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Are you excited by the new blue British passports (made in Poland)?

Its not particularly different - Most current/modern passports are designed to conform to the UN/IACO specifications for air transit - in size, information contained and readability (machine or otherwise) - The IACO being of course an international body based in Montreal, Canada.

The old passport was a very deep blue, although it looked black in some light conditions.
And I guess nobody will pull this for misogyny because it's a tory you're referring to. :rolleyes:
It's more likely that it won't be called misogyny because it isn't. The poster could equally have applied that wording to a man.
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these passports have been issued for quite some time already, marty1. it's not like your son's among the first to receive them as this rather banal bbc story from last april shows.

Didn’t say he was - just thought it relevant to this thread.

Did you think I was attempting some sort of early inside scoop? :facepalm:
It's more likely that it won't be called misogyny because it isn't. The poster could equally have applied that wording to a man.
We've had this bollocks about a million times before on here. The fact that it can also be used towards men does not rid it of its misogynistic associations when used towards women.
Its casual use can be hard to adjust to if your culture categorises it as a serious, misogynistic slur. In dialects where cunt is less taboo, it’s often used of men, typically as an insult but also with affection. That doesn’t rid it of its gender-markedness, though (any more than “guys” has become gender neutral) simply because some people use it that way. As Lynne Murphy writes, “The shift from feminine to masculine in British English is part of a more general tendency to use words for women (or our parts) as the ultimate way to put down a man. Which sums up the status of womanhood in our culture rather neatly.”
We've had this bollocks about a million times before on here. The fact that it can also be used towards men does not rid it of its misogynistic associations when used towards women.
Thanks for explaining that for me but I disagree.
I can assure you that to a Scot it's not gendered. British English my arse (or indeed cunt).
It isn't necessarily gendered (as far as targeting is concerned) to many. The point is that it doesn't necessarily have to be for it's use in other contexts to exemplify misogyny.
And I guess nobody will pull this for misogyny because it's a tory you're referring to. :rolleyes:

Of course they won’t - but just imagine someone referring to say, Dianne Abbot or RLB as a ‘horrible cunt of a woman’ - the place would erupt no doubt in a sea of virtue.
Not even in the top ten imo

The reason he's such a big cunt is because he's not even trying. He's just blatant. There's no cover. No light trolling. Just blatant 'hi, I'm Marty, I'm a cunt'. At least the others trolled us for a while. This one is just a right old cunt.

Also blagged the username of one of our best, just to be even more of a cunt. The cunt.
Why made in Poland? Can't we even make Passports here anymore?
The UK firm who makes them, De La Rue, got outbid by a French firm, Gemalto, in a competitive tender. Because the UK was part of the EU at the time of the tender it was subject to EU law and could not descriminate against a company from another member state. Much of Gemalto's manufacturing operation is based in Poland.
Why made in Poland? Can't we even make Passports here anymore?
All government contracts for EU members states worth over a certain amount (it varies by sector) have to be put out to competitive tender across the European union, and the British company in the running was outbid by a French/Polish company. This restriction has always been one of the key complaints of brexit supporters, so it seems a really odd thing for anti-brexit people to be laughing about now.
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