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Black and Track

You saw 'black' and the race sirens went off in your empty little head.

Stroll on, pet!
No dear, I think you should read the threads again, think about them long and hard and then think again.

It wasn't the word black at all.........check out which thread I first commented on. On second thoughts, don't bother you are far to immature and naive to give up you pathetic tirade.

So enjoy it.....You were doing so well for a time as well! :)

I must admit, I do actually fancy you. You know the boy in your class who was mean because he fancied you? That's me, I want to shower you with love, go for coastal walks together. You are my sun, stars and moon. You're my morning, day and night.

AFAIK, different sports tend to favour different physical attributes - body shape, type of muscle fibre, flexibility etc. There might be some genetic influence, but only in a statistical sense - as in some countries might have a relatively large group of people with predominantly long muscle fibre (built for long distance running and endurance events) but they will still have individuals with plenty of short muscle fibre also. The increased statistical chance of finding a champion might explain some of the differences across sports, but I doubt that it's very significant.

More likely, I think, is culture. When a country does well in a sport, more people become interested in that sport and the best talent (and funding) becomes available for it - other sports tend to suffer by comparison. Look at the British performances in rowing this year after Redgrave and Pinsent's efforts - not to mention cycling (which just managed to hang onto the Boardman effect via some skillful planning), and I predict a huge surge in swimming after Adlington's performances in the pool. African countries have a strong tradition in long-distance running, but the Caribbean is currently ridiculously strong in sprinting. Within mixed race cultures, there will still be this role-model effect as these countries are still very divided. Linford Christie inspired many young black sprinters - but will Adlington get black women into the pool?

This thread has degenerated so I probably shouldn't have bothered attempting a serious response. NM.
On slow internet so I can't read all of thread to see if this has cropped up.

Jon Entine wrote a shitload about this, including a few books:

From memory, I think he argued that nearly all sprinters have ancestors from one part of Africa, long-distance runners from another, and their dominance was related to their culture favouring certain evolutionary strengths. I also recall his writings causing some controversy.
Possible genetics advantages are a different issue from opportunity - for example, anyone know how many public swimming pools there are in the entirity of Africa (I wonder if there are more in London)?
Well im surprised no one has mentioned what Michael Johnson said after Bolt smashed the 100m final.....

He said something along the lines that the only man that is possibly faster than bolt will be found in the jungle somewhere...:hmm:.

yes he was excited, but jungle on the BBC in afternoon was quite a shocker- i spat out my beer:eek:
My youngest son asked me this question the other day and i pointed out to him that he wouldn't even mention it if the majority of sprinters were white !

I'm sure there is possibly a genetic part to it but also maybe black kids are expected to be good at certain sports and are encouraged from early on.......maybe not expected to be academic but good at sports, iyswim !

I know when i was at school the black girls i knew said they were only wanted when it came to athletics.........

I actually was thinking about this last night after watching the 100metres final.........is it because we still kinda value sporting prowess as a lesser thing as opposed to academics ? Does it really matter....if i had a kid who was extremely talented in sport why should they worry about other stuff ? (iyswim) We all have differing natural abilities.........

Well im surprised no one has mentioned what Michael Johnson said after Bolt smashed the 100m final.....

He said something along the lines that the only man that is possibly faster than bolt will be found in the jungle somewhere...:hmm:.

yes he was excited, but jungle on the BBC in afternoon was quite a shocker- i spat out my beer:eek:

It means that if there's anybody out there who can beat him, he is unknown to civilisation.

Nothing to do with race
AFAIK, different sports tend to favour different physical attributes - body shape, type of muscle fibre, flexibility etc. There might be some genetic influence, but only in a statistical sense - as in some countries might have a relatively large group of people with predominantly long muscle fibre (built for long distance running and endurance events) but they will still have individuals with plenty of short muscle fibre also. The increased statistical chance of finding a champion might explain some of the differences across sports, but I doubt that it's very significant.

More likely, I think, is culture. When a country does well in a sport, more people become interested in that sport and the best talent (and funding) becomes available for it - other sports tend to suffer by comparison. Look at the British performances in rowing this year after Redgrave and Pinsent's efforts - not to mention cycling (which just managed to hang onto the Boardman effect via some skillful planning), and I predict a huge surge in swimming after Adlington's performances in the pool. African countries have a strong tradition in long-distance running, but the Caribbean is currently ridiculously strong in sprinting. Within mixed race cultures, there will still be this role-model effect as these countries are still very divided. Linford Christie inspired many young black sprinters - but will Adlington get black women into the pool?

This thread has degenerated so I probably shouldn't have bothered attempting a serious response. NM.

On slow internet so I can't read all of thread to see if this has cropped up.

Jon Entine wrote a shitload about this, including a few books:

From memory, I think he argued that nearly all sprinters have ancestors from one part of Africa, long-distance runners from another, and their dominance was related to their culture favouring certain evolutionary strengths. I also recall his writings causing some controversy.

Possible genetics advantages are a different issue from opportunity - for example, anyone know how many public swimming pools there are in the entirity of Africa (I wonder if there are more in London)?
Some very good points made here and please don't believe my earlier 'racial wank off' comments were aimed at serious, intelligent posts.:)

I'm sure there is possibly a genetic part to it but also maybe black kids are expected to be good at certain sports and are encouraged from early on.......maybe not expected to be academic but good at sports, iyswim !
An aspect of it probably.

Does it really matter....
No, metalchik it doesn't and should. Which is kind of why the the tit for tat wankfest between the two threads irked me earlier.

I was making a point, clearly far too subtle for you, that IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.

Good fucking grief

I was making a point, clearly far too subtle for you, that IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.

Good fucking grief

NO- you assumed i took it as a racial connatation when actually hearing the term jungle on telly sounded wrong to me in this funny age of PC....whatever next poo poo, bum, titties......thats all....

I was making a point, clearly far too subtle for you, that IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.

Good fucking grief
The gentlemen doth protest too much it seems. :D

Good grief yourself!......Subtle? :) Subtle is not getting a bee in your bonnet and feeling the need to over do an obvious point and not come out willy waving, albeit for a reaction.

Now go and shout at someone who gives a shit. Really!
NO- you assumed i took it as a racial connatation when actually hearing the term jungle on telly sounded wrong to me in this funny age of PC....whatever next poo poo, bum, titties......thats all....

I don't think he was talking to you.
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