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"Banks create money out of nothing" - Guardian

It's built on bullshit and leaves it open to abuse. You're right in that it's no worse than other aspects of capitalism, but guess what ? I'm anti-capitalist generally, so why shouldn't we be critical of fractional reserve banking, and look for alternatives ?
There is absolutely nothoing wrong with doing this. It's quite a sensible thing to do. But surely a more relevant question is, 'would it be sufficient to change the endemic corruption at the heart of the banking system, and is it the driving force of the banking system?'

And the answer is 'No.'

Yes, fractional reserve banking is an example of the systems bullshit, but its not - despite what Jazzz and the naive liberals of the positivemoney.org lot - the driving force, or central determinant.
Blagsta you seem more obsessed with this whole Jew thing than pretty much any other poster I've seen on this site, seriously wtf ? :confused:

I don't think it applies here, but I've noticed a tendency in the USA recently to suggest that anti-capitalism is necessarily anti-semitic. You can sort of see how such an argument could be made plausible...
This article by this awful woman has nothing whatsoever to with fractional reserve banking. It's to do with fictitious capital, credit money and the velocity of circulation.
This article by this awful woman has nothing whatsoever to with fractional reserve banking. It's to do with fictitious capital, credit money and the velocity of circulation.
It reads to me like something written by someone who's just discovered Minsky and the endogenous theory of money creation, but hasn't absorbed it properly yet.

itwillnotwork outlined this position more accurately earlier in this thread.
I could also mention his 'research associate' being exposed as a pretty famous holocaust denier.

He really got the pip when Kollerstrom got kebabed by Urbs too.
Oh well, I'm off to Poland. I fancy using the inmates' swimming pool at Auschwitz.

Is this your first time on a jazzz thread or something itwillneverwork? :D Pick almost any thread he's started and this sort of slack source-checking is very evident.

That's a problem with being a believer in almost any faith.
It reads to me like something written by someone who's just discovered Minsky and the endogenous theory of money creation, but hasn't absorbed it properly yet.

itwillnotwork outlined this position more accurately earlier in this thread.
What she's just read is the positive money stuff - that's plain as day by her quotes. I'd be very surprised if she went anywhere near Minsky.
"Banks create money out of nothing" - Guardian

In other news: 3rd Reich Launches Invasion Attempt On USSR: "This could go badly for the little Austrian" say analysts.
Three people enjoy a meal at a Thai restaurant. The waiter brings the bill for £30 so each person pays £10.
Later the chef realises that the bill should have only been £25 so she sends the waiter back to the table with £5. The waiter was not very good at Maths and could not figure out how to divide the £5 so he gave each person a £1 and kept £2 for himself.
So....the three people have paid £9 each for the meal.
The waiter kept £2
27+2 = £29
What happened to the other pound?

That proves that money is magic and just, like, appears and dissapears and stuff sometimes.
Out of the original £30

The restaurant ends up with £25

The waiter ends up with £2

The three people end up with £1 each

£25+£2+£1+£1+£1 = £30

(the waiters £2 comes out of the £27 that the people paid, so you can't add it on to it again, there's no mystery)
I see the lizards have left their mark on you.
Three people enjoy a meal at a Thai restaurant. The waiter brings the bill for £30 so each person pays £10.
Later the chef realises that the bill should have only been £25 so she sends the waiter back to the table with £5. The waiter was not very good at Maths and could not figure out how to divide the £5 so he gave each person a £1 and kept £2 for himself.
So....the three people have paid £9 each for the meal.
The waiter kept £2
27+2 = £29
What happened to the other pound?

That proves that money is magic and just, like, appears and dissapears and stuff sometimes.
of course that would never happen because chefs never deal with bills in restaurants.

and the restaurant would have kept the fiver and the stupid situation you outline would thus certainly never have occurred.
Incidentally, I seem to remember in good old economics that a government just printing money was inflationary, and that whenever governments printed money they were accused of poor economic judgement for that reason.

There's seldom any mention of inflationary effects with 'quantitative easing', perhaps giving it a new name avoids all that.
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