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'Explosion' on Parsons Green tube train - injuries reported after terrorist incident


Good for spotting rogue samurai warriors. The sword gives them away.
Portsmouth to Bilboa. Its basque country. Then head for the middle east, keep the sun at your back

up. plenty of routes that muddy the trail- he could have booked a DFDS beer cruise to Amsterdam from Newcastle leaving at 17.00 and enjoyed a night onboard on the piss before being deposited at Imudjen for his escape.
I have one more thing to add. If they care about people, why the underground /trains gates don't have explosive sensors? If the terror threat is so high, why they do not take measures to stop it, especially on public transport where is the target? Do not just excuse and say sorry after the things are done. I agree, fight against terrorism using different methods but an important method is to take measures.
Most explosive sensors rely on detecting the signature of nitrated compounds, which most explosives are.

TATP, ISIS' favourite bang gear, isn't a nitrated compound, and one of the reasons it's used is because detection is very much more difficult.

The only reliable way to detect an explosive substance, when it comes down to it, is to see how big a bang it makes. And that's usually too late.
I have one more thing to add. If they care about people, why the underground /trains gates don't have explosive sensors? If the terror threat is so high, why they do not take measures to stop it, especially on public transport where is the target? Do not just excuse and say sorry after the things are done. I agree, fight against terrorism using different methods but an important method is to take measures.
And if their measures are different from your methods?
basic Marighella text book stuff- you cannot stop attacks by placing rigid controls in visible locations, you merely displace it and encourage ingenuity.

To an extent this is true, but there is a level of basic measures that you can take in order to provide a degree of protection to people.
Fleeing the country isn't the usual Islamist way of things in this country. Could this just be some random teenage loner misanthrope? Stuff like this usually leads to a lot of doors getting put through promptly and possible accomplices dragged in but haven't heard anything like that yet. A lone wolf not on their radar maybe?
Fleeing the country isn't the usual Islamist way of things in this country. Could this just be some random teenage loner misanthrope? Stuff like this usually leads to a lot of doors getting put through promptly and possible accomplices dragged in but haven't heard anything like that yet. A lone wolf not on their radar maybe?
The address they're searching in Surrey is owned by two foster parents who both received MBEs for services to children and families 8 years ago.
Indeed- its a different strain of the animal. Obviously the orthodox approach should allocate the same, maybe more effort in the escape plans- you think on your feet and try to follow the mooted plan during the action, but it is essential that you have worked through the various output scenrios for the escape- else you are going to get caught or killed. Then again, this is the expected outcome for the jihadi actor. The London bridge wankers had spent enough time on their exit stratgy with their bogus bomb vests, ensuring only one realistic finale.Lidl terrorist arsehole.
I'm very glad that this most recent wannabe terrorist appears to have been massively, Four Lions level, incompetent/plain useless.

I know people were injured, some quite badly, but the whole thing could have ended up so much more horrible and destructive and with deaths :( :(
Much as the Four Lions is comforting, I think we should be very wary of it.

Firstly we, the public, do not know about the composition/sophistication of the bomb - we simply do not know if this a bucket of random chemicals created by a fuckwit that unsurprisingly failed to detonate, or a viable, sophisticated device that failed to achieve a full detonation for any of the reasons that a £100,000 Brimstone missile built by experienced, qualified, trained people in a perfect working environment can fail to detonate.

Secondly, while the Lidl bag thing is hugely funny as a metaphor for shit wannabe jihadis, perhaps we should take another angle - people on that tube train might have noticed a bloke wearing a bulky jacket or carrying a rucksack, but no one paid any attention to a no mark with a Lidl bag.

They may be learning, and adapting - which makes them clever. Which makes them dangerous...
Some responsible newspaper headlines from Desmond's papers as usual this morning. Shit stirring cunts.
I went straight to the Sunday Express expecting bile. The headlines, at least for me, were reviews of ballet and Opera. And Prince Andrew has ousted a royal flunky who tried to cut his daughters allowances. No overt shit stirring and no news on Maddie.
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I went straight to the Sunday Express expecting bile. The headlines, the system least for me, were reviews of ballet and Opera. And Prince Andrew has ousted a royal flunky who tried to cut his daughters allowances. No overt shit stirring and no news on Maddie.

Front covers of both Star and Express shown on the BBC website last night were going on about how the foster parents having their house turned over by the plod had looked after quite a lot of refugees, implying the person in custody might be one of those evil scroungers. Don't think that sort of speculation is needed, frankly.
2nd person arrested. A 21 year old in Hounslow. Is it not unusual to go this long without any names being mentioned?
2nd person arrested. A 21 year old in Hounslow. Is it not unusual to go this long without any names being mentioned?
If names mentioned then perhaps investigation imperilled. May be after a larger conspiracy so withholding some information and a word with the Americans to plug that leak.
Much as the Four Lions is comforting, I think we should be very wary of it.

Firstly we, the public, do not know about the composition/sophistication of the bomb - we simply do not know if this a bucket of random chemicals created by a fuckwit that unsurprisingly failed to detonate, or a viable, sophisticated device that failed to achieve a full detonation for any of the reasons that a £100,000 Brimstone missile built by experienced, qualified, trained people in a perfect working environment can fail to detonate.

Secondly, while the Lidl bag thing is hugely funny as a metaphor for shit wannabe jihadis, perhaps we should take another angle - people on that tube train might have noticed a bloke wearing a bulky jacket or carrying a rucksack, but no one paid any attention to a no mark with a Lidl bag.

They may be learning, and adapting - which makes them clever. Which makes them dangerous...

Very fair points. Thanks for the words of caution. True enough, we don't know at all whether it failed to go off through incompetence or some different reason.
Will help a lot. They would not place a bomb in a train.

"Sniffers" are programmed to sniff out commercial explosives. The explosives used in 2005 and at Parson's Green were home-made. You can't program to sniff them, because the recipes have so many variables.
Much as the Four Lions is comforting, I think we should be very wary of it.

Firstly we, the public, do not know about the composition/sophistication of the bomb - we simply do not know if this a bucket of random chemicals created by a fuckwit that unsurprisingly failed to detonate, or a viable, sophisticated device that failed to achieve a full detonation for any of the reasons that a £100,000 Brimstone missile built by experienced, qualified, trained people in a perfect working environment can fail to detonate.

Secondly, while the Lidl bag thing is hugely funny as a metaphor for shit wannabe jihadis, perhaps we should take another angle - people on that tube train might have noticed a bloke wearing a bulky jacket or carrying a rucksack, but no one paid any attention to a no mark with a Lidl bag.

They may be learning, and adapting - which makes them clever. Which makes them dangerous...

Yes, the thought of just any arsehole being willing to have a go isn't comforting at all...
2nd person arrested. A 21 year old in Hounslow. Is it not unusual to go this long without any names being mentioned?

Yes, seems unusual, and it's a good turn for information coming out and reporting to take IMO. Suspect it's a deliberate change in tack by the police etc..
Yes, seems unusual, and it's a good turn for information coming out and reporting to take IMO. Suspect it's a deliberate change in tack by the police etc..

Perhaps they have finally heard the old Mossad saying - the only way that two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead...
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Yes, seems unusual, and it's a good turn for information coming out and reporting to take IMO. Suspect it's a deliberate change in tack by the police etc..

It's not that unusual in a torror case, they have 14 days until they charge him/them.
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It's not that unsual in a torror case, they have 14 days until they charge him/them.

IIRC in all the recent attacks the names of the alleged/likely attackers have been over the press within hours. It seems different this time to me. Might be wrong though, haven't trawled through anything to confirm one way or another.
IIRC in all the recent attacks the names of the alleged/likely attackers have been over the press within hours. It seems different this time to me. Might be wrong though, haven't trawled through anything to confirm one way or another.

One risk with this approach is that it'll draw claims of a cover up, and various right-wing bellends will milk it with speculation this was a 'rapefugee' and the government is deliberately hiding the facts. The absense of facts leaves space for made-up bollocks.

Still a good thing though, may mean their name is forgotten sooner, might mean 'associates' aren't tipped off before the doers go through, and also other groups of murderous cunts might feel a bit uneasy in case it is some acquaintance of theirs in the cells dobbing them out.
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