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Brexiteer Sir Jim Radcliffe plans tax exile

He doesn't seem to have got the message which people like Gates have received loud and clear which is that YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU!
He doesn't seem to have got the message which people like Gates have received loud and clear which is that YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU!

True, but they can leave it in their BVI trust fund for their offspring, still no nearer HMRC.

I still think back to a documentary, I think on the BBC, a few years ago, where they went to one of the overseas territories, and the political classes there said it was outside their control to close the loopholes, or words to that effect. The message was that the UK government could prevent this legal but "morally repugnant" (G. Osborne, 2011) practice.
Lewis Hamilton is also a resident of Monaco for tax purposes, he also bought an aeroplane vis an Isle of Man company to avoid paying the VAT.

It isn't just industrialists that change residency to pay tax.

In the case of Ratcliffe, I would rescind both his knighthood and citizenship were I able to do so. (He would no problem in obtaining Maltese citizenship, it is a purely financial transaction.).

On an aside, is it possible to legally be a citizen of nowhere?
Lewis Hamilton is also a resident of Monaco for tax purposes, he also bought an aeroplane vis an Isle of Man company to avoid paying the VAT.

It isn't just industrialists that change residency to pay tax.

In the case of Ratcliffe, I would rescind both his knighthood and citizenship were I able to do so. (He would no problem in obtaining Maltese citizenship, it is a purely financial transaction.).

On an aside, is it possible to legally be a citizen of nowhere?

Stateless people have a team in the Olympics.

Lewis Hamilton; his justification is that he is limited in the number of years he can earn. But he’s still earning more than he could ever need.

Ratcliffe, would go further, nationalise the cunt’s businesses with no compensation.
I'm not supporting Lewis Hamilton's blatant tax evasion, but he's worth a fuck sight less than this Radcliffe fella. He doesn't run a fracking company either (although he does drive a car with Ineos sponsorship).
I'm not supporting Lewis Hamilton's blatant tax evasion, but he's worth a fuck sight less than this Radcliffe fella. He doesn't run a fracking company either (although he does drive a car with Ineos sponsorship).

F1 drivers didn’t used to earn as much as Hamilton, who by some accounts is knocking on half a billion, so living in Monaco whilst they earned meant they kept it for a lush retirement, from age 40 or so.

The only justification that really works is that they don’t actually earn most of their dough in the U.K., so why should it be taxed here? Although the majority of F1 teams are based in the U.K., including Mercedes.
F1 drivers didn’t used to earn as much as Hamilton, who by some accounts is knocking on half a billion, so living in Monaco whilst they earned meant they kept it for a lush retirement, from age 40 or so.

The only justification that really works is that they don’t actually earn most of their dough in the U.K., so why should it be taxed here? Although the majority of F1 teams are based in the U.K., including Mercedes.

US citizens are taxed in the US on earnings earned anywhere IIRC, with a discount for tax paid elsewhere. That has always struck me as odd.
US citizens are taxed in the US on earnings earned anywhere IIRC, with a discount for tax paid elsewhere. That has always struck me as odd.

Odd? Good, more like. They do dodge tax though, see Trump's latest 'fake news'.

French citizens also can't benefit from living in Monaco.

Just why should anyone be able to benefit from being born, raised and earning in the UK without paying taxes here?

Odd? Good, more like. They do dodge tax though, see Trump's latest 'fake news'.

French citizens also can't benefit from living in Monaco.

Just why should anyone be able to benefit from being born, raised and earning in the UK without paying taxes here?

I would firstly take issue that there is particular benefit from being born in the UK.

Secondly, whereas I completely agree that money earned in the UK should be taxed at the relevant rate, I really do not see why the UK should benefit vicariously from money earned elsewhere. If you are living in another country, you are using the services of that country. You should seek citizenship in your new country though.
I would firstly take issue that there is particular benefit from being born in the UK.

What do you reckon the life-chances of either Hamilton or Ratcliffe if they were born in say, Burkina Faso? Does that place have go-cart tracks dotted around the nation, linked by an efficient motorway network, a society that enables a father with a relatively modest income to be able to allow his son to chase a career in motor-racing, not sure McLaren ran their Champions of the Future programme in sub-Saharan Africa either...

Of course there is massive advantage to being born in one of the 7 richest countries on earth.

Sasaferrato said:
Secondly, whereas I completely agree that money earned in the UK should be taxed at the relevant rate, I really do not see why the UK should benefit vicariously from money earned elsewhere. If you are living in another country, you are using the services of that country.

Ratcliffe, his fortune is made in the UK, by using workers brought in to the world by the NHS you fund, schooled by your taxes, they get to work on roads you pay for. He though is happy to not pay a fucking penny towards any of that, he leaves that to mugs like you, cos it will save him £4bn, out of his EDIT: >£21bn, my bad >£12bn, like he could ever spend anything like that. He's a greedy cunt who's laughing at you and me. Wetting himself at the thought of pensioners like you lining up to defend his right to have his fortune enriched at their expense.
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This is a nice touch from Knight of the Realm, Sir Jim: In March 2019 Ineos said it would close its Middlesbrough manufacturing plant unless it is allowed to ‘defer compliance’ with EU rules designed to prevent air and water pollution. An analysis of data from the Environment Agency (EA) also reveals the plant clocked up 176 permit violations between 2014 and 2017.
What do you reckon the life-chances of either Hamilton or Ratcliffe if they were born in say, Burkina Faso? Does that place have go-cart tracks dotted around the nation, linked by an efficient motorway network, a society that enables a father with a relatively modest income to be able to allow his son to chase a career in motor-racing, not sure McLaren ran their Champions of the Future programme in sub-Saharan Africa either...

Of course there is massive advantage to being born in one of the 7 richest countries on earth.

Ratcliffe, his fortune is made in the UK, by using workers brought in to the world by the NHS you fund, schooled by your taxes, they get to work on roads you pay for. He though is happy to not pay a fucking penny towards any of that, he leaves that to mugs like you, cos it will save him £4bn, out of his EDIT: >£21bn, my bad >£12bn, like he could ever spend anything like that. He's a greedy cunt who's laughing at you and me. Wetting himself at the thought of pensioners like you lining up to defend his right to have his fortune enriched at their expense.
Um... I did not defend him.
Lewis Hamilton is also a resident of Monaco for tax purposes, he also bought an aeroplane vis an Isle of Man company to avoid paying the VAT.

He initially went non-dom to Switzerland, but moved to Monaco when he realised the Alps were a bit boring.

It isn't just industrialists that change residency to pay tax.

Indeed, although they're probably most relevant on a thread about an industrialist.

On an aside, is it possible to legally be a citizen of nowhere?

That's what the UK government have attempted to do in the case of Shamima Begum. I'm not sure of her current status.
This is a nice touch from Knight of the Realm, Sir Jim: In March 2019 Ineos said it would close its Middlesbrough manufacturing plant unless it is allowed to ‘defer compliance’ with EU rules designed to prevent air and water pollution. An analysis of data from the Environment Agency (EA) also reveals the plant clocked up 176 permit violations between 2014 and 2017.
He really is utter filth. He should be put in village stocks for people to throw rotten cabbages at, not knighted. The cunt.
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