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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

5 out of 12 in the family have either had it recently or currently have it.

e2a: none of us have seen each other and all in different parts of London or surrounding areas.

I feel ropey as fuck (constant coughing, headache, blocked/runny nose, heavy chest, some aches), been gradually getting worse the last few days, but testing negative.
Latest REACT 1 results are out (round 18 which covers 8 February to 1 March 2022 consisting of 95k swab tests across England).

BA.2 was just on the verge of becoming dominant (highest incidence in London) with a continuing upward trend.

Overall 1 in 35 people (2.88%) were infected (the second highest levels since the study began, the previous round having been the highest). Higher prevalence seen towards the south of the country (particularly the SW, SE, E and London). Signs of potentially increasing infection rates in older cohorts (55+ years) with high rates in the very young (5-11 years).
Interesting to compare the shape of the REACT "real" prevalence graph with the positive tests graph which obviously is very dependant on how much testing is happening.

Screenshot 2022-03-10 at 17.20.04.jpgScreenshot 2022-03-10 at 17.20.28.jpg

Blurgh :(

Meanwhile I am beginning to notice some pushback against being asked to wear a mask in our shop. Previously people (bar the odd antivaxxer nutjob) have largely been very compliant but in the last week I think there's been at least one person every day who's got pissy to various degrees about it. There was a guy today who huffed 'I thought we were finished with all that nonsense' and when my colleague said he was happy to serve him at the door instead he had a tanty and said he would go elsewhere instead.
I'm about the only person I ever see still wearing a mask. If out shopping I might see 1 or 2 others. But if I do see more than one they are normally together.
I see between 5-20% of people wearing masks in shops depending on what shop I'm in locally but also noticed attitudes to masks vary dramatically between different towns and cities as I go about my travels. I have noticed the people left wearing masks seem to be wearing proper decent masks
I see between 5-20% of people wearing masks in shops depending on what shop I'm in locally but also noticed attitudes to masks vary dramatically between different towns and cities as I go about my travels. I have noticed the people left wearing masks seem to be wearing proper decent masks

This is about what I'd say the tube tops out at the moment - max 25% masked but its usually about 10-15%.

Shops is significantly lower I think.
OH was in Freeman Hospital yesterday for a pre-op assessment.

Inside the actual buildings, OH didn't see anybody unmasked, although a couple were protecting the chin more than their nose !
My sister is at home and has tested positive.
I don't know what this means for BIL and nephew who also live in the house ...
She works in the bakery at a suburban M&S ...

I think she's about 55 - so far nothing very serious in the way of symptoms. I know she's double-vaxxed and almost certainly "boosted".
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Several folk at work are down with it, incl one close colleague who tested positive this morning whose whole family is down with it - looks like he was infected via his kids at school and there have been no other likely/risky contacts in the last week or so.

Away to take my laptop home and do some testing myself tonight.
Several folk at work are down with it, incl one close colleague who tested positive this morning whose whole family is down with it - looks like he was infected via his kids at school and there have been no other likely/risky contacts in the last week or so.

Away to take my laptop home and do some testing myself tonight.
We had 70/80 off staff off last week just in our directorate and it seems even worse this week - we’ve been having serious staffing issues.
We had 70/80 off staff off last week just in our directorate and it seems even worse this week - we’ve been having serious staffing issues.

Yes - we are no longer at the level where we get daily updates on staff absences after positive tests but the amount of stuff being cancelled or moved all-online because pf people being isolated at home suggests there could well be larger problem.

The one person in our office who is on the senior COVID group and probably could give an answer is also currently off!
A BBC article that mixes together the hospital situation, Scottish figures, latest ONS survey figures, the timing of the next booster shots, the rise of BA.2 and Harries mentioning a rise in cases in the over 55s.


Anecdotally [schools are back], and from looking at the dashboard, I'm pretty sure that, at present. there is an uptick in cases and hospitalisations, although vaccines & drug treatments have largely prevented a similar rise in deaths.
Anecdotally [schools are back], and from looking at the dashboard, I'm pretty sure that, at present. there is an uptick in cases and hospitalisations, although vaccines & drug treatments have largely prevented a similar rise in deaths.
also i think people are socialising a lot more and acting as if its over (that has included me, im not judging)
It's not. Has been indicated in several studies over the last few months.
Is there a simple explanation ?
I never managed to properly watch a video about the "learning" mechanisms involved in B Cell adaptation ...
Is the implication that the process of optimisation for one antigen will mean we're more reliant on T cells for new ones from even very similar viruses ?
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