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Cilla Black dies, 72

I always thought Mos Def sampled Cilla on his song Know That - always struck me as odd bedfellows. But now i delve deeper i realise its Dionne Warwick singing Anyone Who Ever Had a Heart, which makes more sense.
Its a bit sad that Paul O'Grady (who has some class consciousness and appears quite left wing), is apparently devastated by the Cilla demise.

Maybe its regional solidarity?
Or probably they didn't agree politically, so never discussed it, but were firm friends anyway. My friendship group features a lot of differing political views, "It takes every type of people (bah bah bah bah-bah, bubba bah bah) to make the world go round" as Robert Palmer pointed out in the 70s.
Or probably they didn't agree politically, so never discussed it, but were firm friends anyway. My friendship group features a lot of differing political views, "It takes every type of people (bah bah bah bah-bah, bubba bah bah) to make the world go round" as Robert Palmer pointed out in the 70s.

i suppose so. We are probably all the same in that regard, unless we are irridemeable (cant spell that) sectarians who only associate with iredeamable sectarians.

Mr O'Grady would probably distance himself from her politics if pressed.
i suppose so. We are probably all the same in that regard, unless we are irridemeable (cant spell that) sectarians who only associate with iredeamable sectarians.

Mr O'Grady would probably distance himself from her politics if pressed.

i suppose so. We are probably all the same in that regard, unless we are irridemeable (cant spell that) sectarians who only associate with iredeamable sectarians.

Mr O'Grady would probably distance himself from her politics if pressed.
Yeah, how many of the good folk of U75 put up with right-wing rhetoric for various fusty old tory-voting relatives at functions but love them anyway.

*Not me - my Dad seems more than ever to want to smash capitalism now he's retired and sits around his 4-bedroom detached house in Dorset.
Tbh its always a bit weird when celebrities from when you were a kid die.
Hmmm...not so sure about that froggy. Death is just a part of life and I'm wary of considering it weird. I suppose the thing about sleb deaths is that a 'product' is abruptly removed from the market.
I have read the thread - the charges seem to be a) A Tory b) friends with other celebs also Tory and mainly also from Liverpool c) not popular with users of a cabin crew forum d) not very nice to people.

On that basis some people on here must spend most of their lives sneering at dead people?

Not sure I’m sneering at Cilla but you can perm any two of the above and the chances are that I’d not like her.

All four and she’s definitely on my “couldn’t give a fuck list”.
When you consider the millions who toil in low paid yet crucial jobs, like street sweepers,binmen, careworkers, nurses and all the other necessary and useful tasks that actually contribute to a halfway civilized society, yet some fuckin nonentity of a talentless celebrity stacks up more wealth than many thousands of families can hope to earn in a lifetime. Obscene doesn't begin to cover it.
Poor Cilla struggling to decide which house to occupy for all those years


More ouses than a monopoly board, and more than any human being should ever be able to own. Fuckin shameless acquisitive property grabbing money grubbing leech.

tony blair has what is it Eight or nine now then there is the residents of the real benefits street the windsors all while we have people on the streets or with overpriced slum landlords
I remember she advertised Birdseye beefburgers back in the 70s. She should have been done for child abuse when feeding the vile things to her kids.
I remember she advertised Birdseye beefburgers back in the 70s. She should have been done for child abuse when feeding the vile things to her kids.
If I understand advertising correctly, she almost certainly didn't feed them to her own kids. She simply recommended everyone else feed them to their kids and treated her own kids to much better food off the profits.

NB: I know nothing of the quality of Birdseye beefburgers, they may be the staple of a very healthy diet for all I know. I'd be surprised, mind.
:eek: Fuck me, I never had equationgirl (who started this thread in this forum) down as a tool of the global conspiracy to divert the minds of the sheeple away from the real stories.

Mind you, I never had you down as the sort of tool who would go on about anyone diverting the minds of the sheeple away from the real stories either, so clearly I need to revise my opinion of at least one of you...
I just couldn't see any celebrating given that someone was bound to have her in the death pool.

Hive mind my arse :D
Yeah, how many of the good folk of U75 put up with right-wing rhetoric for various fusty old tory-voting relatives at functions but love them anyway.

*Not me - my Dad seems more than ever to want to smash capitalism now he's retired and sits around his 4-bedroom detached house in Dorset.
At least if my dad spouts tory rhetoric I tell him he's wrong, and give evidence supporting that view, he listens and then changes his views.
I wonder if her dear friend Cliff Richard will go to her funeral, or has he retired for ever to the Caribbean?
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