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BBC - Owen Jones


Video from Owen Jones telling everyone to vote. To sum up, society is run by an untouchable elite, and we must fight them and build a better society, and we must do this by voting in the election to endorse the continued dominance of that elite.

Worthy of a real party political broadcast. Here are some facts, and now here is a conclusion. Never mind that the one bears no relation to the other, just look at the pretty graphics and listen to my Churchill-esque rhetorical flourishes. Politicians divide us, scapegoat us, lie to us. So go out and vote for one of them :facepalm:
It is quite interesting that Owen Jones couldn't bring himself to say Vote Labour but just kept on about voting in general. He knows the doubts people have about the Miliband band even Guardian readers. He assumes that the unspoken message will meet less resistance than the crude slogan.
It is quite interesting that Owen Jones couldn't bring himself to say Vote Labour but just kept on about voting in general. He knows the doubts people have about the Miliband band even Guardian readers. He assumes that the unspoken message will meet less resistance than the crude slogan.

I guess even Jones doesn't have the temerity to complain about a corrupt political elite and then openly endorse the Labour party in the same breath. But that does seem to be what he's getting at so maybe he should just come out and say it.
It is cute he thinks working for the Guardian and being a regular media pundit on the BBC doesn't make him part of the establishment.

I do like some of his stuff this piece on English nationalism is good. Although I'm not sure why he wants to portray it in such a negative light.


I think more localised politics would be a good thing, because of that I doubt it'll happen.
Ian Bone just posted this

This is an extract from Owen Jones' article in tomorrow's Guardian about aspiration - let's get our fucking OJ banner out and show him wots wot - cunting little patronising shite!
"Let me sum up this argument, because it is going to be very prominent in the coming months and years. Yes, food banks and poverty pay are terrible blights, but they affect only a relatively small sliver of the population, who are in any case less likely to vote. Campaigns focusing on these forms of injustice depend too much on appealing to the empathy of others, and have little to say to middle-income workers. The desire to improve your lot in life is natural, and should be nurtured and encouraged, but Labour – and, more broadly, the left – fail to appreciate this."

Oj telling it like it is with no illusions
Ian Bone just posted this

This is an extract from Owen Jones' article in tomorrow's Guardian about aspiration - let's get our fucking OJ banner out and show him wots wot - cunting little patronising shite!
"Let me sum up this argument, because it is going to be very prominent in the coming months and years. Yes, food banks and poverty pay are terrible blights, but they affect only a relatively small sliver of the population, who are in any case less likely to vote. Campaigns focusing on these forms of injustice depend too much on appealing to the empathy of others, and have little to say to middle-income workers. The desire to improve your lot in life is natural, and should be nurtured and encouraged, but Labour – and, more broadly, the left – fail to appreciate this."

Oj telling it like it is with no illusions

Brilliant! Antisocialism.
I hear about this Max Keiser person from time to time. I know he is some kind of economist or something and he has been on TV from time to time, anyone know what he is all about? Is he another one of those American free market nutters?
How do we do it? It means a new form of community-based politics rather than a strategy of yet another leftwing rally followed by yet another A to B demonstration. Do I have the answers to how this could be done? No, but that’s where the debate must surely be. Look to Podemos in Spain. They abandoned the old shackles of the left – the terminology and rhetoric from a different era – and they started to win. Some on the left are all too accustomed to losing; it’s almost become comforting. The rest of us have to change, just like Podemos, or we will die.


Is Owen calling for a new formation or just another Peoples Assembly?
Is Owen calling for a new formation or just another Peoples Assembly?

Neither as far as I can see.

I'm more interested in his view that 'a new form of community politics' is needed and that the left needs to abandon strategies involving rallies and demos. How he develops this argument - whilst remaining tied to the apron strings of new Labour - will be fascinating.
Less than a week after demanding a new politics based around community:


Are there 2 Owen Jones' or is there just one who is all over the fucking shop :hmm:
There is, like many in the labour party who feel a personal need to maintain their self-image as the radcialist of the radical, a number of faces they present depending on the audience. They never add up to the whole well integrated psyche they are intended to defend/produce.
There is, like many in the labour party who feel a personal need to maintain their self-image as the radcialist of the radical, a number of faces they present depending on the audience. They never add up to the whole well integrated psyche they are intended to defend/produce.

Except these are two columns in the same paper aimed at the same guardianland readership.

Last week - we need to learn from Spain, we need to abandon demos/rallies/zomble left politics, we need to engage people where they are - in their communities
This week - Jeremy Corbyn getting 30 odd nominations is the decisive task for the left.
Except these are two columns in the same paper aimed at the same guardianland readership.

Last week - we need to learn from Spain, we need to abandon demos/rallies/zomble left politics, we need to engage people where they are - in their communities
This week - Jeremy Corbyn getting 30 odd nominations is the decisive task for the left.
Different contexts at different times - one immediately post labour defeat and directed to the wider movement (through the windows of the guardian onto social media), one to the labour membership just simply through the paper. Two faces of the same animal.
Different contexts at different times - one immediately post labour defeat and directed to the wider movement (through the windows of the guardian onto social media), one to the labour membership just simply through the paper.

Setting out 2 fundamentally contradictory messages - he's a genius.
Setting out 2 fundamentally contradictory messages - he's a genius.
Not ness contradictory (at least not theoretically, though they are in reallife), but close enough to emphasise one aspect to one audience and another to the other - all thing to all people. Though of course the latter message here is the dominant and context setting one.
Except these are two columns in the same paper aimed at the same guardianland readership.

Last week - we need to learn from Spain, we need to abandon demos/rallies/zomble left politics, we need to engage people where they are - in their communities
This week - Jeremy Corbyn getting 30 odd nominations is the decisive task for the left.

In honour of how he the thinks the "left" won "it" for Corbyn I think he needs another poster or mug.
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