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Black and Track

The gentlemen doth protest too much it seems. :D

Good grief yourself!......Subtle? :) Subtle is not getting a bee in your bonnet and feeling the need to over do an obvious point and not come out willy waving, albeit for a reaction.

Now go and shout at someone who gives a shit. Really!

If you did not give a shit why did you all that time to collect quotes and come up with your little catty retorts?

You're a joke.
If you did not give a shit why did you all that time to collect quotes and come up with your little catty retorts?

You're a joke.

In case you didn't realise I wasn't talking to you or about you.
In fact, as normal, I only talk to you or about you when you start your pathetic chase around the playground.
btw I didn't claim it was especially subtle. Just too subtle for you going by your reaction to it.

Slight difference.
Yeah, yeah, whatever.:D
Backpeddle is a backpeddle, even when it's a slight one.

Thank you for telling me what my intentions were, even though I didn't realise that at the time I posted the thread and thought they were the precise opposite.

You are truly one of the most disgustingly dishonest posters on here.
Close to what wind? Sharing the opinion with other's that your an idiot?

My organ are is getting sore :(

(fnar fnar)
Thank you for telling me what my intentions were, even though I didn't realise that at the time I posted the thread and thought they were the precise opposite.

You are truly one of the most disgustingly dishonest posters on here.
Where as Firky...?
Thank you for telling me what my intentions were, even though I didn't realise that at the time I posted the thread and thought they were the precise opposite.

You are truly one of the most disgustingly dishonest posters on here.

Oh get real!:)

Dishonest? I am nothing of the sort as well you know.

I didn't like your copy cat thread because it over done an obvious point and invited the usual juvenile responses.

I have not told you what you think, just what I think, get over it!
Where as Firky...?


The argument I'm having with Rutita has nothing to do with him.

She's grabbed hold of the wrong end of the stick as usual and is now claiming I'm the one 'backpeddling' ie lying over what my intentions were this morning.
Oh get real!:)

Dishonest? I am nothing of the sort as well you know.

I didn't like your copy cat thread because it over done an obvious point and invited the usual juvenile responses.

I have not told you what you think, just what I think, get over it!

Fine. I shall expect another row based on an equally dishonest take on someone's opinion before too long. You do it all the time
I feel uncomfortable with hearing someone who was banned for a racist comment calling a black woman a monkey .. how about respecting the history of black people in this country and understanding that calling a black person a monkey might be a little loaded

I am not speaking for rutita1 .. but it brings back painful memories for me

The argument I'm having with Rutita has nothing to do with him.

She's grabbed hold of the wrong end of the stick as usual and is now claiming I'm the one 'backpeddling' ie lying over what my intentions were this morning.

The backpeddling comment was about you and the subtle comment.
I think your intention this morning was to wind up JC2 because his thread wound you up. He should have known better, and so should you...that's the only point i'm making.
Firky FFS you did this last year or later cant quite remember, and you got banned- whether you mean a monkeyorgans grinder or not you damn well know what you are trying to inscinuate......
Fine. I shall expect another row based on an equally dishonest take on someone's opinion before too long. You do it all the time

Where as you, have a completely unbiased response to anything I say? When have you ever given me a chance, ummm never?

Well that's not true is it? There was new years eve when you returned a hello and obviously didn't have the balls to tell me how disgusting I am. So don't call me dishonest, because had it been the other way round I would have had the maturity and honesty to tell you what I was thinking. Just as I have today. :)
He knows I don't suffer idiots easily, unlike yourself.
Im not fussed what you think.

What ever problem you have with Rutita, the words you wrote were foul and hateful.

I dont care what the issue is or what started it, I dont know Rutita from Adam, but the fact you seem to have no boundaries, no self control, no line which you wont cross to try to hurt her shows you in a very poor light.
Firky FFS you did this last year or later cant quite remember, and you got banned- whether you mean a monkeyorgans grinder or not you damn well know what you are trying to inscinuate......

Yeah, that's right. And in your head the guy who mentioned jungle was insinuating what exactly? :rolleyes: I really expected more than that of you, haylz. Manipulatation, eh? I know you have a habit of loyally defending some of the biggest idiots on urban but I didn't think you'd go to this level.

She is a fucking monkey. I play the same tune and she dances. A fucking monkey.
I was wondering why black people are rubbish at swimming too!

Lower body fat content, higher bone density = less buoyance = more effort put into staying afloat and subsequently less energy for speed.

Its physiologically simple.

Dunno about sprinting tho - can't think of any obvious physiological racial differences that would have an impact.
I dont get it, you attacked Stanley mercilessly this morning for the same thing you are doing now.

Yeah, Stanley, the same person who got banned and his posts deleted for telling a train driver, who had someone jump in front of his train and kill himself, that he should pull his socks up and his article in the experience was shit. Yeah, fucking great poster that.

Or how about the one where he mocks jefe for having depression just after his best mate died, eh?

You're another fucking idiot I take it or just fucking thick?
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