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BBC presenter suspended over paying for sexual pics.

I don’t know who he is, and I don’t know how torrenting works, but that sounds reasonable. Were it not for the fact that the article ends by saying:

Speaking after the sentencing, Holly Triggs, operations manager at the National Crime Agency, said: "Tom Binns deliberately collected a huge number of indecent images of children.”

When I worked for the police, cases like this always, often had a defendant claiming they didn’t know how computers really worked. But yet somehow thousands of child porn images manage to burn themselves onto DVD. Get moved from one folder to another. They were never mortified or outraged that this stuff had been found. As you might imagine someone innocent of this would react. Just very calmly pretending they didn’t know what they were doing. Made my blood boil. Fortunately I didn’t have to hear the descriptions of the images.
Find it hard to believe anyone would torrent porn when there is at least one legal and free website which has cut through into everyday consciousness enough to be featured in lots of stand up comedians routines

Unless of course they were looking for something else
To play devil's advocate for a minute, I guess if he was obsessively torrenting loads of adult content it would be entirely possible to download a number of archives of images without being aware of what they were, and perhaps never even opening them
Even if it were the case, the forensic experts employed by the prosecution would be able to proved that the images were accessed even if his defense is claiming he did it unwittingly.
Every file on modern file systems, has a modified, accessed, changed (mac) attribute. It’s a very easy argument to dismiss.
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