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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Working in the wholefood shop today. Loads of people asking for iodine today, which isn't normal. I asked someone what it was about, apparently iodine protects you from the 5g stuff that transmits the virus. It's in a text that's going round so people are now looking to buy up iodine.
Iodine was used to combat goitre years ago. This article has an alarming illustration. Actually I know someone who has a neck like that. Past the point of iodine probably.
Iodine was used to combat goitre years ago. This article has an alarming illustration. Actually I know someone who has a neck like that. Past the point of iodine probably.

I think it's Chinese Whispers/Telephone getting from the use of potassium iodide to block radioactive iodide being absorbed by the thyroid gland after the Chernobyl disaster.... iodide protects from radioactivity.... 5G is radioactivity.... iodine will protect from 5G...

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I see Quillette have managed to find someone even more 'misinformed' than their Associate Editor Toby Young.

(The comments thread under that article is quite a "test your sense of black humour" lockdown challenge).

Ah, didn't realise quillette was so I'm not right wing I'm just right. Still think it's a decent article. I would have thought Candace Owens was right up their street.
My message to FB, which seems to be filling up more of this shit every day:

Hey! Conspiracy nutjobs! What the fuck would be the point of Bill Gates inventing a vaccine that would - using technology that doesn't even exist - secretly implant mind-control microchips in everyone's?

Apart from the fact that such a cunning plan would involve the participation of tens of thousands of people who are all happy to see their fellow men get fucked up (while remaining sworn to secrecy for eternity) - what happens next?

What's one of the world's richest men going to get out of it? What would be the fucking point, you internet fucking loons?

Nice slapdown here New Boogeyman For Conspiracy Loons: Bill Gates
having an argument with a FB friend who says that 5G damages your immune system - followed by lots of you tube links to back it up. I ask for peer reviewed science and hes linked to this article - Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices. which seems to a cherry picked summary of various studies suggesting detrimental health issues associated with mobile phones. im not a science person- so help me out bullshit busters!
It’s (mostly) about holding a mobile to your head for prolonged periods, not masts. In essence - don’t let a child do so.
having an argument with a FB friend who says that 5G damages your immune system - followed by lots of you tube links to back it up. I ask for peer reviewed science and hes linked to this article - Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices. which seems to a cherry picked summary of various studies suggesting detrimental health issues associated with mobile phones. im not a science person- so help me out bullshit busters!
There's a handy set of links at the bottom of this article

It’s (mostly) about holding a mobile to your head for prolonged periods, not masts. In essence - don’t let a child do so.
Yes. It's their mobile phone handsets, with much higher field strengths in proximity to the body, that they should be encouraged to burn, not the masts.

(Will conveniently also largely solve the pseudo-science cesspool of social media).
having an argument with a FB friend who says that 5G damages your immune system - followed by lots of you tube links to back it up. I ask for peer reviewed science and hes linked to this article - Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices. which seems to a cherry picked summary of various studies suggesting detrimental health issues associated with mobile phones. im not a science person- so help me out bullshit busters!

Ask them what evidence there is of a plausible mechanism for harm; otherwise this is just correlation which does not = causation.
Interesting article by something called NewsGuard (which is currently offering it's $2.95/permonth misinformation-blocking web extension for FREEE!! as a pandemic loss leader contribution).

Tracking Facebook’s COVID-19 Misinformation ‘Super-spreaders’ – NewsGuard

Mild scepticism about their motivation and methodology aside, it's an interesting list. Icke is on it of course but by no means at the top.

Their number one is "Global Informers"
An English-language page for a business with an address in Turkey that is managed from Pakistan. Created in 2017, the page posts links, memes, photos, and videos.
having an argument with a FB friend who says that 5G damages your immune system - followed by lots of you tube links to back it up. I ask for peer reviewed science and hes linked to this article - Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices. which seems to a cherry picked summary of various studies suggesting detrimental health issues associated with mobile phones. im not a science person- so help me out bullshit busters!
They're starting from the position that the USA doesn't necessarily pursue lines of research that put public health first. My own bias has no argument there.

Their main points are to urge caution (cite towers away from people; minimise childhood exposure) and that we need to gather large-scale human epidemiological data to be able to say any more.

They don't reference any research that shows causal mechanisms for damage from radio-frequency radiation (RFR) - there don't seem to be any (yet). They do present some equivocal evidence for correlation between RFR exposure and cell/DNA damage. They also cite evidence of an increase in certain types of brain tumour in recent years, though the cause is not reported here (including as being due to RFR). WiFi and cordless phones come under their same note of caution.

tl;dr: the authors think there's enough reason (via correlation; not causation) to be cautious and that more research evidence is needed.
The latest proof from a mass hack of Gates Foundation and Chinese government labs.

Looks like a photo of an online search, which hasn't even given any results and has a red sticker looking thing to make it look a bit top. secret.

The latest proof from a mass hack of Gates Foundation and Chinese government labs.

Looks like a photo of an online search, which hasn't even given any results and has a red sticker looking thing to make it look a bit top. secret.

View attachment 208230
Can't you see Bill Gates is using CRISPR to gene edit HIV into the coronavirus?
Just when they thought they'd down a PREP pill and go out on the razzle.
Can't you see Bill Gates is using CRISPR to gene edit HIV into the coronavirus?
Just when they thought they'd down a PREP pill and go out on the razzle.

Thanks, I have no idea what that means but I am heading straight to Facebook and posting it as definitive proof of something else I don't understand. But Bill Gates etc...
Their number one is "Global Informers", An English-language page for a business with an address in Turkey that is managed from Pakistan. Created in 2017, the page posts links, memes, photos, and videos.

presumably that’s Al-Queda or similar, realising that spreading scepticism about vaccines might kill more infidels than flying planes into buildings. Clever stuff.
Thanks, I have no idea what that means but I am heading straight to Facebook and posting it as definitive proof of something else I don't understand. But Bill Gates etc...
Bill Gates etc..

I reckon most of the tittle tattle on Facebook etc - and even more so Russia Today (RT) is some sort of exercise in guilt by association. Even a phrase like "The New World Order" (ie Obama, Hilary Clinton and the WHO) is simply an incantation of doom.

If you care to watch David Icke's 45 minute interview, recently controversial, that's pretty much all he does. He just keeps linking together catch phrases designed to push the hot buttons of his devotees.

Sadly this may actually be the human condition. For many years I was a non-atheist attender of the Conway Hall. I found so,me of their lectures very off in that they couldn't resist having vindictive swipes at organised religion. On the other hand I learned more about heresy and alternative ways of looking at things at Conway Hall than I ever did from a C of E vicar.

Anju my reply to your intriguing passport photo thingy was intended as a crossword puzzle construction based on this process shown in a recent BBC Horizon programme. Horizon was discussing how CRISPR could be used to cure genetic diseases - or be abused.

Note: Chinese scientists seems to be well ahead when it comes to CRISPR - a couple of them got reprimanded. See this learned journal report of genetically edited babies!
Experiments that led to the first gene-edited babies: the ethical failings and the urgent need for better governance
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Russia has completely gone quiet on the social media meddling in other govts campaign of the last few years suddenly.
Russia has completely gone quiet on the social media meddling in other govts campaign of the last few years suddenly.
I recommend this from Sophie and Co this morning if you want to have the willies
Mark you what he says about infectivity of 'flu vs coronavirus gives pause for thought

The one about the Chinese making it in the lab seems to be gaining traction. OK, it's only the Sun, but the detail in the accusations is quite something. Even the famous bat lady is a target.
How can Sun journalists live with the idea of dressing this up as news?
Here's a more serious story on the bat lady How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus
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Hi Everyone,
I want to send you good wishes & good health in your future studies.
I have a couple reading assignments for you.

1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

What is happening now is criminal. I urge you to write local and federal goverments and voice your disgust with how they are handling this situation.

You should voice your opinion everywhere you go.
You will not be manipulated by fear.

I urge you to do research and to think for yourself and question everything that government tells you.

Please share these links, we need to end this crime against us.

Important News Feeds

Icke and nonsense links cut.

Important Tools

Stuff cut.


Bog standard spam really but just got it to my business account, submitted via a contact form. Doubt a real person did it so probably someone paid a spamming company to send it out. Weird content aside I wonder who's bankrolling it? Individual loon with too much money to spare or one of Icke's fellow travellers? Not an approach I've seen before either way.
I thought you all should see this - extracted from a Huawei document called 5g Spectrum - Public Policy Position
Massive MIMO.JPG

I don't know what "Massive MIMO" is - but I don't like the sound of it: "a key 5g feature which uses beam-forming techniques to focus signals on each user"

And all I was doing was some research into why, when it rains or there is a high pressure weather system my reception of Mary Beard meets the Romans on BBC Four HD goes down the toilet (and PBS+1 for that matter).

I blame these mobile phone apperatchiks with their 5g 700 MHz clearance etc.

One thing thing you will learn if you study this very orange doucment in depth (only 20 pages though) is that although they are swiping the TV frequencies currently used for minority HD channels such as BBC Four and BBC News HD, they also have designs on lower frequnecies still.

You may find that we give up having Freeview altogether, so we can all have perfect 5g, - or even 6g. UGGHHH!
I don't know what "Massive MIMO" is - but I don't like the sound of it: "a key 5g feature which uses beam-forming techniques to focus signals on each user"
Just to underline what was mentioned upthread, the signal you typically receive from the cell tower at your handset (-30 to -120 dBm) is around 10 microwatts or less (more typically is picowatts and can be femtowatts). The signal your handset is pumping out (5-25 dBm, say) is typically around 10 to a few hundred milliwatts. So the cell tower signal is around a thousand times weaker than that from the handset you are carrying around, at least (though more typically something in the range of a million to billion times).

Massive MIMO is just a phased array technique for improving S/N; it's actually going to reduce RF energy in directions where active handsets aren't.
Just to underline what was mentioned upthread, the signal you typically receive from the cell tower at your handset (-30 to -120 dBm) is around 10 microwatts or less (more typically is picowatts and can be femtowatts). The signal your handset is pumping out (5-25 dBm, say) is typically around 10 to a few hundred milliwatts. So the cell tower signal is around a thousand times weaker than that from the handset you are carrying around, at least (though more typically something in the range of a million to billion times).

Massive MIMO is just a phased array technique for improving S/N; it's actually going to reduce RF energy in directions where active handsets aren't.
Just as a diversion, given that the mobile operators apparently desire the 700MHz band to penentrate buildings - and are happy to sue OFCOM if they don't get it: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/h3g-v-ofcom-full-judgment2.pdf
How come the bloody BBC, Arqiva and OFCOM can't get it together to deliver a reliable TV dignal on 756MHz 3 miles from Crystal Palace?

I have issues because my aerial is IN the roof and there is a railway viaduct behind me. But even those in Somerleyton Road look as though they might be having problems - maybe because The Electric Quarter stands between them and Crystal Place? There are some very high gain aerials on roofs down Somerleyton Road.

At Crystal Palace transmitting station the standard power output on the multiplex transmitters for Ch22 - Ch30 (old numbers) are 200kW each (5 off), then there is the low power London Live transmitter @ 20kW on Ch29 (538Mhz) (which also broadcasts Sony Classic Movies). Ch30 is the multiplex channel for standard HD channels BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5. (also CBBC HD and Film 4 + 1 non HD).

There are two multiplexes which you have no legal entitlement to receive as a public service - those on Ch 55 Ch 56 (746MHz & 754MHz), which carry BBC Four HD, BBC News HD and various other stuff, the only useful one to me being PBS America +1 which goes on 24 hrs where PBS America is only on from 1pm - 11pm. The issue here is these 700 Mhz band transmitters are low power - only 43kW/39kW respectively.

What intrigues me is how the mobile phone companies are scrapping and suing over the 700Mhz band because it can "easily penetrate buildings", yet Arqiva and BBC seem unable to reliably get their Crystal Palace signal to more than about 70% of the population on this frequency band.
How come the bloody BBC, Arqiva and OFCOM can't get it together to deliver a reliable TV dignal on 756MHz 3 miles from Crystal Palace?
In short - different technologies. DTT evolves slowly over time compared to GSM/UMTS. Mobile phone handsets are involved in two-way adaptive communications with cell tower base stations. Freeview box sets are receiving a one-way signal from the broadcast antenna which is invariably further away. A handset and base station have wiggle room to negotiate their way around interference, as it were. DVB-T signals are also susceptible to being interfered with by LTE to varying degrees. A properly fitted and setup outdoor antenna (for DTT reception) will almost always win over an indoor one.
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