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Comoflague equipment - terrorist material


Been getting the boat off Thames ahead of the storms last couple of days, hence delay in posting, but was really surprised its not come up. I heard once on Radio 4 news, but google newsing today hard to find "Iqbal camouflage"; basically the radio 4 report said 2 of the three men incriminated in the plot to kill Blair and Brown have been charged with owning camouflage equipment. As I said, is hard to find now, but a link to a local paper suggests it is true in at least one out of two of the cases. What sort of camouflage are they talking about? Is this criminalizing army surplus shops, or even owners of the blue camouflage trousers still in search of an environment to blend into, are venues kitted out with camo netting to be regarded as hives of terrorist activity, will paint ball nutters have to switch from camo cream to max factor to avoid arrest, or even worse given the best camouflage a terrorist operating in Blackburn could wear is probably jeans and a T shirt- a naturists charter
I imagine it's along the lines of possessing camo with a paintball/airsoft/fashion intent is not a criminal offence, but with terrorist intent it is...

It does sound just a trifle totalitarian...
It seems a bit nuts either your a terrorist or not .If you are anything you own could be used to further your aims .So if you were planning on attacking the city a nice suit might be the way to go.
Are we going to find a terrorist accused of owning a suit for terrorist purposes?
Is it similar to the laws that allow you to be nicked for going equipped to burgal?

The blue pattern camoflage is supposed to work at night .Derived from
the American program in the 70s 80s to come up for camaflage patterns for any conceviable occasion .Now they binned that idea and issused a pattern that dosent work anywhere . I know i am a spotter:oops:
Well it's on Derby's local rag, could be the journalist heard the police saying they'd found items useful to a terrorist, not that he was being charged with it.
Well it's on Derby's local rag, could be the journalist heard the police saying they'd found items useful to a terrorist, not that he was being charged with it.

Yeah, items useful to a terrorist - like a car, a house, a telephone etc. What a meaningless description of an item.
Cyberose is my ignore list. Due to quote by Athos still have to read his crap. As I said in the opening post did hear it originally on Radio 4 (in previous experience he regards them as tabloid sensationalists :rolleyes::rolleyes:, is also in press association report

Is suppose it is less draconian than repeatedly shooting people for wearing coats in summer.
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