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Are you excited by the new blue British passports (made in Poland)?

Is it a consequence of the political direction of last few decades, the atomisation and individualisation and obsession with culture, that means everybody ignores the material stuff and instead bangs on about feeling european or what colour their passport is or whatever, or was it always like this
I cant remember either protests or dancing in the street either over losing our sovereignty or becoming proper European when the EU passports came out in 1988*

Edited due to Pickmans correctly spottong the wrong daye in my original post
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Because she’s the one in day to day care of the child and should know when her passport expires. Your original post blamed the father for not knowing when the kid’s passport expires but you’re reluctant to say the same of the mother despite the kid being in her primary care.
Our daughter's passport expired without us noticing (or rather, we forgot the kids' passports would expire sooner than ours). She had to miss out on a school trip because it just totally slipped our minds.
It's indicative of the total disconnect between the two sides of this argument that the made in Poland bit of the thread title is seen as an eye-rolling irony by one side, and the procurement rules that meant a Polish company won the contract is seen as yet another reason to leave by the other.
It's indicative of the total disconnect between the two sides of this argument that the made in Poland bit of the thread title is seen as an eye-rolling irony by one side, and the procurement rules that meant a Polish company won the contract is seen as yet another reason to leave by the other.
Not forgetting the Blairites who silently feel vindicated for their support for neo liberal reallocation of resources to Poland.
I had one of those then I went to France in 1992. Proper flimsy looking thing.
When I was even younger I think I just traveled on my Mum or Dad's passport.
Up to 3 children under 16 could be listed on a parent's passport, they were just a single line per child with minimal details and we had the 3 elder ones listed on their Mum's, it was stopped in 1998 supposedly to cut down on child abductions.
TBF they did have a point, we went to Portugal in 1997 and the flight back was about 2am, The 2 elder kids (9 and 7) were like the Walking Dead at the airport and youngest daughter at the time, (not quite 4) fell asleep on the bus, I carried her off the bus, through check-in, security and onto the plane without her once stirring. She looked (still does) like her mum and sister, but the only documentary proof she was ours was that one line on the bottom of Mrs Q's passport and no-one questioned us, we could have been carrying a drugged child rather than a very tired one.
And did her whole world come to an end as a result, as Proper Tidy's Twitter mates seem to think would happen to the 14 year old in the US, or was she disappointed for a while until she got over it and got on with other stuff?

Teens are well noted for their mental stability and fortitude so sure she was fine.

Just expect a hefty psychiatrists bill in 10 years or so.
It's indicative of the total disconnect between the two sides of this argument that the made in Poland bit of the thread title is seen as an eye-rolling irony by one side, and the procurement rules that meant a Polish company won the contract is seen as yet another reason to leave by the other.
View attachment 199661

A true victory for the common man.

like i said.
It's indicative of the total disconnect between the two sides of this argument that the made in Poland bit of the thread title is seen as an eye-rolling irony by one side, and the procurement rules that meant a Polish company won the contract is seen as yet another reason to leave by the other.
Waving not drowning/ Drowning not waving syndrome
And did her whole world come to an end as a result, as Proper Tidy's Twitter mates seem to think would happen to the 14 year old in the US, or was she disappointed for a while until she got over it and got on with other stuff?
I still think you are really minimising the effect this would have on the poor kid.
And did her whole world come to an end as a result, as Proper Tidy's Twitter mates seem to think would happen to the 14 year old in the US, or was she disappointed for a while until she got over it and got on with other stuff?
It was actually a silver lining - if we hadn't had that happen in April, we would have fucked up our actual family holiday a few months later - imagine rocking up to the airport and only then discovering all three kids had expired passports. :eek:
I still think you are really minimising the effect this would have on the poor kid.
Perhaps, but reading a lot of the comment here you'd be forgiven for thinking that this will send her into rehab as an emotional wreck. I genuinely doubt that, as does her father, clearly. All this 'shit parenting' nonsense that's been spilling out here and elsewhere is hysterical crap. The kid missed a holiday, the same as Buddy Bradley's kid. She'll get over it. Move on.
Anyone thinking of framing their burgundy/red/pink/wtf EU passport above their fireplace yet?

No. Not convinced that's going to impress Border Control if/when I next attempt to travel beyond/return to the UK.
Perhaps, but reading a lot of the comment here you'd be forgiven for thinking that this will send her into rehab as an emotional wreck. I genuinely doubt that, as does her father, clearly. All this 'shit parenting' nonsense that's been spilling out here and elsewhere is hysterical crap. The kid missed a holiday, the same as Buddy Bradley's kid. She'll get over it. Move on.
Fairy nuff :)
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