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Olympic Track & Field - aka Athletics thread

Was just lurking on this thread (which is generally all I ever do, tbh), but felt I had to point out that the pole vault gold medallist broke the Olympic record, not the world record.

Bubka still holds the world record at 6.14m

I hope this is the case- I hero worshipped Bubka!

How many attempts were there?

Bubka's records always went up in tiny increments and he would still be competing way into the night!
every time he broke his world record at a grand prix event he was quids in - so he only ever did it a centimetre at a time :D
Oh I assumed from that, Bolt was on third, handed over the baton and continued chasing after Asafa and STILL beat the Dutch anchor man! )

Actually Now Ive written that all down, it seems a heck of a lot to assume! I need to watch the race :)
You were correct. Trippy didn't read the quote properly.

Mel, bolt wasn't the 4th guy but the 3rd, bbc fucked up.:D
No - they were pointing out that TWO Jamaican sprinters finished ahead of the Netherlands. ie, one helluva showboat from Bolt! :D
It's not unusual, I can remember US third leg sprinters continuing to charge down the home strait after handing the baton over. Makes sense if you want to share the joy asap after you've won
On the 0.3 knocked off the WR - Bolt knocked 0.16 off the 100m WR just strolling in - which he could not do in the relay, especially when he's not running the last leg. I don't think it's any surprise, especially with such a strong team overall.
It's not unusual, I can remember US third leg sprinters continuing to charge down the home strait after handing the baton over. Makes sense if you want to share the joy asap after you've won
Aye - but he did virtually stop and let most of the field past before picking up speed again (such a nice boy!). I love the way he charged over the line. :D
The mens was hilarious! Usain did come in 7th/or 8th! Fantastic:D

Heh! Loving the heavy accents in the interview! :D
Darren Campbell has kicked off about the sprint relay results. He blames head relay coach Michael Khmel after both mens and womens teams messed up.

I s'pose they were defending a title he helped win :(
Khmel, who coached Australia's 4x100m team, was brought in two years ago, an appointment Campbell disagreed with.

"Why is he here?" he said. "It's not rocket science, the set-up of the team was wrong. If you are asking why, then it has to be the coach, doesn't it?"

The retired athlete blamed Khmel for giving Pickering, 21, the responsibility of the final leg after the US had failed to progress from their semi-final. "With the Americans out, there was a medal," he said "It got to Pickering. He should not have been on that leg."

to be fair, campbell wasnt a member of the team as he's retired so you cant criticise him for giving his opinion
Campbell can say what he likes to be honest
The man isnt shy :D As both Dwain Chambers and Michael Johnson have previously found out! :D

I love his honesty and his passion- but his comments arent going to help Craig.
He's not blaming Craig Pickering though, he's just saying he shouldn't have been anchor
every time he broke his world record at a grand prix event he was quids in - so he only ever did it a centimetre at a time :D
Same thing with Isinbayeva - rumours say she cleared 5.10m a few times in practice, and just milks each centimetre for sponsor money every few months :D

I was expecting a crap pole vault final, but the Australian made it worth watching :) But I thought the bar could only be raised in 1cm increments after the 6m, or the winner can choose as he pleases for his last jumps?
He's not blaming Craig Pickering though, he's just saying he shouldn't have been anchor
Yeah I know. Darren probably even has a point, but criticising Khmel could have waited for the inquest back home.

Craig seems kind of introverted, takes himself and his running terribley seriously. He already blames himself, having a respected veteran questioning his place on the glory leg will hurt him, more than the 'what an anchor!' headlines back home.
They should have the runners from the qualifying heats actually on the podium - not just handed a medal in the changing room!

I learned Advance Australia Fair during the Athens Olympics, but now I find myself mumbling along to Jamaica Land I love!

I have ace lip-reading skillz :cool:
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