I thought the cherry season was finished, but here's Dishonest Joe, still picking away.
Not surprising it too a while for you to reply, as you had no answers earlier. I can't quite decide now if you're misunderstanding my argument deliberately or just because you're stupid. It's not a very difficult argument - the social democratic parties that continue to support a neo-liberal economic policy are still fucked. Many of them have been replaced by different social democratic parties - like in France. In a couple of cases the soc-dem party has managed to reinvigorate itself, like in Britain. Let's remember you said it was IMPOSSIBLE for Labour to increase its vote. You were clearly wrong about that, but are too childish to admit it.
I understand you are still annoyed at the failure of the IWCA, and your inability to account for it. It must be frustrating just having silly teenagers and retirees backing you up these days. But that's still no excuse to lie as blatantly as you have repeatedly on this thread.
Maybe you should try posting an opinion on another thread sometime, one where it might actually be relevant to the actual topic. I realise you wouldn't then be able to rely on your dwindling cohort of admirers to partake in a circle jerk with you, but, you never know, you might learn something.
Smear, lie deny. Your formula for debate. And just not you, because in all probability you have never had an original idea in your life. So in debating with you it is sort of a debate by proxy with the tendencies with which you identify.
So it's comes as no surprise you think you actually think you won the previous argument. In the same way you have no explanation for the rise of the Afd.
No analysis. Just more bluster.
In the same way the 'new authentic democratic Labour Party' refuses to allow a discussion on Brexit at conference. In other words just as top down as the old one.
But when challenged a spokesperson for Momentum flatly deny's that this is the case.
And although Labour lost the election by 60 seats, for you and them, that naturally is victory. So when a female BBC journalist challenges this narrative, such is the violence of the response she has to hire a body guard in order to go to the conference. So much for women's rights.
I could go on but it's unnecessary.
As near everyone else can see, all the lies and evasions, on this thread and elsewhere are all yours.
Finally, as AFA long predicted the far-right would inevitably emerge as a consequence of the many failures of the left.
Your response, just as with the controversy over the sacking Sarah Champion is to try and close down any discussion.
In the name of anti-fascism and democracy of course.
However as the march of the far-right continues to illustrate so vividly, the only people really being fooled by all the smears, lies and denials are in the long run, the perpetrators themselves.
In your own small way you personify this on here.