to do it this way. I've been so surprised by the debate on here. This is the place where I'd have most faith in people's attitudes.

Yes, and the Spanish government have already been trying to give people hope and hints about that next stage for them too. Talk of what the new normal will look like there, involving masks.

I very much look forward to the time when things can be loosened here too. When its done reasonably and at the right time, I will cheer it. This is not the right moment for that here, and I do recall that Italy tightened things further before they contemplated going in the other direction, eg I seem to remember a day arrived where they banned the use of vending machines and something else at the same time?
Interesting piece here:

I think that British people's behaviour in this crisis is possibly the culmination of decades of the type of politics we've had. Enough of the population feel so little solidarity with others that they're happy to act in the way that suits them.

Of course, other theories are available - but I feel like there's at least some truth in that.
Obviously the number of people dying is inversely correlated to how small your home is. If you live in a room 2m square. Stay in it.

Please note my edit.
I’m not talking about my own situation, I’m addressing treelover’s question of how or why it might be more of a challenge for others.
Also note I am not advocating that people flout the lockdown. I’m addressing the fact that it puts pressure on people in different ways depending on their circumstances.
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