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Olympic Track & Field - aka Athletics thread

It that wasn't the laziest most lessez faire change over from 1st Brit runner to 2nd then I don't know what is. Once again displaying Ohrughu's thickness and selfishnes. She ran like an amateur in a suspiciously selfish way and did the changeover with a 'nah, I don't care, I got me medal' attitude.

I don't agree with that but I do agree she has a funny attitude on her shoulders. In both trackside and studio interviews, she comes across as a bit strange and as if she has some sort of ulterior thing going on. Maybe bitterness.
We lacked a bit tactically in the swimming marathon thing to which cost us gold both times. I dunno whats changed though.
No - the open water swimmers had brilliant tactics. They're pool swimmers, so the pool-like conditions in fresh water (less buoyant and harder work than sea water) favoured them. They're not tactically experienced and they're not used to breathing in choppy water so they chose to lead - giving the others the chance to hitch a ride, but allowing them to set a pace and be in with a chance at the finish.

I suspect that the girls intended to do what David Davies did and go for a bigger lead a fair way out, but they didn't manage to make a break. David's tactics were brave but brilliant. With 700m to go he got a 5m lead - meaning they no longer had his wake to pull them along and they had to work even harder to catch up. He was relying on being strong enough to keep a steady pace to the finish whilst his main threats were getting more knackered than usual and could not afford to drop back and hitch a ride off slower swimmers. If he hadn't taken the wrong course towards the end, he would almost certainly have won by a good margin. It was the best performance of the Olympics IMO.
I think the Africans race more maybe? On the European GP circuit?

Doing the time to be worthy of being in the race is hard enough; learning to race- dealing with the jostling and executing a specific race plan (and having a plan 'b') all within 3-4 mins has to be well hard.

in the 80s it was basically amateur, so the africans weren't that bothered about the circuit, now you have the golden league and that, more people are running, more money in the races, so poorer nations are more into it, i guess
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