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I'm hoping that the more cosmopolitan Urban poster with a far greater social media presence than I would think it fit to spread this far and wide through their TikBook or TwitBok or FaceGraph accounts (or whatever the yoot deems cool these days)
That man's making a lot of sense.
Full Disclosure: I'm a patreon of his - granted only a tiny monthly amount, but I listen to his YouTube channel pretty much every day, and if I ever miss a posting I catch up.

Which means, I've listened to A LOT OF HIS posts - I can honestly count on the fingers of both hands the ones that I either disagree with or they've caused me to "raise an eyebrow and Hmmm!!" - some are so America-centric that I don't listen to all of if
Yep I've not watched too many but have agreed 100% with the ones I have seen. I particularly like it that he doesn't look like he'll have the opinions he does, so you'd hope that US conservatives will actually listen to him.
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