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'Explosion' on Parsons Green tube train - injuries reported after terrorist incident

'Shall we all be italian communist insurgents now father?' etc etc

I know what I'm talking about


These are boys from Senigallia so good Italian Catholic Celts.
How is there not already a picture of the suspect doing the rounds? Considering the CCTV coverage on tubes it ought to be pretty easy to get an image. Very odd. :confused:
How is there not already a picture of the suspect doing the rounds? Considering the CCTV coverage on tubes it ought to be pretty easy to get an image. Very odd. :confused:
Maybe the police know who it is but they don't want everyone else - or rather specific people - to know who it is
Maybe the police know who it is but they don't want everyone else - or rather specific people - to know who it is

Or we hope that's what the delay is. I have a feeling they're still sifting thru all the recordings from all the stations. Must be so many recordings to go thru, cause they wouldn't know if the bomber got on from south to parsons green, or came from north and double back up, maybe waiting a while in Wimbledon. So that's an awful lot of images to go thru, looking for a Lidl bag, I presume, and then try and follow the trail thru. Will take a longtime, even though in the news they have drafted in a lot of extra officers to look at the recordings.

Good luck to them, sure hope they find the person(s) responsible.
. And we have to be scared of Terrorists because that's what is expected of us. How many cyclists have been killed this year? How many teenagers have been stabbed or shot?

I have one more thing to add. If they care about people, why the underground /trains gates don't have explosive sensors? If the terror threat is so high, why they do not take measures to stop it, especially on public transport where is the target? Do not just excuse and say sorry after the things are done. I agree, fight against terrorism using different methods but an important method is to take measures.
I have one more thing to add. If they care about people, why the underground /trains gates don't have explosive sensors? If the terror threat is so high, why they do not take measures to stop it, especially on public transport where is the target? Do not just excuse and say sorry after the things are done. I agree, fight against terrorism using different methods but an important method is to take measures.
How would that help?
If the kind of chemical sensors existed that could reliably detect bombs on public transport, they would have deployed them already.
Because it's fucking impossible to do that.

Whether or not it's literally impossible to prevent bomb attacks, by installing "explosive sensors" or otherwise, it would be both expensive and disruptive to put effective measures in place to stop potential terrorists bringing explosives on to Underground (or any other transport network).

Not a practical or realistic option IMO.
Why it's impossible? Why you think this? I spoke with another people and they agreed with the same thing

would they happen to know the name of this Explosive Sensor, or seen one work - or are they just witless idiots on Facebook who, when not asking why explosive sensors aren't put on trains, trawl the internet looking for a zoo that has unicorns?
Will help a lot. They would not place a bomb in a train.
Yes, but the trains would be empty. However, the huge crowds of commuters waiting to pass through the security scanners at the stations would make a juicy target.
I have one more thing to add. If they care about people, why the underground /trains gates don't have explosive sensors? If the terror threat is so high, why they do not take measures to stop it, especially on public transport where is the target? Do not just excuse and say sorry after the things are done. I agree, fight against terrorism using different methods but an important method is to take measures.
is there even such a thing as an 'explosives sensor'?
Are explosive sniffing dogs doable? Or too many different types of explosive?

They exist, as do explosive sensors. Haven't you had your bag/hands wiped at airport security? That's for traces of explosives.
Are explosive sniffing dogs doable? Or too many different types of explosive?

they are kind of doable, the problem is both the number of different types of explosive available, and the number of dogs it would take to search everyone who gets on the tube on a monday morning.

the wash out rate for Expo search dogs is fairly high, and each one needs an expensively trained handler. theres also the problem, as noted above, of target transfer: instead of targetting the tube, you target the huge number of people waiting to go through the explosive checks.

AQ made a habbit of this in Iraq, and very good at it they were too.
Why it's impossible? Why you think this? I spoke with another people and they agreed with the same thing

That is because quite a few stations are now unmanned, at least during certain times of the day, so the barriers are left open.

is there even such a thing as an 'explosives sensor'?

Have you not been watching CSI or NCIS??? :hmm::hmm:
Said stoped him in the port area of Dover, so presumebly he was on his/her way out the country. If so ruddy good work by the police to identify and be there to apprehend. Well done!! :)
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