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Black and Track

Lower body fat content, higher bone density = less buoyance = more effort put into staying afloat and subsequently less energy for speed.

Its physiologically simple.

Dunno about sprinting tho - can't think of any obvious physiological racial differences that would have an impact.
*hauls thread back ...

Could the same physiological factors be beneficial for sprinting as they are detrimental to swimming? Not sure about body fat (but presumably less useless stuff to haul around is a bonus) - but higher bone density would allow athletes to train harder without injury, which would give an advantage in high impact sports involving lots of running and jumping.
It's only intensive training and split second timing that distinguishes the 'races' from each other. I think this just goes to show how similar we all are.

But for some reason, it's black people getting to the finish line first. Every time.

It makes one wonder.
It's only intensive training and split second timing that distinguishes the 'races' from each other. I think this just goes to show how similar we all are.

If group A got the highest scores on math testing every time, and group B consistently was close, but never first, would that also be an indication of how similar those two groups are?
it's usually fairly light brown people who win in the olympics, the dark black people rarely seem to enter, you usually see a couple making up the numbers in the long distance events but the black people who win them are different to the black people who win the short events

it's also worth observing that the black people who win the olympics are usually from countries which are or were run by white people like america, jamaica or england. this, along with white people being better at sports which require a bit of brainpower or dexterity shows that black people are bigger and stronger, but they don't have the brain power of whites. so it is actually for their own benefit that we colonised africa. if it wasn't for european empires they would still be eating each other instead of winning gold medals, I think the blacks owe us a huge debt of gratitude. and since we apologised for slavery i think they should apologise for eating our vicars in big cauldrons and wearing their top hats

i think asking why black people are good at this and white people are good at this is just stupid, if it makes you feel better having a similar skin colour to someone who is fairly succesful then you are heading for trouble imo. assigning characteristics to people based on race is trouble even if you see them as positive ones.

Dude, you have to work harder than this. You want to dumb it down a little so we don't recognize you,;but if you go to far with that, it just comes across as juvenile, like it does here.
Similar reason as to why the Pacific islanders, including the Maori, are so much better at rugby, and in particular the explosive bursts of power and speed required to excel at the sport, than Caucasians.

....But just as the evolutionary pressure was to become more muscular to survive the cold, the type of muscle fibre these early Polynesians built up is believed to have been fast twitch muscle fibres.

Although most skeletal muscles are a mixture of slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibres, Houghton says Polynesians have a predominance of fast twitch muscle fibres.

These are anaerobic, needing little oxygen to metabolise, enabling people to indulge in short bursts of energy and rest while the body reoxygenates. This is particularly suitable for sprinting, netball, rugby, weightlifting and boxing.

From here
There must be a reason.

It's the most obvious thing ever.

How long has it been since a white person won major olympic short distance running medals?

Really not looked it up 'cos I like to wing it sometimes but was it Alan Wells in '80 - thought he got the gold in Moscow when the Yanks didn't turn up
it's usually fairly light brown people who win in the olympics, the dark black people rarely seem to enter, you usually see a couple making up the numbers in the long distance events but the black people who win them are different to the black people who win the short events

Christine Ohuruogu

CHRISTINE OHURUOGU didn't look "fairly light brown" to me - and that's not me being racist but me trying to point out the flaws in your argument.
It wasn't actually an argument: it was a childish wind up.
Sorry - I fell for it - must right a message to myself - don't post on U75 when you've just polished off a bottle of red wine.

Sorry JC2 - I'll try to remember that lesson.

(If only you knew how many corrections of the last few posts I've made (like correcting remeber to remember, etc.) and i even had to correct that last sentence twice - think I'll think about going to bed !
Sorry - I fell for it - must right a message to myself - don't post on U75 when you've just polished off a bottle of red wine.

Sorry JC2 - I'll try to remember that lesson.

(If only you knew how many corrections of the last few posts I've made (like correcting remeber to remember, etc.) and i even had to correct that last sentence twice - think I'll think about going to bed !

Actually, one of my favourite things is polishing off a bottle of wine, then sitting down to post.

Big up to drunken posting!:)
Actually, one of my favourite things is polishing off a bottle of wine, then sitting down to post.

Big up to drunken posting!:)

I agree with that

it's a lot more fun when everyone is drunk :D

You have a bit of an unfair advantage being 5 hours behind tho cos everyone is finishing off just as you are starting. Especially against the English who are the Man Utd of being too drunk
I agree with that

it's a lot more fun when everyone is drunk :D

You have a bit of an unfair advantage being 5 hours behind tho cos everyone is finishing off just as you are starting. Especially against the English who are the Man Utd of being too drunk

It's actually eight hours behind, so just when everyone is getting up at 8, I'm happily typing away at midnight.
I don't know if this has already been covered but here is a quote from the Daily Mail

"The latest theory put forward by Dr William Aitken, head of urology at the University Hospital of the West Indies is a high level of testosterone in Jamaicans. He says it produces great sprinting but also the highest incidence of prostate cancer in the world, a high rate of traffic accidents and a high crime rate."

The last two are a bit questionable (could be due to other factors) but the prostate argument is interesting.
why are few chinese in the track & field events? is it because of their generally short stature and limbs?
Two reasons.

Firstly, they have no tradition in these sports; Chinese pastimes tend to focus on skill and a different sort of speed - martial arts, table tennis, etc. Liu Xang was such a disaster for them because his likely medal was expected to help convince Chinese kids that they could run and jump against Westerners just as well as they shoot and fight against them.

There has to be a secondly because they don't have much of a tradition in shooting or archery or gymnastics either - they've come from nowhere in many sports. But they've got the medals in the ones where hard work, technical mastery and the best foreign coaches money can buy are sufficient. Racing involves tactics and mind-games - and that's where experience matters. They don't have the depth of experience needed in athletics, swimming, rowing or cycling yet. They will, one day soon.
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