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BBC presenter suspended over paying for sexual pics.

Would be ironic if the Sun's attempt to see off the BBC (if that's what this was, at least in part), is what actually does for the Sun instead.
Did anyone see the tweet implying that this all gussied up by the Sun to take the heat off Boris the Johnson and his current legal troubles?

I wouldn't be surprised, except that having been fired BJ the human blowjob is on his way to being forgotten.
What current legal troubles? I'm not sure I'm totally up to date. He might've done something else since I last paid any attention. Are you referring to the decision that his WhatsApp messages about the Covid pandemic have to be turned over to the inquiry? Or has he been up to no good again since then?
There's a bit of bandwagon jumping happening.

There's a bit of bandwagon jumping happening.

You probably didn’t mean that disparagingly, but it’s a known effect that people who have been abused often won’t come forward until they know others have, because experiencing abuse has this shroud of isolation and shame that goes with it, and the power differential that’s implicit: will your own life be ruined? Will you be believed? What can the abuser bring to bear against me?

Like I said, we have to wait to see what he has to answer for, but it wouldn’t be surprising if these stories are true that more should come out.
You probably didn’t mean that disparagingly, but it’s a known effect that people who have been abused often won’t come forward until they know others have, because experiencing abuse has this shroud of isolation and shame that goes with it, and the power differential that’s implicit: will your own life be ruined? Will you be believed? What can the abuser bring to bear against me?

Like I said, we have to wait to see what he has to answer for, but it wouldn’t be surprising if these stories are true that more should come out.
Also it's been said several times, including on this thread that they are looking for some sort of 'payout'. That seems highly unlikely to happen in this case and seems more likely they are either just offering corroboration or feel able to talk about it because others have publicly. 'Bandwagon jumping' is the kind of thing you tend to read in Daily Mail comments.
I mean, there was that time I had a one night stand with a guy who was part of a group of us that used to hang out together. Who mentioned that he liked to wear adult nappies. Hence the one night stand.
I had a flatmate who used to breastfeed her boyfriend while singing him lullabies - one of their tamer activities. We (me and my other flatmate) didn’t know of this proclivity until we came home early to get something, and walked in on them. I did ask her to please not use the living room in future. Then we went back out, and laughed.

My judgement was only ever levelled at her directly because I discovered a broken bottle of perfume in my room. When I said I couldn’t understand how it happened, she said the two of them had christened every room, and they’d been aware that something had fallen in mine when they were in the throes of passion. Animals.
I had a flatmate who used to breastfeed her boyfriend while singing him lullabies - one of their tamer activities. We (me and my other flatmate) didn’t know of this proclivity until we came home early to get something, and walked in on them. I did ask her to please not use the living room in future. Then we went back out, and laughed.

My judgement was only ever levelled at her directly because I discovered a broken bottle of perfume in my room. When I said I couldn’t understand how it happened, she said the two of them had christened every room, and they’d been aware that something had fallen in mine when they were in the throes of passion. Animals.
An ex of mine chucked her vibrator out, after suspecting a friend of hers used it when house sitting/staying over.

Wasn't convinced, mean, who rummages through drawers and finds a sex toy and thinks "ooh, I'll give that a whirl?"
An ex of mine chucked her vibrator out, after suspecting a friend of hers used it when house sitting/staying over.

Wasn't convinced, mean, who rummages through drawers and finds a sex toy and thinks "ooh, I'll give that a whirl?"
Well after knowing she’d treated us so disrespectfully, we rummaged through her stash for a laugh, although we certainly didn’t use any of the many devices we found.
There used to be a stall in the indoor crappy bit of brick lane market, long gone long time ago, which sold second hand vibrators, and a couple of hairdryers etc but otherwise on the table just those, no packaging. Was a source of wonderment to me, where did he get them from and who bought them, equally mysterious.
An ex of mine chucked her vibrator out, after suspecting a friend of hers used it when house sitting/staying over.

Wasn't convinced, mean, who rummages through drawers and finds a sex toy and thinks "ooh, I'll give that a whirl?"
Brilliant! 🤩 I genuinely LOL’d at the “rummages through drawers” bit, top-tier Carry On oooh matron double entendre. 👏👏👏
I once pissed in someone's knicker drawer. I can absolutely blame the alcohol. I also accidentally shat on the stair carpet at the house of a one-night stand. Dodgy kebab the night before. Weirdly, she asked me back and it became a three or four night stand. Finally, she bit my banjo string off (revenge?) and I had to go to hospital. It all fizzled out after that.
What current legal troubles? I'm not sure I'm totally up to date. He might've done something else since I last paid any attention. Are you referring to the decision that his WhatsApp messages about the Covid pandemic have to be turned over to the inquiry? Or has he been up to no good again since then?
This is the tweet I was thinking of. What have the Pythons ever done for us?

There used to be a stall in the indoor crappy bit of brick lane market, long gone long time ago, which sold second hand vibrators, and a couple of hairdryers etc but otherwise on the table just those, no packaging. Was a source of wonderment to me, where did he get them from and who bought them, equally mysterious.
Second-hand vibrators 😄
I’ve been desperately skint at various periods of my life but I doubt I would’ve bought a s/hand vibe as an intimate gift for a significant other (or indeed for personal usage 🤔)
Did they come (sorry) with a service history, ‘one previous owner’, ‘previous owner a religious minister’ - or the equivalent of mileage?
I once pissed in someone's knicker drawer. I can absolutely blame the alcohol. I also accidentally shat on the stair carpet at the house of a one-night stand. Dodgy kebab the night before. Weirdly, she asked me back and it became a three or four night stand. Finally, she bit my banjo string off (revenge?) and I had to go to hospital. It all fizzled out after that.
This is the type of reminiscence that makes me realise I’ve led a very vanilla sex life, despite any beliefs to the contrary 😕
Second-hand vibrators 😄
I’ve been desperately skint at various periods of my life but I doubt I would’ve bought a s/hand vibe as an intimate gift for a significant other (or indeed for personal usage 🤔)
Did they come (sorry) with a service history, ‘one previous owner’, ‘previous owner a religious minister’ - or the equivalent of mileage?
This is the tweet I was thinking of. What have the Pythons ever done for us?

Yes, it does seem to have been put out there as a distraction - I do agree - but why would Murdoch be looking to defend de Pfeffel Johnson whose political career would appear (please G-d) to be in tatters?

Is it simply because Murdoch feels a close affinity or bond with Johnson, since both are utterly worthless, loathsome specimens of humanity
Yes, it does seem to have been put out there as a distraction - I do agree - but why would Murdoch be looking to defend de Pfeffel Johnson whose political career would appear (please G-d) to be in tatters?

Is it simply because Murdoch feels a close affinity or bond with Johnson, since both are utterly worthless, loathsome specimens of humanity
Any number of reasons, maybe - de Pfeffel knows where the bodies are buried, or he's being held in reserve in case of the setting of the Sunak. Or what you said about affinities and bonds (Roger Moore was the best, etc).
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