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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Another half-arsed disgrace:

Steve Harrison, from Lincolnshire, had a kidney transplant in December 2020 and is eligible for a third dose. He feels the most vulnerable have been forgotten.

He said: "Arranging the third vaccine has been a nightmare. Neither my consultant nor my GP knew about it.

"I have spent days speaking to doctors, consultants, the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and I am still no closer to having my vaccine booked.

"Shielding ending, restrictions lifting, the world getting back to normal and moving forwards, yet I feel like I am moving backwards."

Kidney Care UK has passed on the names of more than 80 GP practices to NHS England which it says were not currently assisting people with a third dose.

NHS England issued new guidance to hospital trusts on 30 September, with instructions that action be taken immediately to contact all those eligible for their third dose by 11 October.

These will be recorded as a "booster" shot until the national system can be updated to recognise third "primary" doses. This will ensure immunosuppressed patients can then be contacted again in six months for their booster fourth dose.

Leaving it to GPs clearly hasnt worked, but I do not currently know the extent to which this is GPs fault as opposed to failures elsewhere.
Leaving it to GPs clearly hasnt worked, but I do not currently know the extent to which this is GPs fault as opposed to failures elsewhere.

Trouble is GP's vary so much, some are on the ball, and some are not. But, this is just shit, "arranging the third vaccine has been a nightmare. Neither my consultant nor my GP knew about it", how the fuck does the GP not know about it?

I had a text almost 2 weeks ago from my GPs saying they were now rolling out booster shots, and they will be in contact in due course.
Some friends are over 70 and another is highly vulnerable, but none are very up to date with modern communications. Will have to prod the local GPs on their behalf.
Trouble is GP's vary so much, some are on the ball, and some are not.

Different areas/trusts too. My mum (76) got a text from her GP the other day with a phone number to call... which is constantly engaged. I live in a different area and my gp sent me a link to book online. Done in less than a minute (well, booked my flu. I'm not due my booster yet, but that was there if i was)
Different areas/trusts too. My mum (76) got a text from her GP the other day with a phone number to call... which is constantly engaged. I live in a different area and my gp sent me a link to book online. Done in less than a minute (well, booked my flu. I'm not due my booster yet, but that was there if i was)

BIB - same here.

Around here the GPs have come together and have a special booking number for covid jabs, for those not booking on line, and that seems to work well, and keeps the pressure off the various surgeries' normal number.
I've had texts to ask me to book flu / covid from nhs / gp.
I phoned a dedicated number for the flu jab, which was done at my local GPs.
For the two covid jabs, the text sent me to an online system. First jab was at a "hub" in the nearby market town, but the second was back at the GPs.
As I may have mentioned, the jabbers include a retired local GP that had been re-activated to do covid, flu and other jabs - now these are at mainly evening sessions.

The "hub" was disbanded after the main First Dose campaign and the local evening sessions are to allow the GPs to start catching up on the backlog of "normal" work ... supplemented by initial phone / zoom appointments, to reduce the number of visitors to the surgery as the waiting area is still "socially distanced". And they have another dedicated phone line [recording calls] for repeat prescriptions - which can go direct to specified pharmacy.
In my experience, this new / revised system is working, probably better than the appointment system did pre-pandemic.
A 15 year old has died of the virus on the day they were originally due to get vaccinated. No underlying health conditions.

Myocarditis is mentioned, which is also the same sort of thing that comes up as a rare complication of concern with young people and the mRNA vaccines. A month or so ago someone on the forum claimed that condition wasnt fatal, which is not something I agreed with at the time, although it is something that very many recover from.

Nearly 9000 people have died within 28 days of a positive test in the UK since the start of June. Its not going to surprise anyone that I am rather upset with the handling of this phase of the pandemic, even though vaccines have been able to carry a lot of the pandemic burden in this wave.
Nearly 9000 people have died within 28 days of a positive test in the UK since the start of June. Its not going to surprise anyone that I am rather upset with the handling of this phase of the pandemic, even though vaccines have been able to carry a lot of the pandemic burden in this wave.
I mean, it seems to me that keeping the simplest of mitigating factors in like fucking mask mandates could have helped so much, but they'd rather appeal to the 'I won't be muzzled because I'm so brave/Boohoo masks are so oppressive' crowd.
I agree, it is extremely stupid for the politicians to have lifted the mask mandates and the simpler precautions, against the scientific advice.

Keeping those would have greatly assisted in mitigating the current wave of infections.

Same with maintaining some sensible precautions in the germ factories schools.
I mean, it seems to me that keeping the simplest of mitigating factors in like fucking mask mandates could have helped so much, but they'd rather appeal to the 'I won't be muzzled because I'm so brave/Boohoo masks are so oppressive' crowd.
almost like they’re doing it on purpose, which if you pay attention to phrases like ‘hybrid immunity’ makes it almost impossible to think otherwise. Get people infected before winter kicks in, and let the bodies pile high.
Has anyone official got anything to say about positive LFTs but negative PCRs? Seems to be an issue right now.
Yes, I know loads of people in that situation. Suggestion is that it’s down to the Delta variant not expressing viral RNA in vaccinated people for very long so the PCR doesn’t pick it up. Official guidance is that it’s a false positive and you should carry on as normal, which is bullshit and will only cause more cases. I’d do a second PCR a couple of days later if you have symptoms, my second PCR was positive in this situation. I’ve known some people be quite poorly with it and present positive lateral flows throughout but never a positive PCR. My other half is currently curled up in bed feeling shit yet PCR is clear.

Are you also in the West Country/Bristol? Wondering if this is a local thing as not hearing of it elsewhere.
Finally got round to updating cases by age group for England and it turns out if wasnt quite the right moment to have a look. We can see that cases in older age groups have been creeping up since the big spike in school-aged cases, but its now a question of waiting for more data to see if younger cases have peaked and what happens next more broadly.

This graph is smoothed using 7 day averages, I chopped a few days off due to incomplete data but some of the last ones I still inluded may still be incomplete. And I didnt wait for todays data to come out so this is based on yesterdays data.

Screenshot 2021-10-03 at 14.45.jpg

I'll do hospitalisations by age group another day when data publishing resumes after the weekend.
Here is the latest daily hospital admissions/diagnoses data for England, by age group, including the stupidly broad 18-64 group because a more granular set of age group is only available in data that comes out once a month.

Same format as I've posted in the past, with all three of these graphs showing the same data in different ways.

I dont think I have any new stories to tell with this data and they dont help me make any predictions, I'm just posting because I said I would and its been a while since I last did. I suppose I could say that at least the rise in positive cases in school aged children hasnt made an obvious difference to these figures so far.

Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 20.01.jpg
It sounds like there is penty of 'get back to the office' shit from the Tory conference this week.

In a couple of words "Get Stuffed" you murdering capitalist *********ers.
I hope more people get the flexible working rights that the original wfh rules showed was possible and workable.
who are all these people still working from home? Isn't it just middle-class Londoners who are doing this. It's quite alienating reading all these lifestyle articles about working from home
who are all these people still working from home? Isn't it just middle-class Londoners who are doing this. It's quite alienating reading all these lifestyle articles about working from home
Depends on your job I guess. I'm still wfh as are my colleagues across the UK/Europe. The US ones mainly are too. At the moment, they're talking about no-one really being back in till January at the earliest.
who are all these people still working from home? Isn't it just middle-class Londoners who are doing this. It's quite alienating reading all these lifestyle articles about working from home

Couple of places I’m working are keeping masks and flex wfh. I think senior managers banged on about how their teams worked effectively under adversity so can’t now say they were less efficient wfh.

It works for me as it means rooms aren’t crowded, i can keep my distance, and there are no queues for anything.
I did tell you, they are all sat at home counting their fucking bonuses
You can't possibly have enough information to know that. So you can only have got your 'information' from tabloids and right talk shows, whose business model literally relies on them stirring up indignation about things that they've invented. Now they can't blame EU migrants for stealing jobs and healthcare, or Eurocrats for making your vacuum cleaner too weak, they're just reaching for new targets for you to get annoyed about, because annoyance drives consumption of their 'news' products, while helping the bosses target people for political gain. Some people are easily manipulated. Try not to be one of them.
who are all these people still working from home? Isn't it just middle-class Londoners who are doing this. It's quite alienating reading all these lifestyle articles about working from home
i guess a fair few low paid clerical workers - the woman who does the invoicing at the paper merchants i work at for examples
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