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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

"Rebecca did lateral flow tests and got negative results, but has been ill for more than a week"

For fucks sake. And the beeb doesn't even point out that she took the wrong test. A friend of mine did the same last week, then later in the week her friend she'd been hanging out with tested positive with PCR and she realised she must have covid after all. Still hasn't done a PCR test herself. They really need to start sending out the LFT boxes with big stickers on them saying GOT SYMPTOMS? DON'T TAKE THIS TEST. GET A PCR INSTEAD.

There are big posters at pharmacies etc giving out LFTs saying 'tests for people without symptoms' or words to that effect. A lot of people are just very bad at processing ideas which contradict the picture they've already got in their head for whatever reason.
We're all bad at that.

As a species, yes. It's one of those universal cognitive thingummies. But you can train yourself to think, 'I'm not sure about this, I should check'. Ideally this happens before you phone the Guardian about it.

E2a: It was the BBC but you get the idea.
As a species, yes. It's one of those universal cognitive thingummies. But you can train yourself to think, 'I'm not sure about this, I should check'. Ideally this happens before you phone the Guardian about it.

E2a: It was the BBC but you get the idea.
Yep, you can train yourself to do it for more things than you would 'naturally', but only for the stuff/areas you're inclined to notice due to being interested.
But also the PCR portal only has the three main symptoms. I think it's reasonable that people are using lateral flows for sniffles (that may well be delta).
That's exactly what I did a week or so ago. Had cold symptoms, looked up whether I ought to do PCR. Website says only if the three main symptoms, none of which I had, so I did a LFT.
But also the PCR portal only has the three main symptoms. I think it's reasonable that people are using lateral flows for sniffles (that may well be delta).
Aye, the fella's come down with symptoms of a cold, and did a lat flow which was negative. I've persuaded him to stay off work today (he's a carer working with some very vulnerable people) and order a PCR test, and lie about the symptoms due to the portal only showing out of date symptom info. I feel absolutely fine, will do a lat flow later, but he's ordered me a PCR too.
For the first time for months we had visitors to the workshop yesterday. They volunteered to mask up, and they both had done LFTs the evening before [-ve results] and they were double jabbed, and like me - hoping for their boosters before crimble.

Whilst we were "settling in" and having a ice-breaking chat as to how we had been doing over the past two years [elapsed time since the previous visit !] One of them mentioned about their packing, which now included masks, sanitiser and LFTs as well as all the other normal clothes type things. Joking about the "watch, wallet, keys & phone" thing, now including "masks, gloves or hand gel" ... he also said that he was hoping to see his year old grand-son in a few days, he's only seen a few images so far and it just isn't the same ...
"Rebecca did lateral flow tests and got negative results, but has been ill for more than a week"

For fucks sake. And the beeb doesn't even point out that she took the wrong test. A friend of mine did the same last week, then later in the week her friend she'd been hanging out with tested positive with PCR and she realised she must have covid after all. Still hasn't done a PCR test herself. They really need to start sending out the LFT boxes with big stickers on them saying GOT SYMPTOMS? DON'T TAKE THIS TEST. GET A PCR INSTEAD.
TBF, there is a nasty cold going around. Little one had two negative PCRs and two LFTs negative, but was out of school for a week coughing his lungs out.
TBF, there is a nasty cold going around. Little one had two negative PCRs and two LFTs negative, but was out of school for a week coughing his lungs out.
Yes, sure, and some of the people in the article definitely had colds, but Rebecca doesn't know which she has because she took the wrong test. I just think a responsible journalist should know that and point it out.
Ugh, it's just so miserable and embarrassing to be British in all this. Previously I guess I had thought 'Well, Europe will get battered by Delta as well, they're just a few weeks behind' but no. Everyone else is managing except us and approaching much more like normal while actually being more cautious. I fear we'll be a leper country and we'll be the no1 don't go/don't let if for everywhere next year while other places have basically recovered.
Everyone else is managing except us and approaching much more like normal while actually being more cautious.
Is that really true? The UK has not done well, and has done worse than the EU average by most measures but not so much worse as some people seem to think. There are plenty of other European countries who have done even worse than the UK on total deaths so far, and there are several who are seeing faster rates of increase at the moment.

Where do you get the impression that other countries are approaching "much more like normal" from? There seems to have been very little coverage of what's gong on in other countries as far as day-to-day restrictions are concerned, so I don't feel that I have much idea of how the UK compares right now.
I know it's not everywhere, but certainly we have 10x more cases than countries like Germany and Denmark is basically returning to normal.

Another thing that's boiling my piss right now is I see right wing rags are on about 'Boris saving Christmas' again. This whole 'saving Christmas' thing sums up everything that's fucking wrong with this government's approach - sentimentalist, populist, business ahead of lives (and not even helping businesses in the end) and utterly irresponsible.
I know it's not everywhere, but certainly we have 10x more cases than countries like Germany and Denmark is basically returning to normal.

I don't quite see how Denmark can be returning to normal to be honest. I mean I'm no expert but what's going to stop a surge in Covid cases if they do that? Surely you either 'return to normal' in the way we have with the government sticking their fingers in their ears or you maintain measures, ie not normal. I don't think a low covid normal is possible for anyone right now.
UK covid cases looking pretty mental at the moment, that's for sure:

Some EU countries had delta wave spikes but the most obvious difference is that theirs subsequently fell away in a way ours have not (yet).

Although I would need to explore the testing regime and attitudes to testing in those countries in order to be sure. And rather than do that I may as well wait some more months to see what happens next in all these places including the UK. And if in doubt about positive case figures true comparability, use hospital admissions as a guide instead.
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Some EU countries had delta wave spikes but the most obvious difference is that theirs subsequently fell away in a way ours have not (yet).

Although I would need to explore the testing regime and attitudes to testing in those countries in order to be sure. And rather than do that I may as well wait some more months to see what happens next in all these places including the UK. And if in doubt about positive case figures true comparability, use hospital admissions as a guide instead.
I note that although numbers are rising, it doesn't appear to be growing as exponentially as previously- ie, it's taken weeks to get from 29k-34k, not days
I note that although numbers are rising, it doesn't appear to be growing as exponentially as previously- ie, it's taken weeks to get from 29k-34k, not days
Overall, I don't see a clear picture of case numbers rising at the moment. It's been wobbling up and down for several weeks. There currently seems to be a downward trend in hospital admissions and ICU numbers, although these of course tend to lag somewhat.

Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 12.16.43.jpgScreenshot 2021-09-29 at 12.17.51.jpg

I am showing England rather than UK numbers simply because this removes false patterns in recent data caused by different reporting periods.
But isn't the point about the numbers that they have stabilized at a completely fucking mental level - more than all of the rest of Europe put together!

I'm struggling to see any good news in this
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