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"Banks create money out of nothing" - Guardian

Incidentally, I seem to remember in good old economics that a government just printing money was inflationary, and that whenever governments printed money they were accused of poor economic judgement for that reason.

There's seldom any mention of inflationary effects with 'quantitative easing', perhaps giving it a new name avoids all that.

mv=pt by any chance?
I think with Jazzz its a kind of religious mania at work rather than a political campaign or consciousness.
So someone can have a load of racist beliefs (Jews control the world, Obama is a fake etc) but not be racist?
I think when someone consistently posts links to anti-semitic and fascist ideas, we can draw some kind of conclusion from it.
I tend to draw the conclusion that his "cause/s" are more important to him than whether or not they are racist/fascist in origin (and that he doesn't think they are anyway); and that he has probably decided that because he has a Jewish heritage that he is exempt from being a racist/fascist and that he doesn't need to worry too much about it. Or that he has been worried about it, but satisfied himself in a self selecting manner that there are no grounds to what has been pointed out to him over and over again.

Delusional rather than intentional, if you like. (Sorry Jazzz, I know that sounds harsh).
I used to think that. It's just too consistent though. Why is he drawn to stuff that just happens to be far right in origin? Accident? Why do we not see a mixture of political positions then?
I think it's deliberate he has had the anti semitic nature of his sources and in some cases friends pointed out to him time and time again, yet still continues. If the hat fits it's because he took it off the peg, carefully measured his head and restitiched it to fit.
I used to think that. It's just too consistent though. Why is he drawn to stuff that just happens to be far right in origin? Accident? Why do we not see a mixture of political positions then?
Because he's a conspiraloon - and conspiraloonacy can overwhelmingly be traced back to racists. But as he nevber ever does any actual fact checking, or research, he never ever gets far enough to realise that. Of course, we all tell him, but we're all sheeple, so we would, wouldnt we? He might, occasionally, be annoyed at the fact that its racists who are the proponents of his favourite theories, but that fact is secondary to the theories themselves, which are so important they trump everything.

In essence, he just doesnt get it. Christ, look at the nonsense he argues, its clerly never ever really thought out or thought through. He's a de facto racist, because it is where he always, unconsciously, comes from. But I doubt he is an explicit, purposeful one. Not sure which is worse.
Because he's a conspiraloon - and conspiraloonacy can overwhelmingly be traced back to racists. But as he nevber ever does any actual fact checking, or research, he never ever gets far enough to realise that. Of course, we all tell him, but we're all sheeple, so we would, wouldnt we? He might, occasionally, be annoyed at the fact that its racists who are the proponents of his favourite theories, but that fact is secondary to the theories themselves, which are so important they trump everything.

In essence, he just doesnt get it. Christ, look at the nonsense he argues, its clerly never ever really thought out or thought through. He's a de facto racist, because it is where he always, unconsciously, comes from. But I doubt he is an explicit, purposeful one. Not sure which is worse.
I think the one blurs into the other, especially after all this time.
Its yet another of the hings he has (deliberately) blinded himself to. In order to believe what he believes, he has to be blind to, well, most things.
Obviously Jazzz is not a Fascist:

1. He's Jewish
2. No-one has ever accused him of, you know, actually saying or doing anything remotely racist or Fascist.
3. The sites he links to are not racist or anti-semitic, they are conspiracy theorists.

End of discussion, should be.
Obviously Jazzz is not a Fascist:

1. He's Jewish
2. No-one has ever accused him of, you know, actually saying or doing anything remotely racist or Fascist.
3. The sites he links to are not racist or anti-semitic, they are conspiracy theorists.

End of discussion, should be.
If a site contains large amounts of racist and/or anti semitic material its seems fair to call them racist and/or anti semitic.

Really not that hard a concept to get your head around.
1. - estimated 10,000 Jewish members of the Italian Fascist Party in 1938
2. - yes they have - see discussions around the Protocols in particular
3. - yes they are
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