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Brexiteer Sir Jim Radcliffe plans tax exile


Well-Known Member
The Sunday times front page, couldn’t save the image on my phone. Click link to read full front page.

Shame original has been deleted as it was a close up of the whole article that was readible. I should have just screenshot it. I guess the Sunday times paywall people were not happy with the close up.
The only surprise here being that this particular oligarch had not already made such provision to dodge personal, wealth, property and corporate tax.

For the ultra-high personal net wealth backers of Brexit this is entirely consistent with the basis for their support.
If there was any equality in the world this "sir" would be taxed heavily. He is one of the people who are being supported and encouraged by the sacrifices most people have been forced to accept in the last 10 years of austerity. A period of hardship that has obviously not worked as the current shit-storm shows. I doubt he gives a flying one about anything unless it benefits his incredible wealth. Lets face it, he can and will go where he pleases and pay what he pleases.
If there was any equality in the world this "sir" would be taxed heavily.

My understanding is that those who mix in such circles value their ennoblements very highly. With that in mind, supposing the UK isn't going to drop the somewhat arcane honours system anytime soon, how about titles are removed from anyone emigrating in such a way? Include in that the non-domicile status.
My understanding is that those who mix in such circles value their ennoblements very highly. With that in mind, supposing the UK isn't going to drop the somewhat arcane honours system anytime soon, how about titles are removed from anyone emigrating in such a way? Include in that the non-domicile status.
That's far too logical. But maybe effective to show that a gong has to be maintained as well as earned. (Fucking snobby class system).
Never mind his title/ennoblement, upon departure his industrial assets should be taken into public ownership (I'm in a good mood so he can have reasonable compensation agreed by Parliament to count in his tax haven). Put bluntly, key industrial assets are too important to be left in the hands of relocating tax avoiders.

Labour could pledge this now. And they should legislate for it on day one.
Labour could pledge this now. And they should legislate for it on day one.

And they'd immediately be portrayed as anti-business and playing the politics of envy by large sections of the mass media. The tax arrangements of the Barclays, Murdoch, Desmond, Harmsworth, etc I've always thought are a key reason why tax avoidance, and particularly the UK's part in facilitating it, isn't spoken too often about outside of particular circles.
And they'd immediately be portrayed as anti-business and playing the politics of envy by large sections of the mass media. The tax arrangements of the Barclays, Murdoch, Desmond, Harmsworth, etc I've always thought are a key reason why tax avoidance, and particularly the UK's part in facilitating it, isn't spoken too often about outside of particular circles.

So what? Whatever they do will be portrayed as anti-business unless it directly corresponds to its interests, and how much sympathy do you think the public would give a rich tax dodger? The agenda on this stuff has shifted and the media narrative just doesn’t work on this type of issue anymore.

Finally, if labour is serious about intervening in the economy it’s got to start somewhere. If labour has got nothing to say about this type of tax dodging, if it hasn’t got a plan, to deal with strategically important sectors of the economy then it’s stated economic plan and NIB will collapse on intial impact.
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So what? Whatever they do will be portrayed as anti-business unless it directly corresponds to its interests, and how much sympathy do you think the public would give a rich tax dodger? The agenda on this stuff has shifted and the media narrative just doesn’t work on this type of issue anymore.

I don't think they'd get any sympathy, and nor do I think that it'd generate enough of a groundswell of disgust for legislators to do anything. A common response may well be, "They're selfish cunts, but I'd do the same if I could afford the accountants". I'd love to proven wrong.
And off the disgusting piece of shit goes.

Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the UK’s richest person and high-profile Brexiter, has quit Britain for tax-free Monaco.

Ratcliffe, a petrochemicals magnate with an estimated £17.5bn fortune, has this week officially changed his tax domicile from Hampshire to Monaco, the sovereign city-state that is already home to many of the UK’s richest people.

It has been estimated that the move will save him £4bn in tax payments. People who live in Monaco for at least 183 days a year do not pay any income or property taxes. The highest tax rate in the UK is 45% on income above £150,000-a-year.

And it would be very simple to stop people from being able to dodge their tax responsibilities in this way, an afternoon’s legislating and it’s done.

One other aspect to these Monaco cunts, the time they are allowed to spend in the U.K. is overnight stays, they can fly in every morning and leave again the same evening and that doesn’t count as having been in the country, the environment is especially grateful for that...
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