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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Covid cases in Scotland have roughly doubled every week since restrictions eased, leading to an increase in hospital admissions.

More than 500 people who have tested positive for the virus are in hospital.

National clinical director Prof Jason Leitch said the health service was stretched and increasing cases would delay elective surgeries.

Scotland wanted "to get on top" of the virus and may need a "reverse gear" on some restrictions, he told the BBC.

Mandatory vaccination and boosters, at gunpoint if necessary.

Anyone expressing anti-vax views confined to quarantine facilities with armed guards. Permanently sterilized, and forced to work for their rations. No chances for release.

Children of anti-vaxxers placed in special homes where they’ll receive proper education away from their toxic parents.

This is the only way we’ll get this virus under control so we can live normally again.
Mandatory vaccination and boosters, at gunpoint if necessary.

Anyone expressing anti-vax views confined to quarantine facilities with armed guards. Permanently sterilized, and forced to work for their rations. No chances for release.

Children of anti-vaxxers placed in special homes where they’ll receive proper education away from their toxic parents.

This is the only way we’ll get this virus under control so we can live normally again.
I don't you're ever going to live normally again
Mandatory vaccination and boosters, at gunpoint if necessary.

Anyone expressing anti-vax views confined to quarantine facilities with armed guards. Permanently sterilized, and forced to work for their rations. No chances for release.

Children of anti-vaxxers placed in special homes where they’ll receive proper education away from their toxic parents.

This is the only way we’ll get this virus under control so we can live normally again.
Nothing wrong with a bit of blue sky thinking Femboy .
On the other hand, Occam’s razor does have a good track record…
Doesn't really apply though where what seems obvious and most likely to some, even many, is a subjective judgement about people's motivation.

Your experience might well be that most people are cunts, or that most people behaving cuntishly are all round cunts. Mine isn't. Occam's razor can't adjudicate on that.
Someone I know said she’d stopped wearing a mask in shops recently to “try and get back to normal”. I don’t think she’s a cunt though.

Thing is there are still 100 people a day dying from covid, and I don’t want that to be seen as normal. I also don’t want to be one of them or have long covid so I will keep wearing a mask. Naturally I won’t challenge other people who don’t wear a mask. I will silently tutt instead.
Mandatory vaccination and boosters, at gunpoint if necessary.

Anyone expressing anti-vax views confined to quarantine facilities with armed guards. Permanently sterilized, and forced to work for their rations. No chances for release.

Children of anti-vaxxers placed in special homes where they’ll receive proper education away from their toxic parents.

This is the only way we’ll get this virus under control so we can live normally again.

Hysterical not so subtle satirists to be sedated for their own good.
Daughter and I went to outdoor theatre yesterday - negligible mask wearing on tube although was very quiet both ways and people were able to be 2m+ apart. I suspect most people had a mask on them but were thinking 'Ah, not many people, won't bother', though we're sticking with wearing one on tube in principle.

We've stayed covid-free as a household, but I have a feeling this term will be the one when it gets us. There was a headline about 'We must not allow school reopening to cause cases to rise' and I was a bit 'Uh, well you don't really get to make that happen if you're gonna reopen schools with fewer mitigations than before' :facepalm: I'm kind of resigned to going out and doing some things (theatre and galleries) in the next weeks and risking it because at least this way I've done some stuff before they probably have to shut shit down again, though this government seems hell-bent on pushing for reopening at all costs while crying 'Normality!' as no one can keep anything open because everyone's off sick.
Hope you stay safe Cloo, but I think being in a tube with most not wearing masks well, the 2 metres thing wont help too much with Delta floating around inside

P.S. I guess you probably know that and are just trying to re-assure yourself which I reckon is a pretty common thought process right now, unfortunately the virus remains unaffected by a positive mindset
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Seeing a Twitter convo where a mum is mentioning that a mum from her CEV kid's class has been helpfuland let it be known to other parents she has COVID - she's got 3 kids who, according to this thread, will be expected in school if they get a negative PCR or else it will be considered unauthorised absence. Wondering how much leeway schools will have on this. If any of us have a +ive PCR, I'd want to keep my kids off school as even if they are negative a day or two later, doesn't mean they won't be after a few more.

I'm not actually especially worried about catching it from tube yesterday, there really weren't many people at all, but most likely one of the kids will get it in school. I have been extra cautious over holidays because I didn't want a) daughter to miss her residential camp or b) us to miss last week's holiday but.... I know this is selfish but I want to go some places and do some stuff before it's all gone again for a while, which I suspect it will be at some point before the end of the year. :(
Hope you stay safe Cloo, but I think being in a tube with most not wearing masks well, the 2 metres thing wont help too much with Delta floating around inside

P.S. I guess you probably know that and are just trying to re-assure yourself which I reckon is a pretty common thought process right now, unfortunately the virus remains unaffected by a positive mindset
The tube trains have signs saying that the air is completely refreshed every 3 minutes.
With there basically being no attempts to mitigate community spread and schools going back with a similar lack of virus control mitigation its hard to not conclude that the government is just expecting everyone to get covid and they are fine with that.

I'm even seeing news articles about how the best form of immunity is vaccine + previous infection.

Its such a bizarre situation and must be so scary for many people. Given where we are I'm beginning to have sympathy for people who have given up caring and are just going back to normal life. There's just an inevitable fatalism about it all.
Not really, for those of us not fully vaccinated until July or August or later.

Given the emerging vaccine breakthrough picture, in terms of chances of catching Covid, I think I'd have felt less exposed in risky settings in May than now.

In terms of personal risk of hospitalisation, I do of course feel less at risk now that I've been double jabbed as of early August than I would of in May.

I suppose I could do a crude calculation to determine whether the above is actually true, but I'd rather the vaccine effectiveness estimates were allowed to settle before performing such a calculation. And I dont currently have a good sense of how much difference 'which vaccine' would actually make to such a calculation.

Certainly when it comes to my parents who were jabbed much earlier, they were safer doing stuff in May than now.
With there basically being no attempts to mitigate community spread and schools going back with a similar lack of virus control mitigation its hard to not conclude that the government is just expecting everyone to get covid and they are fine with that.

I'm even seeing news articles about how the best form of immunity is vaccine + previous infection.

Its such a bizarre situation and must be so scary for many people. Given where we are I'm beginning to have sympathy for people who have given up caring and are just going back to normal life. There's just an inevitable fatalism about it all.

A key question in my mind is how people will react if this is totally turned on its head in the weeks ahead. Because even this shit government have limits to things like hospitalisation trends, beyond which they will have to u-turn. And under such circumstances, rapid changes to how we are told to think about this stuff and how we should behave will not be subtle and this would be quite jarring to people, potentially evoking a different flavour of fatalism.
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The tube trains have signs saying that the air is completely refreshed every 3 minutes.

Yes I heard that, and have seen similar on overground trains. What I wonder, especially with the underground, is - refreshed with what? Where does the "fresh" air come from in that scenario and how fresh is it really?
Yes I heard that, and have seen similar on overground trains. What I wonder, especially with the underground, is - refreshed with what? Where does the "fresh" air come from in that scenario and how fresh is it really?
It comes from the tunnels and the tunnels in turn are forcibly ventilated to outside air (they would become unbearably hot if they weren't). It's not exactly what you could call fresh air because it's full of dust and stuff, but in terms of virus concentration, I would have thought that it would be fairly effective.
A key question in my mind is how people will react if this is totally turned on its head in the weeks ahead. Because even this shit government have limits to things like hospitalisation trends, beyond which they will have to u-turn. And under such circumstances, rapid changes to how we are told to think about this stuff and how we should behave will not be subtle and this would be quite jarring to people, potentially evoking a different flavour of fatalism.
Times like this I am glad I don't celebrate Christmas, let's put it that way.
The death rate of people living in the most deprived areas of Scotland was almost double that of those in the least deprived areas last year.

Figures from the National Records of Scotland's (NRS) annual population review showed the pandemic appeared to be increasing the gap.

Their report also said the poorest could expect fewer "good health" years.

It recorded that those in the poorest areas could expect 20 less years of good health than the more affluent.

The report said the general mortality rate in the most deprived areas of Scotland was 1.9 times the rate in the least deprived areas. However, for deaths caused by Covid-19, the figure was 2.4 times the rate of those in more affluent areas.

That compares with a figure of 2.1 in the early stages of the pandemic.

The report stated that many of the risk factors associated with the virus were more common in poorer communities - such as diabetes, obesity and lung disease.

Wales joins the depressing mood music club.

Without proper statistics I'm unable to judge the extent to which the focus on the unvaccinated is somewhat misplaced. Because its completely understandable that the narrative will tend to focus on the unvaccinated since in theory you can still do something about some of those via messaging. But theres a chunk of the hospital picture that doesnt involve the unvaccinated, but without proper data I cant judge the size of it properly.

Anyway I'm not quoting those bits but rather the more general:

She added that Covid was "everywhere right now" and said people needed to keeping taking precautions and being sensible, whether they were vaccinated or not.

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